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Testing migration summary 2022-12-06 (Tuesday)

On 2022-12-06 (Tuesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                                version                              previous
  alsa-ucm-conf                                 1.2.8-1                    
  avce00                                        2.0.0-9                              2.0.0-8
  bibledit                                      5.0.992-1                            5.0.990-1
  cat-bat                                       5.2.3-2                              5.2.3-1
  cftime                                        1.6.2-3                              1.6.2-2
  checker-framework-java                        3.0.1+ds2-4                          3.0.1+ds2-3
  chromium                                      108.0.5359.94-1                      107.0.5304.121-1
  circlator                                     1.5.6-7                              1.5.6-6
  cmor                                          3.7.1-1                              3.7.0-1
  cpp-httplib                                   0.11.3+ds-1                          0.11.2+ds-1
  cpustat                                       0.02.18-1                            0.02.17-1
  daps                                          3.3.2+cleaned1-3                     3.3.2+cleaned1-1
  darkradiant                                   3.7.0-1                              3.4.0-1
  deepin-movie-reborn                           5.10.8-2                             5.10.8-1
  django-sass                                   1.0.0-3                              1.0.0-2
  e00compr                                      1.0.1-7                              1.0.1-6
  eiciel                                        0.10.0~rc2-1                         (not in testing)
  ell                                           0.54-1                               0.53-1
  faultstat                                     0.01.08-1                            0.01.07-1
  firewalld                                     1.2.2-1                              1.2.1-1.1
  freexl                                        1.0.6-2                              1.0.6-1
  fuzzel                                        1.8.2-2                              (not in testing)
  g810-led                                      0.4.3-1                              0.4.2-2
  gajim                                         1.5.4-1                              1.5.3-1
  gap-design                                    1.7+ds-3                             1.7+ds-2
  gap-grape                                     4.8.5+ds-3                           4.8.5+ds-2
  gap-laguna                                    3.9.5+ds-2                           3.9.5+ds-1
  gap-scscp                                     2.3.1+ds-3                           2.3.1+ds-2
  gap-sonata                                    2.9.4+ds-2                           2.9.4+ds-1
  gap-toric                                     1.9.5+ds-2                           1.9.5+ds-1
  geary                                         43.0-1                               (not in testing)
  geolinks                                      0.2.0-6                              0.2.0-5
  gmt-gshhg                                     2.3.7-6                              2.3.7-5
  gnome-shell-extension-vertical-overview       10-1                                 9-3
  golang-github-antlr-antlr4                    4.11.1+ds-2                          4.7.2+ds-2
  golang-github-aquasecurity-table              1.8.0-3                              (not in testing)
  golang-github-blackfireio-osinfo              1.0.3-2                              (not in testing)
  golang-github-casbin-casbin                   2.58.0-1                             (not in testing)
  golang-github-digitalocean-go-libvirt         0.0~git20221122.e3cbf86-1            0.0~git20221025.b17d505-1
  golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt                  4.4.3-1                              4.4.2-1
  golang-github-ivanpirog-coloredcobra          1.0.1-3                              (not in testing)
  golang-github-juju-collections                1.0.1-1                              1.0.0-1
  golang-github-juju-testing                    1.0.3-1                              1.0.2-1
  golang-github-klauspost-cpuid                 2.2.1-1                              2.2.0-2
  golang-github-minio-minio-go-v7               7.0.45-1                             7.0.43-1
  golang-github-rabbitmq-amqp091-go             1.5.0-2                              (not in testing)
  golang-github-sercand-kuberesolver            3.1.1-1                              3.1.0-2
  golang-github-texttheater-golang-levenshtein  1.0.1-2                              (not in testing)
  google-oauth-client-java                      1.34.1-2                             1.34.1-1
  gtkmm4.0                                      4.8.0-3                              (not in testing)
  h5utils                                       1.13.1-5                             1.13.1-4
  haskell-gi-dbusmenugtk3                       0.4.12-1                             (not in testing)
  haskell-gi-gtk                                3.0.39-1                             (not in testing)
  haskell-gi-gtk-hs                             0.3.13-1                             (not in testing)
  haskell-gi-vte                                2.91.30-1                            (not in testing)
