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Testing migration summary 2021-11-06 (Saturday)

On 2021-11-06 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                         version                              previous
  4ti2                                   1.6.9+ds-4                           1.6.9+ds-2
  agenda.app                             0.46-2                               0.44-2
  aoflagger                              3.1.0-2                              (not in testing)
  cheese                                 41.0-3                               41.0-1
  choose-mirror                          2.112                                2.111
  covtobed                               1.3.1+dfsg-1                         1.2.0+dfsg-2
  deepin-movie-reborn                    5.7.15-1                   
  discover                               2.1.2-9                              2.1.2-8
  exodusii                               6.02.dfsg.1-10                       6.02.dfsg.1-8
  festival                               1:2.5.0-8                            1:2.5.0-7
  festival-ca                            3.0.6-2                              3.0.6-1.1
  filezilla                              3.56.2-1                             3.56.0-1
  fonts-ibm-plex                         6.0.0-1                              5.1.3-1
  gnome-authenticator                    3.32.2+dfsg1-4                       3.32.2+dfsg1-2
  gnome-online-accounts                  3.40.1-2                             3.40.0-2
  golang-github-alecthomas-kong-hcl      1.0.1-1                              0.2.0-2
  golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go           1.41.14-1                            1.40.8-1
  golang-github-bep-gowebp               0.1.0+dfsg-3                         (not in testing)
  golang-github-chmduquesne-rollinghash  4.0.0-2                              4.0.0-1
  golang-github-getkin-kin-openapi       0.80.0-1                             0.75.0-1
  golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure   1.4.2-1                              1.4.1-1
  golang-github-pzhin-go-sophia          0.0~git20191015.0.afcd224-6          0.0~git20191015.0.afcd224-5
  golang-github-renekroon-ttlcache       2.9.0+ds-1                           2.8.1+ds-1
  golang-github-satta-ifplugo            0.0~git20200508.ca679be-3            0.0~git20200508.ca679be-2
  golang-github-stvp-tempredis           0.0~git20181119.b82af84-1            0.0~git20160122.0.83f7aae-2.1
  golang-github-yuin-goldmark            1.4.2-1                              1.4.0-1
  golang-gitlab-gitlab-org-labkit        1.6.0-1                              1.3.0-4
  golang-pretty                          0.3.0-1                              0.2.1+git20200831.59b4212-1
  grub-installer                         1.182                                1.181
  gsl-doc                                2.6-2                                2.6-1
  haproxy                                2.4.8-1                              2.4.7-2
  harminv                                1.4.1-3                              1.4.1-2
  hcxdumptool                            6.2.4-1                              6.0.5-2
  hexchat                                2.16.0-3                             2.14.3-6
  i3-wm                                  4.20-1                               4.19.1-1
  icdiff                                 2.0.4-2                              2.0.4-1
  imv                                    4.3.0-1                              4.2.0-1.1
  inventor                               2.1.5-10-24                          2.1.5-10-23.1
  jameica-datasource                     2.8.1+dfsg-4                         2.8.1+dfsg-3
  jameica-util                           2.8-3                                2.8-2
  jigdo                                  0.8.1-1                              (not in testing)
  jquery-ui-touch-punch.js               0.0~git20141218.2.4bc0091+dfsg1-4.1  0.0~git20141218.2.4bc0091+dfsg1-2
  kdecoration                            4:5.23.2-1                           4:5.23.0-3
  kicad-packages3d                       5.1.11-1                             5.1.7-1
  knot                                   3.1.4-1                              3.1.3-2
  kwin                                   4:5.23.2-1                           4:5.23.0-2
  labelme                                4.5.13-1                             4.5.12-1
  libbpp-core                            2.4.1-7                              2.4.1-6
  libbpp-phyl                            2.4.1-6                              2.4.1-5
  libbpp-popgen                          2.4.1-6                              2.4.1-5
  libbpp-qt                              2.4.1-6                              2.4.1-5
  libfile-mmagic-xs-perl                 0.09008-4                            0.09008-3
  libimage-librsvg-perl                  0.07-9                               0.07-8
  libimage-png-libpng-perl               0.57-2                               0.57-1
  libimager-perl                         1.012+dfsg-2                         1.012+dfsg-1
  libinline-java-perl                    0.66-4                               0.66-3
  libjs-jquery-backstretch               2.1.17-3.1                           2.1.17-1
  libjs-jquery-colorpicker               1.2.20-2.1                           1.2.20-1
  libjs-jquery-fixedtableheader          1.0.3-3.1                            1.0.3-2
  libjs-jquery-timeago                   1.6.7-2.1                            1.6.7-1
  libjs-require-css                      0.1.10+ds-2.1                        0.1.10+ds-1
  libkscreen                             4:5.23.2-1                           4:5.23.0-1
  libpam-mount                           2.18-2                               2.18-1
  libpath-tiny-perl                      0.120-1                              0.118-1
  libpgjava                              42.3.1-1                             42.2.24-1
  libvhdi                                20210425-1                           20201204-3
  libweb-solid-auth-perl                 0.91-1                               0.9-1
  libxml-parser-perl                     2.46-3                               2.46-2
  lighttpd                               1.4.61-1                             1.4.59-2
  logiops                                0.2.2-2                              0.2.2-1
  magics++                               4.9.4-1                              4.9.3-1
  main-menu                              1.63                                 1.62
  maskprocessor                          0.73+git20170609.1708898-3           0.73+git20170609.1708898-2
  maven-jaxb2-plugin                     0.14.0-2                             0.14.0-1
  mckoisqldb                             1.0.6-4                              1.0.6-3
