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Testing migration summary 2022-08-24 (Wednesday)

On 2022-08-24 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                       version                      previous
  astc-encoder                         4.1.0+ds-1                   4.0.0+ds-2
  astlib                               0.11.8-1                     0.11.7-1
  benchmark                            1.7.0-2                      1.6.1-2
  bpftrace                             0.15.0-2                     0.15.0-1
  connman                              1.41-2                       1.41-1
  cppcheck                             2.8-2                        2.8-1
  dt-schema                            2022.08.2-1                  2021.10-2
  fish                                 3.5.1+ds-1                   3.5.0+ds-1
  fmtlib                               9.0.0+ds1-4                  8.1.1+ds1-2
  golang-github-pascaldekloe-goe       0.1.0-4                      0.1.0-3
  gtk4                                 4.7.2+ds-3                   4.6.6+ds-3
  haruna                               0.9.0-1                      0.8.0-1
  hatchling                            1.8.0-1                      1.6.0-1
  iddawc                               1.1.6-1                      1.1.4-1
  jacktrip                             1.6.2+ds0-1                  1.6.1+ds0-1
  jed                                  1:0.99.20~pre.169+dfsg-1     1:0.99.20~pre.168+dfsg-1
  kconfig                              5.97.0-2                     5.97.0-1
  libbusiness-tax-vat-validation-perl  1.23-1                       1.21-1
  libcpan-audit-perl                   20220817.001-1               20220729.001-1
  libcpan-perl-releases-perl           5.20220820-1                 5.20220720-1
  libcurses-perl                       1.41-1                       1.39-1
  libdrumstick                         2.7.1-1                      2.6.1-1
  libjs-webrtc-adapter                 8.1.2~ds-1                   8.1.1~ds-1
  libmodule-corelist-perl              5.20220820-1                 5.20220720-1
  libpgjava                            42.4.2-1                     42.4.1-1
  libsnmp-info-perl                    3.89-1                       3.87-1
  libsocket-perl                       2.036-1                      2.035-1
  libsoftware-copyright-perl           0.004-2                      (not in testing)
  libtree                              3.1.1-2                      3.1.0-1
  litecoin                                      0.18.1-1.1
  lsb-release-minimal                  0.6-2                        0.6-1
  man-db                               2.10.2-2                     2.10.2-1
  minetest                             5.5.0+dfsg+~1.9.0mt4+dfsg-2  5.5.0+dfsg+~1.9.0mt4+dfsg-1
  mpd                                  0.23.9-1                     0.23.8-1
  nextcloud-desktop                    3.5.4-1                      3.5.1-2
  node-cli-spinners                    2.7.0-1                      2.6.1-1
  node-emittery                        0.12.1-1                     0.11.0-1
  node-eventemitter2                   6.4.7-1                      6.4.6-1
  node-hosted-git-info                 5.1.0-1                      5.0.0-1
  node-is-builtin-module               3.2.0-1                      3.1.0-1
  node-marked                          4.0.18+ds+~4.0.5-1           4.0.17+ds+~4.0.3-1
  octave-kernel                        0.32.0-3                     (not in testing)
  open3d                               0.15.1+ds-4                  0.15.1+ds-3
  orafce                               3.24.4-1                     3.24.2-1
  pam                                  1.5.2-2                      1.4.0-13
  pdm-pep517                           1.0.4+ds1-1                  1.0.3+ds1-1
  pgauditlogtofile                     1.5.4-1                      1.5.3-1
  poc-streamer                         0.4.2-7                      0.4.2-6
  poetry                               1.1.14+dfsg-1                1.1.12+dfsg-1
  poppler                              22.08.0-2                    22.02.0-3
  popplerkit.framework                 0.0.20051227svn-9            0.0.20051227svn-8.2
  postgis                              3.2.3+dfsg-1                 3.2.2+dfsg-1
  praw                                 7.6.0-1                      7.2.0-2
  precious                             0.1.4-1                      0.1.3-6
  pt2-clone                            1.51+ds-1                    1.50+ds-1
  pysoundfile                          0.10.3+post1-2               0.10.3+post1-1.1
  python-flanker                       0.9.14-2                     (not in testing)
  python3-defaults                     3.10.6-1                     3.10.5-3
  qcodeeditor                          1.0+1gitdc644d-1             (not in testing)
  qosmic                               1.6.0+git20210807.9f63288-2  1.6.0-5
  qt6-3d                               6.3.1+dfsg-3                 6.2.4+dfsg-2
  qt6-5compat                          6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-base                             6.3.1+dfsg-8                 6.2.4+dfsg-10
  qt6-charts                           6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-connectivity                     6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-datavis3d                        6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-declarative                      6.3.1+dfsg-3                 6.2.4+dfsg-6
  qt6-imageformats                     6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-languageserver                   6.3.1-2                      (not in testing)
