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Testing migration summary 2022-11-05 (Saturday)

On 2022-11-05 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                              version                      previous
  aiopg                                       1.4.0-1                      1.3.4-1
  anna                                        1.87                         1.86
  apksigcopier                                1.1.0-1                      1.0.1-1
  apt                                         2.5.4                        2.5.3
  apt-setup                                   1:0.172                      1:0.171
  asyncpg                                     0.27.0-1                     0.26.0-1
  autopkgtest                                 5.27                         5.26
  cacti                                       1.2.22+ds1-2                 1.2.22+ds1-1
  cadaver                                     0.24+dfsg-1                  0.23.3-2.2
  caja-extensions                             1.26.1-1.2                   1.26.1-1
  catimg                                      2.7.0-2                      2.7.0-1
  cctbx                                       2022.9+ds2+~3.11.2+ds1-4     2022.9+ds2+~3.11.2+ds1-3
  checkpw                                     1.02-1.2                     1.02-1.1
  ckbuilder                                   2.4.3+dfsg-1                 2.4.2+dfsg-1
  copyright-update                            2016.1018-5                  2016.1018-4
  d3-tip.js                                   0.7.1-3                      0.7.1-2
  dbtoepub                                    0+svn9904-6                  0+svn9904-5
  django-qr-code                              2.2.0-2                      2.2.0-1
  dnstwist                                    0~20221022-1                 0~20220815-1
  downtimed                                   1.0-3                        1.0-2
  eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker           4.17.47-6                    4.17.47-5
  firmware-nonfree                            20221012-1                   20210818-1
  gajim                                       1.5.3-1                      1.5.2-1
  gallery-dl                                  1.23.5-1                     1.23.3-1
  gap                                         4.12.1-1                     4.11.1-3
  gap-float                                   1.0.3+ds-3                   1.0.3+ds-2
  gap-guava                                   3.17+ds-3                    3.17+ds-1
  gap-io                                      4.8.0+ds-1                   4.7.2+ds-1
  gnome-remote-desktop                        43.1-1                       43.0-2
  gnome-shell-extension-hard-disk-led         32-1                         30-4
  gnome-shell-extension-pixelsaver            1.28-5                       1.28-4
  gnuastro                                    0.19-1                       0.18-1
  golang-github-anacrolix-ffprobe             1.0.1-1                      1.0.0-3
  golang-github-issue9-identicon              0.0~git20170630.0.5196591-7  0.0~git20170630.0.5196591-6
  golang-github-markbates-goth                1.42.0-9                     1.42.0-8
  golang-github-ngaut-sync2                   0.0~git20141008.0.7a24ed7-9  0.0~git20141008.0.7a24ed7-8
  golang-github-prometheus-client-golang      1.13.1-1                     1.13.0-1
  golang-gopkg-alexcesaro-quotedprintable.v3  0.0~git20150716.0.2caba25-7  0.0~git20150716.0.2caba25-6
  golang-gopkg-telebot.v3                     3.1.2-1                      3.0.0-2
  gssdp                                       1.6.0-3            
  gupnp                                       1.6.0-3                      1.4.3-1
  gupnp-igd                                   1.2.0-3                      1.2.0-1
  gupnp-tools                                 0.12.0-2                     0.10.3-1
  img2pdf                                     0.4.4-3                      0.4.4-2
  intel-gmmlib                                22.3.0+ds1-1                 22.2.1+ds1-1
  ipmitool                                    1.8.19-1                     1.8.18-11
  jquery-geo                                  1.1.0+ds-6                   1.1.0+ds-5
  libassuan                                   2.5.5-5                      2.5.5-4
  libint2                                     2.7.2-1                      2.7.1-2
  libjs-jquery-jstree                         3.3.12+dfsg1-2               3.3.12+dfsg1-1
  libjs-term.js                               0.0.7-4                      0.0.7-3
  libomp-jonathonl                            1.0.0-1                      (not in testing)
  libxc                                       5.2.3-1                      5.2.2-1
  lightbox2.js                                2.11.3+dfsg-3                2.11.3+dfsg-2
  logwatch                                    7.7-1                        7.5.6-1
  lv2                                         1.18.4-2                     1.18.4-1
  minetest-mod-infinite-chest                 1.0.1-4                      1.0.1-3
  minetest-mod-skyblock                       0.3.0-2                      0.3.0-1
  minetestmapper                              20220221-2                   20220221-1
  mmdebstrap                                  1.2.2-2                      1.2.1-2
  moc                                         1:2.6.0~svn-r3005-3          1:2.6.0~svn-r3005-2
  mold                                        1.6.0+dfsg-1                 1.5.1+dfsg-1
  mpg123                                      1.31.0-1                     1.30.2-1
  msp430mcu                                   20120406-2.3                 20120406-2.2
  net-retriever                               1.57                         1.56
  node-brotli-size                            4.0.0-3                      4.0.0-2
  node-browserify                             17.0.0+ds-5                  17.0.0+ds-4
  node-buble                                  0.20.0+~0.20.1-4             0.20.0+~0.20.1-3
  node-client-sessions                        0.8.0+~0.8.3-1               0.8.0-3
  node-d3                                     5.16.0-8                     5.16.0-7
  node-es-abstract                            1.20.4+~cs24.27.38-1         1.20.2+~cs23.27.38-3
  node-graphql                                16.6.0-2                     16.6.0-1
  node-hawk                                   8.0.1+dfsg-2                 8.0.1+dfsg-1
  node-http-proxy                             1.18.1-7                     1.18.1-6
  node-inflection                             1.13.4+ds-2                  1.13.4+ds-1
  node-is-docker                              3.0.0-4                      3.0.0-3
  node-jose                                   4.10.4-1                     4.10.0-1
