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Testing migration summary 2022-01-03 (Monday)

On 2022-01-03 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                      version                       previous
  audmes                              2021.11.04-2                  2021.03.14-1
  baycomusb                           0.10-15                       0.10-14
  binstats                            1.08-9.1                      1.08-9
  bluez                               5.62-2                        5.62-1
  buildlog-consultant                 0.0.17-1                      0.0.12-1
  certipy                             0.1.3-3                       0.1.3-2
  cflow                               1:1.7-2                       1:1.6-6
  clzip                               1.12-4                        1.12-3
  composer                            2.2.3-1                       2.2.1-2
  designate                           1:13.0.0-3                    1:13.0.0-2
  fabric                              2.5.0-0.4                     2.5.0-0.3
  freetype                            2.11.1+dfsg-1                 2.11.0+dfsg-1
  freezer                             11.0.0-2                      11.0.0-1
  frozen-bubble                       2.212-10                      2.212-9
  ghostwriter                         2.1.1-1                       2.1.0-2
  glusterfs                           10.0-2                        10.0-1.3
  golang-github-andreykaipov-goobs    0.8.0-1                       0.7.1+ds1-3
  hcxdumptool                         6.2.5-1                       6.2.4-1
  heat                                1:17.0.0-7                    1:17.0.0-6
  horizon                             3:20.1.0-4                    3:20.1.0-3
  icingaweb2-module-audit             1.0.1-2                       1.0.1-1
  icingaweb2-module-boxydash          0.0.1+20160321-4              0.0.1+20160321-3
  icingaweb2-module-director          1.8.1-2                       1.8.1-1
  icingaweb2-module-nagvis            1.1.1-3                       1.1.1-2
  icingaweb2-module-pnp               1.1.0-3                       1.1.0-2
  icingaweb2-module-reporting         0.9.2+20200529-2              (not in testing)
  icingaweb2-module-toplevelview      0.3.3-1                       0.3.1-1.1
  icingaweb2-module-x509              20190125-3                    20190125-2
  icoutils                            0.32.3-4                      0.32.3-3
  id3                                 1.1.2-3                       1.1.2-2
  id3tool                             1.2a-13                       1.2a-12
  indi-fishcamp                       1.1-1                         (not in testing)
  indi-inovaplx                       1.4-1                         (not in testing)
  iredis                              1.10.0-1                      1.9.4-2
  jamulus                             3.8.1+dfsg1-1                 3.6.2+dfsg1-3
  jlex                                1.2.6-12                      1.2.6-11
  kazoo                               2.7.0-5                       2.7.0-4
  keystone                            2:20.0.0-3                    2:20.0.0-2
  libdap                              3.20.9-1                      3.20.8-2
  libgwenhywfar                       5.8.1-1                       5.8.0-1
  libmath-bigint-perl                 1.999829-1                    1.999828-1
  librinci-perl                       1.1.99-1                      1.1.98-1
  lunzip                              1.12-3                        1.12-2
  lzd                                 1.2-3                         1.2-2
  lzip                                1.22-5                        1.22-4
  lziprecover                         1.22-3                        1.22-2
  lzlib                               1.12-3                        1.12-2
  mistral                             13.0.0-3                      13.0.0-2
  mrpt                                1:2.4.0+ds-4                  1:2.2.0-2
  neutron-dynamic-routing             2:19.0.0-2                    2:19.0.0-1
  neutron-vpnaas                      2:19.0.0-2                    2:19.0.0-1
  node-es6-symbol                     3.1.3+~cs3.11.0-1             3.1.3+~cs3.5.0-1
  node-eventsource                    1.1.0+~1.1.8-1                1.0.7-1
  node-he                             1.2.0-3                       1.2.0-2.1
  node-js-tokens                      7.0.0-1                       6.0.0-2
  node-jsdom                          19.0.0+~cs90.11.27-1          18.1.1+~cs90.11.25-1
  node-katex                          0.10.2+dfsg-9                 0.10.2+dfsg-8
  node-minimatch                      3.0.4+~3.0.5-1                3.0.4+~3.0.3-1
  node-ordered-read-streams           1.0.1-5                       1.0.1-2
  node-prosemirror-schema-basic       1.1.2+~1.0.2-1                1.1.2-2
  novnc                               1:1.0.0-5                     1:1.0.0-3
  opencolorio                         1.1.1~dfsg0-7.1               1.1.1~dfsg0-7
  openssh-ssh1                        1:7.5p1-13                    1:7.5p1-12
  pcl                                 1.12.1+dfsg-3                 1.12.0+dfsg-6
  pdlzip                              1.11-3                        1.11-2
  plzip                               1.9-3                         1.9-2
  pyim-el                             4.0.3-1                       3.9.7-1
  python-autobahn                     21.11.1+dfsg1-2               17.10.1+dfsg1-7
  python-croniter                     1.0.15-3                      1.0.15-2
  python-jenkins                      1.4.0-2                       1.4.0-1
  python-memoize                      1.0.3-2                       1.0.3-1
  python-pot                                0.8.0+dfsg-3
  python-watcherclient                3.3.0-3                       3.3.0-2
  python-zipstream-ng                 1.3.4-1                       1.3.3-1
  r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation  1.10.1+ds-1                   1.10.0+ds-1
  r-bioc-tximeta                      1.12.4+dfsg-2                 1.12.3+dfsg-1
  r-cran-ape                          5.6-1                         5.5-1
  r-cran-dbitest                      1.7.2-1                       1.7.1-1
  r-cran-glue                         1.6.0-1                       1.5.1-1
  r-cran-maldiquant                   1.21-1                        1.20-1
  r-cran-openssl                      1.4.6+dfsg-1                  1.4.5+dfsg-1
  r-cran-progressr                    0.10.0-1                      0.9.0-1
  r-cran-prophet                      1.0+dfsg-3                    (not in testing)
  r-cran-raster                       3.5-11-1                      3.5-9-1
  r-cran-rgdal                        1.5-28+dfsg-1                 1.5-27+dfsg-1
  r-cran-rstan                        2.21.3-1                      2.21.2-3
  r-cran-rtdists                      0.11-4-1                      0.11-2-2
  r-cran-sf                           1.0-5+dfsg-1                  1.0-4+dfsg-1
  r-cran-tinytex                      0.36-1                        0.35-1
  r-cran-tufte                        0.11-1                        0.10-1
  rabbitmq-server                     3.9.8-2                       3.9.8-1
  rally-openstack                     2.2.0-2                       (not in testing)
  resolvconf                          1.90                          1.87
  ros-robot-state-publisher           1.15.2-4                      1.15.2-3
  rsymphony                           0.1-33-1                      0.1-32-1
  ruby-kramdown-rfc2629               1.5.24-0.1                    1.3.35-1
  rust-concurrent-queue               1.2.2-1                       (not in testing)
  rust-parking                        2.0.0-1                       (not in testing)
  rust-polling                        2.2.0-1                       (not in testing)
  rust-xxhash-rust                    0.8.2-1                       (not in testing)
  sphinxcontrib-programoutput         0.16-2                        0.16-1
  trabucco                            1.2-1                         1.1-1
  upstream-ontologist                 0.1.24-1                      0.1.22-1
  userv                               1.2.1~beta4                   1.2.1~beta1
  xlunzip                             0.7-3                         0.7-2
  xutils-dev                          1:7.7+6                       1:7.7+5
  yaz                                 5.31.1-1                      5.31.0-1
  zutty                               0.10.20211016.133334+dfsg1-1  (not in testing)

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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