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Testing migration summary 2022-02-20 (Sunday)

On 2022-02-20 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                 version                     previous
  ace                            7.0.6+dfsg-2                7.0.3+dfsg-2
  angelfish                      21.07-2                     (not in testing)
  atheme-services                7.2.12-1                    7.2.11-1
  baloo-kf5                      5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  baobab                         41.0-2                      41.0-1
  binutils                       2.38-2                      2.38-1
  birdfont                       2.30.0-1                    2.29.6-1
  blender                        3.0.1+dfsg-7                2.93.5+dfsg-1
  brise                          0.38.20210909-1             0.38.20190120-1
  btop                           1.2.2-1                     (not in testing)
  capnproto                      0.8.0-3                     0.8.0-2
  cinnamon-screensaver           5.2.1-1                     5.2.0-2
  coinor-cbc                     2.10.7+ds1-1                2.10.5+ds1-3
  collatinus                     12.1-1                      12.0-2
  criterion                      2.4.0-rc-18-g1cc3911-1      2.3.3git1-2
  debconf-kde                    1.1.0-1                     1.0.3-4
  debian-ports-archive-keyring   2022.02.15                  2021.12.30
  discosnp                       1:2.6.2-1                   1:2.6.1-1
  drawing                        0.8.5-2                     0.8.5-1
  dwgsim                         0.1.13-1                    0.1.12-5
  ensmallen                      2.18.2-1                    2.18.1-1
  eog                            42~beta-2                   41.1-1
  ffmpegthumbnailer              2.2.2+dfsg-1                2.1.1-0.2
  file-roller                    3.40.0-4                    3.40.0-3
  firmware-microbit-micropython  1.0.1-3                     1.0.1-2
  font-manager                   0.8.8-1                     0.8.7-2
  gem                            1:0.94-7                    1:0.94-3
  glibc                          2.33-6                      2.33-5
  gnome-calculator               1:41.1-2                    1:41.1-1
  gnome-calendar                 41.2-3                      41.2-1
  gnome-characters               41.0-3                      41.0-1
  gnome-disk-utility             42~beta-2                   41.0-1
  gnome-font-viewer              41.0-2                      41.0-1
  gnome-shell-extensions         41.1-2                      41.1-1
  gnome-sound-recorder           40.0-4                      40.0-3
  gnome-terminal                 3.43.90-1                   3.42.2-2
  go-sendxmpp                    0.2.0-1                     0.1.2-1
  golang-github-hillu-go-yara    4.1.0-3                     4.1.0-2
  golang-github-wader-gojq       0.0~git20220108.6a05b6c-2   (not in testing)
  golang-github-wader-readline   0.0~git20220118.692d84c-3   (not in testing)
  gsettings-desktop-schemas      42~beta-1                   42~alpha-1
  help2man                       1.49.1                      1.48.5
  hfst                           3.15.4-2                    3.15.1-2
  hidapi                         0.11.2-1                    0.11.0-1
  horizon-eda                    2.2.0-1                     2.1.0-1
  ispell.pt                      20220210-1                  20211125-2
  ivyplusplus                    1.38-1                      1.32-1
  jquery-caret.js                0.3.1+dfsg.1-3              0.3.1+dfsg.1-2.1
  jquery-coolfieldset            1.0.1-3                     1.0.1-2.1
  jquery-lazyload                1.9.7-2                     1.9.7-1
  jquery-reflection              1.1-2                       1.1-1.1
  jquery-watermark               3.1.4-2                     3.1.4-1.1
  jsxgraph                       1.4.2+dfsg1-1               1.4.1+dfsg1-1
  kbookmarks                     5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  kconfigwidgets                 5.90.1-3                    5.88.0-1
  kdav                           1:5.90.0-1                  1:5.88.0-1
  kdeclarative                   5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  kdelibs4support                5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  kdewebkit                      5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  khtml                          5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  kiconthemes                    5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  king                           2.24+dfsg2-1                2.23.161103+dfsg2-1
  kinit                          5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  kio                            5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  kissplice                      2.5.5+dfsg-1                2.5.4+dfsg-1
  kmediaplayer                   5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  knotifyconfig                  5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  kparts                         5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  kross                          5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  krunner                        5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  ktexteditor                    5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  ktextwidgets                   5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  kunitconversion                5.90.0-2                    5.88.0-1
  kwallet-kf5                    5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  kxmlgui                        5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  kxmlrpcclient                  5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  libapache-poi-java             4.0.1-3                     4.0.1-2
  libapache2-mod-rivet           3.2.1-5                     3.2.1-4
  libavif                        0.9.3-3                     0.9.3-2