  haskell-gtk-strut                                               (not in testing)
  iwd                                           2.0-1                                1.30-1
  jamulus                                       3.9.1+dfsg-1                         3.8.2+dfsg-1
  jmapviewer                                    2.16+dfsg-2                          2.16+dfsg-1
  libapache2-mod-tile                           0.6.1-2                              0.6.1-1
  libbpp-phyl                                   2.4.1-8                              2.4.1-7
  libcomps                                      0.1.19-1                             0.1.15-5
  libdate-manip-perl                            6.90-1                               6.89-1
  libgeotiff                                    1.7.1-2                              1.7.1-1
  libhdf4                                       4.2.15-5                             4.2.15-4
  libkml                                        1.3.0-10                             1.3.0-9
  libmocked-perl                                0.09-6                               0.09-5.1
  libmodule-faker-perl                          0.023-1                              0.022-2
  libmodule-install-automanifest-perl           0.003-5                              0.003-4
  libnet-frame-perl                             1.21-2                               1.21-1
  libnet-server-perl                            2.013-1                              2.010-1
  libnumber-phone-perl                          3.8007-1                             3.8006-1
  libosmium                                     2.18.0-2                             2.18.0-1
  libparse-syslog-perl                          1.10-4                               1.10-3.1
  libperl4-corelibs-perl                        0.004-3                              0.004-2
  libpng1.6                                     1.6.39-2                             1.6.38-2
  libqalculate                                  4.4.0-1                              4.2.0-1
  librasterlite2                                1.1.0~beta1-3                        1.1.0~beta1-2
  librcsb-core-wrapper                          1.005-11                             1.005-10
  librttopo                                     1.1.0-3                              1.1.0-2
  libsamplerate                                 0.2.2-3                              0.2.2-2
  libsoap-lite-perl                             1.27-2                               1.27-1
  libsub-delete-perl                            1.00002-3                            1.00002-2.1
  libsub-handlesvia-perl                        0.045-1                              0.043-1
  libterm-readline-gnu-perl                     1.45-1                               1.44-1
  libtest-portability-files-perl                0.10-2                               0.10-1
  libtime-stopwatch-perl                        1.00-7                               1.00-6.1
  libwnck3                                      43.0-3                               43.0-2
  libwps                                        0.4.13-1                             0.4.12-2
  libxs-parse-keyword-perl                      0.30-1                               0.27-1
  lwm                                           1.2.4-1                              1.2.2-7
  mapcode                                       2.5.5-5                              2.5.5-4
  mapnik                                        3.1.0+ds-3                           3.1.0+ds-2
  mapnik-reference                              8.10.0-3                             8.10.0-2
  mapproxy                                      1.15.1-2                             1.15.1-1
  mimedefang                                    3.2-1                                2.85-2
  mintstick                                     1.5.1-1                              1.5.0-2
  mkgmapgui                                     1.1.ds-12                            1.1.ds-11
  monitoring-plugins-check-logfiles             4.1.1-2                              4.1.1-1
  muscle3                                       3.8.1551-2                           (not in testing)
  netcdf-cxx                                    4.3.1-4                              4.3.1-3
  netcdf-cxx-legacy                             4.2-13                               4.2-12
  netifaces                                     0.11.0-2                             0.11.0-1
  network-manager                               1.40.6-1                             1.40.4-1
  nik4                                          1.7-2                                1.7-1
  node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports          1.0.4+dfsg1~cs5.8.0-4                1.0.4+dfsg1~cs5.8.0-3
  node-bootstrap-tour                           0.12.0+dfsg-5                        0.12.0+dfsg-3
  node-cronstrue                                2.20.0-1                             2.19.0-1
  node-cycle                                    1.0.3-4                              1.0.3-3
  node-d3-scale-chromatic                       1.5.0-7                              1.5.0-6
  node-de-indent                                1.0.2-3                              1.0.2-2
  node-ejs                                      3.1.8+~3.1.1-2                       3.1.8+~3.1.1-1
  node-file-entry-cache                         6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5  6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-4
