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Testing migration summary 2021-12-08 (Wednesday)

On 2021-12-08 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                              version                         previous
  alter-sequence-alignment                    1.3.4-6                         1.3.4-5
  bluedevil                                   4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  breeze                                      4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  breeze-grub                                 5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  breeze-gtk                                  5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  breeze-plymouth                             5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  caja-mediainfo                              1.0.4+repack1-1                 1.0.3+repack1-1
  caja-rename                                 21.11.24-1                      20.1.26-1
  cgreen                                      1.3.0-2                         (not in testing)
  check-pgbackrest                            2.2-1                           2.1-1
  cloudkitty                                  15.0.0-2                        14.0.0-3
  crystal-facet-uml                           1.34.0-1                        1.32.1-1
  cvs-fast-export                             1.59-1                          1.55-1
  dictionaries-common                         1.28.14                         1.28.12
  diffoscope                                  195                             194
  dnstwist                                    0~20211204-1                    0~20201228-1
  drkonqi                                     5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  exhale                                      0.2.4-2                         0.2.3-2
  flask                                       2.0.1-2                         1.1.2-3
  fonts-firacode                              6-1                             5.2+dfsg1-2
  fraqtive                                    0.4.8-15                        0.4.8-14
  fs-uae                                      3.1.62-1                        3.1.59-1
  glibc                                       2.32-5                          2.32-4
  gnome-shell-extension-sound-device-chooser  39-1                            38-3
  gnucash-docs                                4.8-1                           4.6-1
  grammatica                                  1.6+ds-4                        1.6+ds-3
  gramps                                      5.1.4-1                         5.1.3-1
  guile-lib                                   0.2.7-3                         0.2.7-2
  hg-git                                      0.10.3-2                        0.10.3-1
  ibus-anthy                                  1.5.13-1                        1.5.12-2
  ibus-m17n                                   1.4.8-1                         1.4.3-1
  icewm                                       2.9.1-1                         2.8.0-1
  ignition-utils                              1.1.0+ds-2                      (not in testing)
  impress.js                                  1.1.0-2                         1.1.0-1
  irrlicht                                    1.8.5+ds-2                      1.8.5+ds-1
  ispell.pt                                   20211125-2                      20210922-1
  iwd                                         1.20-3                          1.20-2
  kactivitymanagerd                           5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  kde-cli-tools                               4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  kde-gtk-config                              4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  kdeplasma-addons                            4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  kgamma5                                     5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  khotkeys                                    4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  kinfocenter                                 4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  kmenuedit                                   4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  kscreen                                     4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  kscreenlocker                               5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  ksshaskpass                                 4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  ksystemstats                                5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  kwallet-pam                                 5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  kwayland-integration                        5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  kwayland-server                             5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  kwin                                        4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  kwrited                                     4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  layer-shell-qt                              5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  ledger                                      3.2.1-8                         3.2.1-7
  less.js                                     3.13.0+dfsg-7                   3.13.0+dfsg-6
  libasi                                      1.20.3-1                        1.20.2-1
  libconfig-model-perl                        2.147-1                         2.145-1
  libcpan-checksums-perl                      2.14-1                          2.13-1
  libdbd-firebird-perl                        1.34-1                          1.33-1
  libgc                                       1:8.0.6-1.1                     1:8.0.4-3
  libhipi-perl                                0.86-2                          (not in testing)
  libhtml-tokeparser-simple-perl              3.16-4                          3.16-3
  libksysguard                                4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  libmoo-perl                                 2.005004-3                      2.005004-2
  libwww-perl                                 6.59-1                          6.58-1
  lightdm-autologin-greeter                   1.0-5                           1.0-4
  logswan                                     2.1.12-1                        2.1.11-1
  milou                                       4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  minetest-mod-currency                       20210414.1-2                    20210414.1-1
  mod-wsgi                                    4.9.0-1                         4.7.1-3
  mpl-animators                               1.0.0-2                         (not in testing)
  netcat-openbsd                              1.218-3                         1.218-2
  node-bootstrap-switch                       3.3.4+dfsg+really3.3.3-3        3.3.4+dfsg+really3.3.3-2
  node-cheerio                                1.0.0~rc~10+~cs13.5.2-6         1.0.0~rc~10+~cs13.5.2-5
  node-columnify                              1.5.4+~1.5.1-1                  1.5.4-3
  node-css-what                               5.1.0-2                         5.1.0-1
  node-domhandler                             4.2.2-5                         4.2.2-4
  node-domutils                               2.8.0-5                         2.8.0-4
  node-entities                               3.0.1-4                         3.0.1-3