  node-lib0                                   0.2.52-4                     0.2.52-2
  node-memfs                                  3.4.9+~cs1.0.3-1             3.4.7+~cs1.0.3-2
  node-miragejs                               0.1.45+~cs5.6.11-5           0.1.45+~cs5.6.11-4
  node-mkdirp-classic                         0.5.3-3                      0.5.3-2
  node-mqtt                                   4.3.7-2                      4.3.7-1
  node-nouislider                             15.6.1+ds-2                  15.6.1+ds-1
  node-popper2                                2.11.2-4                     2.11.2-2
  node-postcss                                8.4.18+~cs8.0.23-1           8.4.17+~cs8.0.23-1
  node-preact                                 8.2.5-3                      8.2.5-2
  node-resize-observer-polyfill               1.5.1+ds-1                   1.5.1-2
  node-sntp                                   4.0.0-2                      4.0.0-1
  node-utilities                              1.0.6-1                      1.0.5-1
  node-uvu                                    0.5.6+~cs4.10.4-3            0.5.6+~cs4.10.4-2
  node-yjs                                    13.5.42-1                    13.5.41-2
  nut                                         2.8.0-5                      2.8.0-4
  octave-kernel                               0.32.0-4                     0.32.0-3
  open-infrastructure-service-tools           20221101-1                   20220704-1
  openarena-085-data                          0.8.5split-13                0.8.5split-12
  openarena-088-data                          0.8.8-11                     0.8.8-10
  openarena-data                              0.8.5split-13                0.8.5split-12
  openarena-maps                              0.8.5split-13                0.8.5split-12
  openarena-misc                              0.8.5split-13                0.8.5split-12
  openarena-oacmp1                            3-6                          3-5
  openarena-players                           0.8.5split-13                0.8.5split-12
  openarena-players-mature                    0.8.5split-13                0.8.5split-12
  openarena-textures                          0.8.5split-13                0.8.5split-12
  openssl                                     3.0.7-1                      3.0.5-4
  osk-sdl                                     0.67.1-1                     0.67-2
  pdf.js                                      2.14.305+dfsg-2              2.14.305+dfsg-1
  pg-checksums                                1.1-3                        1.1-1
  pg-track-settings                           2.1.1-3                      2.1.1-1
  pgl-ddl-deploy                              2.1.0-3                      2.1.0-2
  php-league-commonmark                       2.3.6-1                      2.3.5-1
  pmbootstrap                                 1.48.0-1                     1.46.0-2
  popper.js                                   1.16.1+ds-6                  1.16.1+ds-5
  postgresql-pllua                            1:2.0.10-5                   1:2.0.10-4
  powerlevel9k                                0.6.7-4                      0.6.7-3
  printer-driver-indexbraille                 1.2.3-5                      1.2.3-4
  projectm                                    3.1.12-3                     3.1.12-2
  puma                                        5.6.5-2                      5.6.4-1
  python-aiohttp                              3.8.3-1                      3.8.1-5
  python-bidi                                 0.4.2-4                      0.4.0-3
  python-crossrefapi                          1.5.0-3                      1.5.0-2
  python-redmine                              2.3.0-3                      2.3.0-2
  python-unicodecsv                           0.14.1-5                     0.14.1-3
  pyzoltan                                    1.0.1-5                      1.0.1-4
  r-cran-fontawesome                          0.4.0-1                      0.3.0-1
  rainbow.js                                  2.1.7+ds-2                   2.1.7+ds-1
  rkdeveloptool                               1.32+git20210408.46bb4c0-2   1.32+git20210408.46bb4c0-1
  ruamel.yaml.clib                            0.2.7-1                      0.2.6-1
  ruby-asset-sync                             2.11.0-1.1                   2.11.0-1
  rust-assert-cmd                             2.0.5-1                      2.0.4-1
  rust-clap-2                                 2.34.0-3                     2.34.0-2
  rust-console                                0.15.2-2                     0.15.2-1
  rust-debcargo                               2.5.0-5                      2.5.0-4
  rust-fd-lock                                3.0.6-1                      2.0.0-1
  rust-libc                                   0.2.137-1                    0.2.132-1
  rust-rustix                                 0.35.12-1                    (not in testing)
  rust-rustyline                              9.1.2-1                      6.3.0-5
  rust-terminal-size                          0.2.1-3                      0.1.17-2
  rust-textwrap                               0.16.0-2                     0.15.1-1
  rust-tracing-log                            0.1.3-2                      (not in testing)
  rust-tracing-subscriber                     0.3.11-2                     (not in testing)
  rygel                                       0.42.0-2                     0.40.4-1
  sanlock                                     3.8.5-1                      3.8.4-1
  shotcut                                     22.10.25+ds-1                22.10.22+ds-1
  tea                                         61.1.0-2                     50.0.4-1
  testssl.sh                                  3.0.8+dfsg-1                 3.0.7+dfsg-1
  three.js                                    111+dfsg1-3                  111+dfsg1-2
  toppic                                      1.5.3+dfsg1-1                1.3.0+dfsg1-4
  ums2net                                     0.1.3-2                      0.1.3-1
  unyt                                        2.9.2-2                      2.9.2-1
  uriparser                                   0.9.7+dfsg-1                 0.9.6+dfsg-1
  vega.js                                     5.22.1+ds+~3.1.0-4           5.22.1+ds+~3.1.0-2
  vim                                         2:9.0.0813-1                 2:9.0.0626-1
  waypipe                                     0.8.4-1                      0.8.3-1
  yamllint                                    1.28.0-1                     1.26.3-1
  yamm3                                       1.1.0+dfsg1-3                1.1.0+dfsg1-2
  zope.i18nmessageid                          5.0.1-2                      5.0.1-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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