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Testing migration summary 2022-03-16 (Wednesday)

On 2022-03-16 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                       version                     previous
  allegro5                             2:                 2:
  azure-devops-cli-extension           0.24.0-1                    0.23.0-1
  bluedevil                            4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  bowtie2                              2.4.5-1                     2.4.4-1
  breeze                               4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  breeze-grub                          5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  breeze-gtk                           5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  breeze-plymouth                      5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  busco                                5.3.0-1                     5.2.2-2
  chasquid                             1.9-1                       1.8-1
  clzip                                1.13-2                      1.13-1
  cme                                  1.038-1                     1.037-1
  darktable                            3.8.1-1                     3.8.0-3
  dnscap                               2.0.2-1                     2.0.1+debian-2
  drkonqi                              5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  epiphany-browser                     42~beta-1                   41.3-2
  erlang                               1:24.3+dfsg-1               1:24.2.2+dfsg-1
  fail2ban                             0.11.2-6                    0.11.2-5
  game-data-packager                   69                          68
  gnome-bluetooth3                     42~rc-1                     (not in testing)
  golang-github-reviewdog-errorformat  0.0~git20220309.b075c45-1   0.0~git20210809.cda7203-2
  graphicsmagick                       1.4+really1.3.37+hg16670-1  1.4+really1.3.37-1
  hpsockd                              0.17+nmu1                   0.17
  hugo                                 0.92.2-1                    0.92.1-1
  identify                             2.4.11-1                    2.4.10-1
  kactivitymanagerd                    5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  kde-cli-tools                        4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-2
  kde-gtk-config                       4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  kdecoration                          4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-2
  kdeplasma-addons                     4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  kgamma5                              5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  khotkeys                             4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  kinfocenter                          4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  kmenuedit                            4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  kscreen                              4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  kscreenlocker                        5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  ksshaskpass                          4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  ksystemstats                         5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  kwallet-pam                          5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  kwayland-integration                 5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  kwayland-server                      5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-2
  kwin                                 4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-2
  kwrited                              4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  layer-shell-qt                       5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  libcatmandu-perl                     1.2018-1                    1.2016-1
  libcrypt-openssl-pkcs10-perl         0.18-1                      0.16-3
  libfile-mimeinfo-perl                0.32-1                      0.31-1
  libkscreen                           4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  libksysguard                         4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  liblwp-authen-oauth2-perl            0.19-1                      0.18-1
  libmath-mpfr-perl                    4.21-1                      4.19-1
  libparanoid-perl                     2.10-1                      2.09-1
  libparser-mgc-perl                   0.21-1                      0.19-1
  libpdl-vectorvalued-perl             1.0.17-1                    1.0.15-1
  libsoundio                           2.0.0-2                     1.1.0-1
  libsv                                1.1-1                       1.0-2
  libtest-simple-perl                  1.302190-1                  1.302189-1
  libvdpau                             1.5-1                       1.4-3
  libwebp                              1.2.2-2                     0.6.1-2.1
  libyaml-pp-perl                      0.032-1                     0.031-1
  lunzip                               1.13-2                      1.13-1
  lzd                                  1.2-4                       1.2-3
  lzip                                 1.23-2                      1.23-1
  lziprecover                          1.23-2                      1.23-1
  lzlib                                1.13-2                      1.13-1
  milou                                4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  mumax3                               3.10-4                      (not in testing)
  node-deep-equal                      2.0.5+~cs32.11.68-3         2.0.5+~cs32.11.68-2
  node-fast-safe-stringify             2.1.1+~2.3.1-2              2.1.1-1
  node-mdn-browser-compat-data         4.1.11+~3.1.0-1             4.1.10+~2.30.0-2
  o-saft                               22.02.22-1                  19.01.19-3
  open3d                               0.15.1+ds-2                 0.14.1+dfsg-7
  otrs2                                6.3.1-1                     6.2.2-2
  oxygen                               4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  pchar                                1.5-6                       1.5-5
  pdb2pqr                              3.5.2+dfsg-2                2.1.1+dfsg-8
  pdlzip                               1.12-2                      1.12-1
  pillow                               9.0.1-1                     9.0.0-1
  plasma-browser-integration           5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  plasma-desktop                       4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  plasma-discover                      5.24.3-1          
  plasma-disks                         5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  plasma-firewall                      5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  plasma-integration                   5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  plasma-nano                          5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  plasma-nm                            4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  plasma-pa                            4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  plasma-sdk                           5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  plasma-systemmonitor                 5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  plasma-thunderbolt                   5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  plasma-vault                         5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  plasma-workspace                     4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-2