  node-es6-promise                            4.2.8-9                         4.2.8-8
  node-htmlparser2                            7.1.2-5                         7.1.2-4
  node-i18next-http-backend                   1.3.1+dfsg-4                    1.3.1+dfsg-2
  node-jest                                   27.4.3~ds+~cs68.44.26-1         27.4.3~ds+~cs67.42.26-2
  node-jmespath                               0.15.0+dfsg-3                   0.15.0+dfsg-2
  node-keese                                  1.1.1-4                         1.1.1-3.1
  node-path-is-inside                         1.0.2+~1.0.0-1                  1.0.2-1.1
  node-prop-types                             15.7.2+~15.7.4-2                15.7.2+~15.7.4-1
  node-re2                                    1.17.1+~cs2.12.8-1              1.16.0+~cs2.12.8-2
  node-reserved                               0.1.2+20140511-6                0.1.2+20140511-4
  node-rollup-plugin-sass                     1.2.6~dfsg-2                    1.2.6~dfsg-1
  node-thenby                                 1.3.4+git20200720.0fd165a+ds-3  1.3.4+git20200720.0fd165a+ds-2
  node-timeago.js                             4.0.2-4                         4.0.2-3
  node-vue-resource                           1.5.3+dfsg+~1.3.6-2             1.5.3+dfsg+~1.3.6-1
  oxygen                                      4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  pbcopper                                    1.9.3+dfsg-2                    1.8.0+dfsg-2
  pgtap                                       1.2.0-1                         1.1.0-7
  php-elisp                                   1.24.0-1                        1.23.0-1
  plasma-browser-integration                  5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  plasma-desktop                              4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  plasma-discover                             5.23.4-1              
  plasma-disks                                5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  plasma-firewall                             5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  plasma-integration                          5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  plasma-nano                                 5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  plasma-nm                                   4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  plasma-pa                                   4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  plasma-sdk                                  5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  plasma-systemmonitor                        5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  plasma-thunderbolt                          5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  plasma-vault                                5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  plasma-workspace                            4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  plasma-workspace-wallpapers                 4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  plymouth-kcm                                5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  poke                                        1.4+dfsg-1                      1.3+dfsg-2
  polkit-kde-agent-1                          4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  polyline                                    1.4.0-2                         (not in testing)
  popper.js                                   1.16.1+ds-5                     1.16.1+ds-4
  postgresql-common                           234                             233
  powerdevil                                  4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  pytest-skip-markers                         1.0.0-2                         (not in testing)
  python-dnslib                               0.9.16-1                        0.9.14-1
  python-halo                                 0.0.31-2                        (not in testing)
  python-log-symbols                          0.0.14-2                        (not in testing)
  python-pkginfo                              1.8.2-1                         1.7.1-1
  python-plac                                 1.3.4-1                         (not in testing)
  qqc2-breeze-style                           5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1
  qtcreator                                   6.0.0-2                         5.0.3-2
  r-cran-argparse                             2.1.3-1                         2.1.2-1
  r-cran-bench                                1.1.2-1                         1.1.1-1
  r-cran-credentials                          1.3.2-1                         1.3.1-1
  r-cran-decor                                1.0.1-1                         1.0.0-2
  r-cran-fs                                   1.5.1+dfsg-1                    1.5.0+dfsg-1
  r-cran-glue                                 1.5.1-1                         1.5.0-1
  reiser4progs                                1.2.2-1                         1.2.1-3
  ruby-bootsnap                               1.9.3-1                         1.4.6-2
  ruby-msgpack                                1.4.2-1                         1.1.0-2
  ruby-puppetlabs-spec-helper                 4.0.1-1                         2.16.0-1
  ruby-rantly                                 2.0.0-2                         (not in testing)
  ruby-rspec-puppet-facts                     2.0.3-1                         2.0.2-1
  ruby-ruby2-keywords                         0.0.5-1                         0.0.2-2
  ruby-rugged                                 1.2.0+ds-1                      1.1.0+ds-6
  rust-lscolors                               0.8.1-2                         0.7.1-1
  rust-normpath                               0.3.1-2                         (not in testing)
  rust-pico-args                              0.4.2-1                         0.3.4-2
  sddm-kcm                                    4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  sipvicious                                  0.3.3-2                         0.3.0-2
  slcurl                                      0.2.2~pre.11-1                  0.2.2~pre.10-2
  slexpat                                     0.5.0-8                         0.5.0-7
  slgdbm                                      1.7.1-13                        1.7.1-12
  slpvm                                       0.1.5-16                        0.1.5-15
  slwildcard                                  0.5.0-7                         0.5.0-6
  sphinx-gallery                              0.10.1-1                        0.10.0-1
  sqlmap                                      1.5.12-1                        1.5.11-1
  sqlmodel                                    0.0.4-2                         (not in testing)
  swift                                       2.28.0-3                        2.28.0-2
  systemsettings                              4:5.23.4-1                      4:5.23.3-1
  therion                                     6.0.4-1                         6.0.3-2
  twine                                       3.7.0-1                         3.6.0-1
  ubuntu-dev-tools                            0.187                           0.186
  vue.js                                      2.6.14+dfsg-2                   2.6.14+dfsg-1
  wp2latex                                    3.102+ds-1                      3.101+ds-1
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde                      5.23.4-1                        5.23.3-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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