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Testing migration summary 2023-06-19 (Monday)

On 2023-06-19 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                version                         previous
  berkeley-abc                  1.01+20230520gita5a6254+dfsg-1  1.01+20221019git70cb339+dfsg-4
  ethtool                       1:6.3-1                         1:6.1-1
  fonts-crosextra-carlito       20230309-1                      20220224-1
  gst-plugins-ugly1.0           1.22.3-2                        1.22.0-2
  numix-gtk-theme               2.6.7-7                         2.6.7-6
  platformdirs                  3.5.3-1                         2.6.0-1
  pykdtree                      1.3.7+ds-1                      1.3.6+ds-1
  python-deprecated             1.2.14-1                        1.2.13-3
  python-docstring-to-markdown  0.12-1                          0.11-2
  python-dotenv                 1.0.0-1                         0.21.0-1
  python-geojson                3.0.1-1                         3.0.0-1
  python-geotiepoints           1.6.0-1                         1.5.1-1
  python-lsp-black              1.3.0-1                         1.2.1-2
  python-pip                    23.1.2+dfsg-2                   23.0.1+dfsg-1
  python-pyproj                 3.6.0-1                         3.4.1-1
  python-typing-inspect         0.9.0-1                         0.8.0-1
  python-virtualenv             20.23.0+ds-2                    20.17.1+ds-1
  python-zeroconf               0.66.0-1                        0.47.3-1
  rope                          1.8.0-1                         1.7.0-1
  ros-rosinstall-generator      0.1.23-1                        0.1.22-3
  ruby-et-orbi                  1.2.7-2                         1.2.2-1
  ruby-jwt                      2.7.0-2                         2.5.0-1
  ruby-loofah                   2.21.3-1                        2.19.1-1
  ruby-openid-connect           1.3.0-2                         1.2.0-2
  rust-grep-matcher             0.1.6-1                         0.1.5-2
  sdop                          1.10-2                          0.90-2
  sogo                          5.8.2-1                         5.8.0-1
  sope                          5.8.2-1                         5.8.0-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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