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Testing migration summary 2021-09-30 (Thursday)

On 2021-09-30 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                            version               previous
  base-passwd                               3.5.52                3.5.51
  bcbio                                     1.2.5-1               (not in testing)
  calamares-settings-debian                 11.0.5-2              (not in testing)
  cftime                                    1.5.1+ds-1            1.5.0+ds-1
  clonalframe                               1.2-11                1.2-10
  congruity                                 20-2                  20-1
  django-model-utils                        4.1.1-2               3.1.1-2
  eog                                       41.0-2                41.0-1
  freedombox                                21.10                 21.9
  gdu                                       5.8.1-2               4.6.3-1
  ghex                                      3.41.0-1              3.18.4-1
  gnome-shell                               40.5-1                40.4-3
  golang-github-hashicorp-go-retryablehttp  0.7.0-1               0.6.4-2
  gp-saml-gui                               0.0~git20210909-1     0.0~git20201229-2
  halibut                                   1.2-5                 1.2-4
  hitori                                    3.38.3-1              3.38.2-1
  imaptool                                  0.9-20                0.9-19
  imlib2                                    1.7.4-1               1.7.3-1
  jackrabbit                                2.20.3-1              2.18.0+r2.14.6-1
  kali                                      3.1-19                3.1-18
  kdevelop-php                              5.6.2-2               5.6.2-1
  kdevelop-python                           5.6.2-2               5.6.2-1
  knewstuff                                 5.86.0-2              5.86.0-1
  labgrid                                   0.4.0-2               0.3.4-1
  lefse                                     1.1.2-1               1.0.8-3
  libdata-dmp-perl                          0.241-1               0.240-1
  libdatetime-timezone-perl                 1:2.48-1+2021b        1:2.47-1+2021a
  libgraphql-perl                           0.52-1                0.51-1
  libinput                                  1.19.1-1              1.16.4-3
  libjsoncpp                                1.9.4-5               1.9.4-4
  liblog-agent-logger-perl                  0.201-1               0.200-1
  liblog-agent-rotate-perl                  1.201-1               1.200-1
  liblog-any-perl                           1.710-1               1.709-1
  liblog-dispatch-filewriterotate-perl      0.062-1               0.060-1
  liblog-report-perl                        1.33-1                1.32-1
  librnd                                    3.0.0-3               (not in testing)
  libtest-xml-simple-perl                   1.05-3                1.05-2
  metastore                                 1.1.2-4               1.1.2-3
  mmdebstrap                                0.8.0-5               0.7.5-2.2
  mobile-broadband-provider-info            20210805-1            20201225-1
  ngrep                                     1.47+ds1-3            1.47+ds1-2
  node-qs                                   6.10.1+ds-1           6.9.4+ds-1
  node-ts-jest                              27.0.5+~cs0.2.6-1     26.5.0+~cs2.4.7-1
  notcurses                                 2.4.3+dfsg.1-1        2.4.0+dfsg.1-1
  nxt-firmware                              1.29-20120908+dfsg-8  (not in testing)
  openorienteering-mapper                   0.9.5-1               0.9.4-2
  pcb-rnd                                   3.0.0-1               2.4.0-1
  pigx-rnaseq                               0.0.19-1              (not in testing)
  pmdk                                      1.11.1-2              1.11.0-2
  polybar                                   3.5.7-1               3.5.6-1
  postgresql-common                         230                   227
  postgresql-semver                         0.31.1-3              0.31.1-2
  python-curtsies                           0.3.7-1               0.3.5-4
  q2templates                               2021.8.0+ds-1         2020.11.1+dfsg-1
  r-bioc-altcdfenvs                         1:2.54.0-2            (not in testing)
  r-bioc-degreport                          1.28.0+dfsg-1         (not in testing)
  r-bioc-deseq2                             1.32.0+dfsg-3         (not in testing)
  r-bioc-dexseq                             1.38.0+dfsg-1         (not in testing)
  r-bioc-dropletutils                       1.12.3+ds-1           (not in testing)
  r-bioc-htsfilter                          1.32.0+dfsg-1         (not in testing)
  r-bioc-rgsepd                             1.24.0-1              (not in testing)
  r-bioc-tximeta                            1.10.0+dfsg-2         (not in testing)
  r-cran-amelia                             1.8.0-1               1.7.6-1
  r-cran-ape                                5.5-1                 5.4-1-1
  r-cran-bio3d                              2.4-2-1               2.4-1-1
  r-cran-dqrng                              0.3.0+dfsg-1          0.2.1+dfsg-4
  r-cran-forecast                           8.15-1                8.13-1
  r-cran-future                             1.22.1+dfsg-1         1.21.0+dfsg-1
  r-cran-huge                               1.3.5-1     
  r-cran-later                              1.3.0+dfsg-1
  r-cran-lhs                                1.1.3-1               1.1.1-1
  r-cran-lubridate                          1.7.10+dfsg-1
  r-cran-lwgeom                             0.2-7-1               0.2-5-2
  r-cran-magick                             2.7.3+dfsg-1          2.6.0+dfsg-1
  r-cran-markovchain                        0.8.6-1               0.8.5-4-1
  r-cran-mets                               1.2.9+dfsg-1
  r-cran-multicool                          0.1-12-1              0.1-11-2
  r-cran-pdftools                           3.0.1-1               2.3.1-1
  r-cran-phangorn                           2.7.1-1               2.5.5-2
  r-cran-phytools                           0.7-90-1              0.7-80-1
  r-cran-ranger                             0.13.1-1              0.12.1-3
  r-cran-raster                             3.4-13-1              3.4-5-1
  r-cran-rcppannoy                          0.0.19-1              0.0.18-1
  r-cran-reticulate                         1.22+dfsg-1           1.18+dfsg-1
  r-cran-rpact                              3.1.1-1               3.0.3-2
  r-cran-rpf                                1.0.8+dfsg-1          1.0.5+dfsg-1
  r-cran-s2                                 1.0.6-1               1.0.4-1
  r-cran-splines2                           0.4.5-1               0.4.1-1
  r-cran-vim                                6.1.1+dfsg-1          6.1.0+dfsg-1
  r8168                                     8.049.02-1            8.048.03-3
  rabbitmq-server                           3.9.4-1.2             3.9.4-1.1
  rjava                                     1.0-5-1               1.0-4-1
  rygel                                     0.40.2-1              0.40.1-3
  sdf                                       2.001+1-8             2.001+1-7
  sigrok-cli                                0.7.2-1               0.7.1-1
  simple-scan                               40.5-1                40.1-1
  sopwith                                   1.8.4-17              1.8.4-16
  spice-gtk                                 0.39-3                0.39-1
  stress-ng                                 0.13.04-1             0.13.03-1
  tomcat9                                   9.0.53-1              9.0.43-3
  trinityrnaseq                             2.11.0+dfsg-6         (not in testing)
  unicode-data                              14.0.0-1              13.0.0-2
  wsjtx                                     2.5.0+repack-1        2.5.0~rc6+repack-1
  xdesktopwaves                             1.3-4.1               1.3-4

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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