  node-fn.name                                  1.1.0-7                              1.1.0-6
  node-gulp                                     4.0.2+~cs54.26.36-6                  4.0.2+~cs54.26.36-5
  node-hashish                                  0.0.4+git34dfe43-4                   0.0.4+git34dfe43-3
  node-headjs                                   1.0.3+dfsg.1-5                       1.0.3+dfsg.1-4
  node-jake                                     10.8.5+~1.0.4-3                      10.8.5+~1.0.4-2
  node-log4js                                   6.7.1+~cs8.4.17-1                    6.7.0+~cs8.4.17-2
  node-parse-srcset                             1.0.2-4                              1.0.2-3
  node-prosemirror-model                        1.16.1+~cs1.1.5-2                    1.16.1+~cs1.1.5-1
  node-resumer                                  0.0.0-6                              0.0.0-5
  node-superagent                               8.0.5-1                              8.0.4-1
  node-supertest                                6.3.2-1                              6.3.1-1
  node-undici                                   5.13.0+dfsg1+~cs20.10.9-1            5.12.0+dfsg1+~cs20.10.9-1
  node-unique-filename                          1.1.1+ds-2                           1.1.1+ds-1
  node-zrender                                  5.4.1+dfsg-1                         5.4.0+dfsg-2
  nvidia-cuda-toolkit                           11.6.2-4                             11.6.2-3
  octave-dicom                                  0.5.1-1                              0.5.0-1
  ogdi-dfsg                                     4.1.0+ds-6                           4.1.0+ds-5
  openbabel                                     3.1.1+dfsg-9                         3.1.1+dfsg-8
  openblas                                      0.3.21+ds-3                          0.3.21+ds-2
  openlayers                                    2.13.1+ds2-9                         2.13.1+ds2-8
  openstreetmap-carto                           5.6.2-1                              5.5.1-1
  osm-gps-map                                   1.2.0-2                              1.2.0-1
  pep8                                          1.7.1-11                             1.7.1-10
  php-async-aws-core                            1.18.0-1                             1.17.0-1
  pidgin-skype                                  20140930+svn665+dfsg-2               (not in testing)
  proj                                          9.1.1-1                              9.1.0-1
  protobuf                                      3.21.10-1                            3.21.9-5
  pybtex-docutils                               1.0.2-1                              1.0.1-1
  pycifrw                                       4.4.4-3                              4.4.4-2
  pyjks                                         20.0.0-5                             20.0.0-4
  pyphen                                        0.13.2-1                             0.13.1-1
  python-amply                                  0.1.5-1                              0.1.4-2
  python-beniget                                0.4.1-3                              0.4.1-2
  python-biom-format                            2.1.12-3                             2.1.12-2
  python-django-bootstrap-form                  3.4-7                                3.4-6
  python-django-ical                            1.8.3-4                              1.8.3-3
  python-flasgger                               0.9.5+dfsg.2-3                       0.9.5+dfsg.2-2
  python-geoip2                                 2.9.0+dfsg1-5                        2.9.0+dfsg1-3
  python-mccabe                                 0.7.0-1                              0.6.1-4
  python-mockupdb                               1.8.0-3                              1.8.0-2
  python-moderngl                               5.7.3-1                              5.7.2-1
  python-mongoengine                            0.24.2-4                             0.24.2-3
  python-mypy-extensions                        0.4.3-4                              0.4.3-3
  python-nose-random                            1.0.0-3                              1.0.0-2
  python-os-win                                 5.7.1-3                              5.7.1-2
  python-pairix                                 0.3.7-6                              0.3.7-5
  python-pkginfo                                1.8.2-2                              1.8.2-1
  python-pyani                                  0.2.12-2                             0.2.12-1
  python-pymummer                               0.11.0-3                             0.11.0-2
  python-schema                                 0.7.5-1                              0.6.7-5
  python-testing.common.database                2.0.3-2                              2.0.3-1
  python-yubiotp                                1.0.0.post1-2                        1.0.0.post1-1
  python-zipp                                   1.0.0-5                              1.0.0-4
  python3-simpleobsws                           1.3.1+git20220914-8e5b58d-2          (not in testing)
  pyutilib                                      6.0.0-1                              5.8.0-3
  qbs                                           1.24.0+dfsg-2                        1.23.1-1
  qtcreator                                     9.0.0-4                              8.0.2-1