  plasma-workspace-wallpapers          4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  plymouth-kcm                         5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  plzip                                1.10-2                      1.10-1
  polkit-kde-agent-1                   4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  ponyprog                             3.1.3+ds-1                  3.1.2+ds-1
  powerdevil                           4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  propka                               3.4.0-4                     3.4.0-3
  prosody                              0.11.13-1                   0.11.12-1
  python-django-modelcluster           5.3-1                       5.2-2
  python-django-timezone-field         5.0-1                       4.2.3-1
  python-flask-seeder                  1.2.0-2                     0.1~a2-2
  python-mmcif-pdbx                    2.0.1-2                     (not in testing)
  python-pulp                          2.6.0+dfsg-1                2.5.1+dfsg-2
  python-txrequests                    0.9.6-2                     (not in testing)
  python-urllib3                       1.26.8-1                    1.26.5-1~exp1
  qmmp                                 1.4.4-1.1                   1.4.4-1
  qqc2-breeze-style                    5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  qt6-imageformats                     6.2.2-2                     (not in testing)
  qt6-webengine                        6.2.2+dfsg-6                (not in testing)
  qt6-webview                          6.2.2-3                     (not in testing)
  r-base                               4.1.3-1                     4.1.2-2
  r-bioc-mutationalpatterns            3.4.1+dfsg-1                3.4.0+dfsg-1
  r-bioc-stringdb                      2.6.3-1                     2.6.1-1
  r-cran-bayesplot                     1.9.0-1                     1.8.1-1
  r-cran-bbmisc                        1.12-1                      1.11-4
  r-cran-bio3d                         2.4-3-1                     2.4-2-1
  r-cran-circular                      0.4-94-1                    0.4-93-2
  r-cran-densityclust                  0.3.2-1                     0.3-2
  r-cran-desc                          1.4.1-1                     1.4.0+dfsg-1
  r-cran-emayili                       0.7.0-2                     0.7.0-1
  r-cran-evd                           2.3-4-1                     2.3-3-3
  r-cran-fftw                          1.0-7-1                     1.0-6.1-1
  r-cran-ks                            1.13.4-1                    1.13.3-1
  r-cran-lhs                           1.1.4-1                     1.1.3-1
  r-cran-linprog                       0.9-4-1                     0.9-2-2
  r-cran-locfit                        1.5-9.5-1                   1.5-9.4-2
  r-cran-luminescence                  0.9.19-1                    0.9.18-1
  r-cran-maptools                      1:1.1-3+dfsg-1              1:1.1-2+dfsg-1
  r-cran-matchit                       4.3.4-1                     4.3.3-1
  r-cran-mcmcpack                      1.6-1-1                     1.6-0-1
  r-cran-multilevel                    2.7-1                       2.6-3
  r-cran-openssl                       2.0.0+dfsg-1                1.4.6+dfsg-1
  r-cran-parameters                    0.17.0-1                    0.16.0-1
  r-cran-pdftools                      3.1.1-1                     3.1.0-1
  r-cran-pec                           2022.03.06-1                2021.10.11-2
  r-cran-pki                           0.1-10-2                    0.1-9-1
  r-cran-posterior                     1.2.1-1                     1.2.0-1
  r-cran-pracma                        2.3.8-1                     2.3.6-1
  r-cran-qgraph                        1.9.2-1                     1.9.1-1
  r-cran-ragg                          1.2.2-1                     1.2.1-1
  r-cran-relsurv                       2.2-7-1                     2.2-6-1
  r-cran-rlang                         1.0.2-1                     1.0.1-1
  r-cran-rmutil                        1.1.9-1                     1.1.8-1
  r-cran-rpact                         3.2.3-1                     3.2.1-1
  r-cran-sem                           3.1.14-1                    3.1.13-1
  r-cran-semplot                       1.1.5-1                     1.1.4-1
  r-cran-seriation                     1.3.3-1                     1.3.2-1
  r-cran-shinystan                     2.6.0-1                     2.5.0-4
  r-cran-smcfcs                        1.6.1-1                     1.6.0-2
  r-cran-sn                            2.0.2-1                     2.0.1-1
  r-cran-sparr                         2.2-16-1                    2.2-15-2
  ragel                                6.10-2                      6.10-1
  readlike                             0.1.3-2                     0.1.3-1.1
  remmina                              1.4.24+dfsg-2               1.4.24+dfsg-1
  rpl                                  1.13-1                      1.12-1
  ruby-delayer                         1.2.1-1                     1.1.2-1
  runit                                2.1.2-45                    2.1.2-44
  rust-gdk4-wayland-sys                0.3.1-1                     (not in testing)
  sddm-kcm                             4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  shellia                              5.7                         5.6.5
  suitesparse-graphblas                6.2.4+dfsg-1                6.1.4+dfsg-2
  surf                                 2.1+git20210719-2           2.1+git20210719-1
  swaybg                               1.1.1-1                     1.0-2
  swayimg                              1.6-2                       (not in testing)
  systemsettings                       4:5.24.3-1                  4:5.24.2-1
  tarlz                                0.22-2                      0.22-1
  tiff                                 4.3.0-6                     4.3.0-4
  tomopy                               1.10.4+ds1-3                (not in testing)
  unifont                              1:14.0.02-1                 1:14.0.01-1
  vips                                 8.12.2-1                    8.12.1-1
  waybar                               0.9.12-1                    0.9.9-1
  webkit2gtk                           2.34.6-1                    2.34.5-1
  weston                               10.0.0-1                    9.0.0-4
  wireplumber                          0.4.8-4                     0.4.8-3
  wpewebkit                            2.34.6-1                    2.34.5-1
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde               5.24.3-1                    5.24.2-1
  xlunzip                              0.7-4                       0.7-3
  xsane                                0.999-12                    (not in testing)
  zutils                               1.11-2                      1.11-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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