  mdbtools                               1.0.0+dfsg-1                         0.9.4-1
  mercurial                              5.9.3-1                              5.9-3
  mkgmap                                 0.0.0+svn4810-1                      0.0.0+svn4807-1
  nautilus                               41.1-1                               41.0-1
  ncmpcpp                                0.9.2-2                              0.9.2-1
  node-amdefine                          1.0.1-5                              1.0.1-3
  node-bash                              0.0.1-4                              0.0.1-2
  node-browser-stdout                    1.3.1-5                              1.3.1-2
  node-chalk                             4.1.2-1                              4.1.0-1
  node-combine-source-map                0.8.0+ds-7                           0.8.0+ds-6
  node-debug                             4.3.2+~cs4.1.7-1                     4.3.1+~cs4.1.5-1
  node-exit                              0.1.2+~0.1.31-2                      0.1.2+~0.1.31-1
  node-fs-readdir-recursive              1.1.0-2                              1.1.0-1
  node-glob-parent                       6.0.2+~5.1.1-1                       5.1.1+~5.1.0-2
  node-glob-stream                       6.1.0+~6.1.0-2                       6.1.0+~6.1.0-1
  node-gyp                               7.1.2-5                              7.1.2-4
  node-is-glob                           4.0.3-1                              4.0.1-1
  node-prosemirror-transform             1.2.8-4                              1.2.8-2
  node-redis                             3.1.2+~cs6.15.1-1                    3.0.2+~cs5.18.1-3
  node-tapable                           1.0.0-6                              1.0.0-4
  node-yamlish                           0.0.7-4                              0.0.7-1
  obantoo                                2.1.12+ds1-3                         2.1.12+ds1-2
  packaging-tutorial                     0.29                                 0.28
  pasdoc                                 0.16.0-2                             0.15.0-2
  pelican                                4.7.1+dfsg-1                         4.0.1+dfsg-1.1
  pkg-js-tools                           0.9.79                               0.9.78
  plplot                                 5.15.0+dfsg-23                       5.15.0+dfsg-22
  polymake                               4.4-3                                4.3-4
  psycopg2                               2.9.1-1                              2.8.6-2
  python-argh                            0.26.2-2                             0.26.2-1.1
  python-cachecontrol                    0.12.9-1                             0.12.8-1
  python-django-otp                      1.1.1-1                              1.0.2-1
  python-moreorless                      0.4.0-2                              0.3.0-2
  python-schema-salad                    8.2.20211104054942-1                 8.2.20210918131710-2
  python-virtualenv                      20.10.0+ds-1                         20.9.0+ds-1
  r-base                                 4.1.2-1                              4.1.1-2
  r-cran-backports                       1.3.0-1                              1.2.1-1
  r-cran-bayestestr                      0.11.5-1                             0.11.0-1
  r-cran-cli                             3.1.0-1                              3.0.1-1
  r-cran-crayon                          1.4.2-1                              1.4.1-1
  r-cran-downlit                         0.4.0-1                              0.2.1-2
  r-cran-ff                              4.0.5+ds-1                           4.0.4+ds-2
  r-cran-fftw                            1.0-6.1-1                            1.0-6-2
  r-cran-fields                          13.3-1                               12.5-1
  r-cran-future                          1.23.0+dfsg-1                        1.22.1+dfsg-1
  r-cran-gert                            1.4.1+dfsg-3                         1.4.1+dfsg-1
  r-cran-glmnet                          4.1-3-1                              4.1-2-1
  r-cran-gmp                             0.6-2.1-1                            0.6-2-1
  r-cran-gsl                             2.1-7.1-1                            2.1-7-1
  r-cran-pscbs                           0.66.0-2                             0.65.0-3
  r-cran-psych                           2.1.9-2                              2.1.9-1
  r-cran-ragg                            1.2.0-1                              1.1.3-1
  r-cran-uuid                            1.0-3-1                              1.0-2-1
  r-cran-venndiagram                     1.7.0-1                              1.6.20-3
  rdfind                                 1.5.0-1.1                            1.5.0-1
  rnp                                    0.15.2-6                             (not in testing)
  ros-catkin-pkg                         0.4.24-1                             0.4.23-1
  ruby-attribute-normalizer              1.2.0-2                              (not in testing)
  ruby-debug-inspector                   1.1.0+gh-1                           0.0.2-1.1
  ruby-enumerable-statistics             2.0.7+dfsg-2                         2.0.1+dfsg-3
  ruby-gd                                0.8.0-8                              0.8.0-7
  ruby-libvirt                           0.7.1-1.1                            0.7.1-1
  ruby-ruby-magic-static                 0.5.0-1                              0.4.0-4
  ruby-slowpoke                          0.3.2-2                              (not in testing)
  ruby-sprockets                         3.7.2-2                              3.7.2-1
  sasmodels                              1.0.5-1                              1.0.4-3
  sasview                                5.0.4-1                              5.0.3-3
  scummvm-tools                          2.5.0-1                              2.2.0-1
  super-csv                              2.4.0-3                              2.4.0-2
  svnclientadapter                       1.10.12-2                            1.10.12-1.1
  sysv-rc-conf                           0.99-8                               0.99-7.1
  tcptrack                               1.4.3-1                              1.4.2-2
  tiddit                                 2.12.2+dfsg-1                        2.12.1+dfsg-2
  tvc                                    5.0.3+git20151221.80e144e+dfsg-4     (not in testing)
  udpkg                                  1.21                                 1.20
  vim-subtitles                          1.0-2                                (not in testing)
  wsjtx                                  2.5.1+repack-1                       2.5.0+repack-3
  xgammon                                0.99.1128-5                          0.99.1128-4

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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