  r-bioc-ballgown                               2.30.0+dfsg-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-biovizbase                             1.46.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-bsgenome                               1.66.1-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-cner                                   1.34.0+dfsg-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-cummerbund                             2.40.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-degnorm                                1.8.0+ds-1                           (not in testing)
  r-bioc-edaseq                                 2.32.0+dfsg-2                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-ensembldb                              2.22.0+dfsg-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-genelendatabase                        1.34.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-genomicfeatures                        1.50.2+dfsg-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-genomicfiles                           1.34.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-ggbio                                  1.46.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-goseq                                  1.50.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-grohmm                                 1.32.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-gviz                                   1.42.0+dfsg-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-isoformswitchanalyzer                  1.20.0+ds-1                          (not in testing)
  r-bioc-mutationalpatterns                     3.8.0+dfsg-1                         (not in testing)
  r-bioc-netsam                                 1.38.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-organismdbi                            1.40.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-purecn                                 2.4.0+dfsg-1                         (not in testing)
  r-bioc-rgsepd                                 1.30.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-rtracklayer                            1.58.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-scrnaseq                               2.12.0+ds-1                          (not in testing)
  r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation            1.13.0+ds-1                          (not in testing)
  r-bioc-tfbstools                              1.36.0+dfsg-2                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-titancna                               1.36.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-bioc-tximeta                                1.16.0+dfsg-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-variantannotation                      1.44.0-1                             (not in testing)
  r-cran-ggm                                    2.5-2                                (not in testing)
  r-cran-metap                                  1.8-1                                (not in testing)
  r-cran-multidimbio                            1.2.2-2                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-mutoss                                 0.1-12-3                             (not in testing)
  r-cran-pscbs                                  0.66.0-2                             (not in testing)
  r-cran-restfulr                               0.0.15-1                             (not in testing)
  r-cran-samr                                   3.0-2                                (not in testing)
  r-cran-spp                                    1.16.0-2                             (not in testing)
  r-cran-wgcna                                  1.71-1                               (not in testing)
  r-other-wasabi                                1.0.1-2                              (not in testing)
  rubberband                                    3.1.2+dfsg0-1                        3.1.1+dfsg0-1
  ruby-mime-types-data                          3.2022.0105-1                        3.2015.1120-2
  rust-futures-timer                            3.0.0-4                              (not in testing)
  rust-lalrpop                                  0.19.8-4                             0.19.8-3
  rust-test-case                                2.2.2-5                              2.2.2-2
  rust-threadfin                                0.1.1-2                              (not in testing)
  rust-unicode-bidi                             0.3.8-2                              0.3.7-1
  sdcc                                          4.2.0+dfsg-1                         4.0.0+dfsg-2
  spf-engine                                    3.0.0-1                              2.9.3-1.1
  stardict                                      3.0.7+git20220909+dfsg-4             3.0.7+git20220909+dfsg-3
  stx2any                                       1.56-2.3                             1.56-2.2
  telepathy-haze                                0.8.1-0.1                            (not in testing)
  timg                                          1.4.5-1                              1.4.4-1
  toot                                          0.30.1-1                             0.28.1-1
  urlview                                       0.9-23.1                             0.9-23
  vdjtools                                      1.2.1+git20190311+repack-1           1.2.1+git20190311-6
  yelp-tools                                    42.1-2                               42.0-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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