  libdbd-pg-perl                 3.15.1-1                    3.15.0-2
  libervia-backend               0.8.0-2                     (not in testing)
  libervia-pubsub                0.4.0-2                     (not in testing)
  libervia-templates             0.8.0+dfsg-2                (not in testing)
  libgusb                        0.3.10-1                    0.3.8-1
  liborcus                       0.17.2-2                    0.17.2-1
  libpdfbox-graphics2d-java      0.34-2                      (not in testing)
  libvmod-re2                    2.0.0-1                     (not in testing)
  libvmod-redis                  13.0-1                      (not in testing)
  libvmod-selector               2.6.0-1                     (not in testing)
  libxcvt                        0.1.1-3                     0.1.1-2
  libxmu                         2:1.1.3-3                   2:1.1.2-2
  lintian-brush                  0.122                       0.120
  materia-kde                    20220207-1                  20211226-1
  mdnsd                          0.11-2                      (not in testing)
  mmsd-tng                       1.8-1                       1.7-1
  monit                          1:5.31.0-1                  1:5.30.0-1
  mupdf                          1.19.0+ds1-2                1.19.0+ds1-1
  netdata                        1.33.1-1                    1.33.0-1
  network-manager                1.35.91-1                   1.34.0-2
  node-caniuse-db                1.0.30001312-1              1.0.30001307-1
  node-caniuse-lite              1.0.30001312+dfsg+~1.0.1-2  1.0.30001307+dfsg+~1.0.1-1
  node-electron-to-chromium      1.4.71-1                    1.4.65-1
  node-estree-walker             2.0.2-4                     2.0.2-3
  node-express                   4.17.3+~4.17.13-1           4.17.2+~4.17.13-1
  node-lockfile                  1.0.4+~1.0.2-1              1.0.4-4
  node-postcss                   8.4.6+~cs7.3.21-1           8.4.5+~cs7.1.51-2
  node-raw-body                  2.4.3-1                     2.4.2-1
  npm                            8.5.1~ds-1                  8.5.0~ds-1
  numpydoc                       1.2-1                       1.1.0-3
  obs-transition-table           0.2.1-2                     (not in testing)
  opam                           2.1.2-1                     2.0.10-1
  ora2pg                         23.1-1                      23.0-1
  parsnp                         1.6.2+dfsg-1                1.5.6+dfsg-1
  pgrouting                      3.3.0-2                     3.3.0-1
  plasma-framework               5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  pmix                           4.1.2-2                     4.1.1~rc6-1
  poke                           2.1+dfsg-2                  1.4+dfsg-1
  powa-collector                 1.2.0-1                     1.1.1-2
  purpose                        5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  pybigwig                       0.3.18+dfsg-1               0.3.17-1
  pycodestyle                    2.8.0-1                     2.6.0-1
  pycurl                         7.44.1-4                    7.44.1-3
  python-connection-pool         0.0.3-2                     (not in testing)
  python-envisage                6.0.1-1                     (not in testing)
  python-model-bakery            1.4.0-2                     (not in testing)
  python-multipledispatch        0.6.0-3                     0.6.0-2
  python-oauthlib                3.2.0-1                     3.1.1-1
  python-pyfaidx                 0.6.4-1                     0.6.2-1
  python-tinyalign               0.2.1-1                     0.2-5
  qqc2-desktop-style             5.90.0-1                    5.88.0-1
  r-cran-crayon                  1.5.0-1                     1.4.2-1
  r-cran-pdftools                3.1.0-1                     3.0.1-2
  r-cran-rcpptoml                0.1.7-2                     (not in testing)
  r-cran-tinytex                 0.37-1                      0.36-1
  renderdoc                      1.18+dfsg-1                 1.16+dfsg-1
  rocm-cmake                     5.0.0-1                     (not in testing)
  ros-bloom                      0.10.7-2                    0.10.7-1
  ros-rosdep                     0.21.0-2                    0.21.0-1
  setzer                         0.4.3-1                     0.4.2-1
  snakemake                      6.15.1-2                    6.10.0+dfsg1-1
  sniffles                       2.0.2-1                     1.0.12b+ds-1
  sphinx-paramlinks              0.5.2-1                     0.5.1-2
  sphinx-prompt                  1.5.0-1                     1.3.0-3
  tclsoldout                     0.1.1-2                     (not in testing)
  theli                          3.1.3-1                     3.1.2-1
  tiled-qt                       1.8.0-1                     1.7.2-1
  toppler                        1.3-1                       1.1.6-3
  tpot                           0.11.7+dfsg-3               (not in testing)
  ucx                            1.12.1~rc2-1                1.12.0-1
  variety                        0.8.5-2                     0.8.5-1
  vboot-utils                    0~R99-14469.B-1             0~R88-13597.B-1
  voluptuous                     0.12.2-1                    0.12.1-2
  websocket-client               1.2.3-1                     1.2.1-2
  wsdd2                          1.8.6+dfsg-3                1.8.6+dfsg-2
  xcb-util-image                 0.4.0-2                     0.4.0-1
  xml2rfc                        3.12.2-1                    3.12.1-1
  xournalpp                      1.1.1-1                     1.1.0-3
  yarl                           1.7.2-1                     1.6.3-2
  yelp                           42~beta-2                   41.2-1
  yelp-tools                     42~beta-1                   41.0-1
  yelp-xsl                       42~beta-1                   41.1-1
  zzzeeksphinx                   1.3.2-1                     1.2.5-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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