  qt6-lottie                           6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-multimedia                       6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-networkauth                      6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-positioning                      6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-3
  qt6-quick3d                          6.3.1-3                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-quicktimeline                    6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-remoteobjects                    6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-scxml                            6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-sensors                          6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-serialbus                        6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-3
  qt6-serialport                       6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-shadertools                      6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-3
  qt6-svg                              6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-tools                            6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-3
  qt6-translations                     6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-virtualkeyboard                  6.3.1+dfsg-2                 6.2.4+dfsg-2
  qt6-wayland                          6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-webchannel                       6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-webengine                        6.3.1+dfsg2-12               6.2.4+dfsg-10
  qt6-websockets                       6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-2
  qt6-webview                          6.3.1-2                      6.2.4-3
  qtcreator                            8.0.1-1                      8.0.0-3
  r-bioc-iranges                       2.30.1-1                     2.30.0-1
  r-cran-av                            0.8.0+dfsg-1                 0.7.0+dfsg-1
  r-cran-collapse                      1.8.8-1                      1.8.6-1
  r-cran-datawizard                    0.5.1+dfsg-1                 0.5.0+dfsg-1
  r-cran-emayili                       0.7.11-1                     0.7.10-1
  r-cran-gbm                                     2.1.8-1
  r-cran-geepack                       1.3.9-1                      1.3.4-1
  r-cran-gert                          1.7.1+dfsg-1                 1.7.0+dfsg-1
  r-cran-googlesheets4                 1.0.1-1                      1.0.0-2
  r-cran-hms                           1.1.2-1                      1.1.1-1
  r-cran-httr                          1.4.4+dfsg-1                 1.4.3-1
  r-cran-palmerpenguins                0.1.1-1                      0.1.0-2
  r-cran-pillar                        1.8.1+dfsg-1                 1.8.0+dfsg-1
  r-cran-plm                           2.6-2+dfsg-1                 2.6-1-1
  r-cran-raster                        3.5-29-1                     3.5-21-1
  r-cran-relsurv                       2.2-8-1                      2.2-7-1
  r-cran-reprex                        2.0.2-1                      2.0.1-1
  r-cran-rvest                         1.0.3-1                      1.0.2-2
  r-cran-shinyfiles                    0.9.3-1                      0.9.2-1
  r-cran-splines2                      0.4.6-1                      0.4.5-1
  r-cran-tgp                           2.4-19-1                     2.4-18-1
  r-cran-tidytext                      0.3.4-1                      0.3.3-1
  rdma-core                            42.0-1                       40.0-1
  rhonabwy                             1.1.8-1                      1.1.6-1
  ros-catkin-lint                      1.6.18-2                     1.6.18-1
  ros-rviz                             1.14.19+dfsg-1               1.14.15+dfsg-3
  ruby-active-model-serializers        0.10.12-1                    (not in testing)
  ruby-api-pagination                  4.8.2-2                      (not in testing)
  ruby-axiom-types                     0.1.1-3                      (not in testing)
  ruby-fog-google                      1.15.0-2                     (not in testing)
  ruby-google-api-client               0.50.0-2                     (not in testing)
  ruby-grape                           1.6.2-1                      (not in testing)
  ruby-grape-logging                   1.8.4-1                      (not in testing)
  ruby-grape-path-helpers              1.7.0-1                      (not in testing)
  ruby-prometheus-client-mmap          0.16.2-1                     0.15.0-2
  ruby-representable                   3.0.4-1.1                    (not in testing)
  ruby-virtus                          1.0.5-3                      (not in testing)
  rust-ctrlc                           3.2.3-1                      3.2.2-3
  rust-libc                            0.2.132-1                    0.2.126-1
  rust-platform-info                   1.0.0-1                      0.2.0-1
  rust-predicates-tree                 1.0.5-1                      (not in testing)
  rust-symbolic-common                 9.1.1-1                      (not in testing)
  scapy                                2.4.5+g9420c22-2             2.4.4-5
  tractor                              3.14-2                       (not in testing)
  vimix                                0.7.0+git20220523+ds-3       0.7.0+git20220523+ds-2
  wyrd                                 1.7.1-1                      1.6-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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