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Testing migration summary 2021-10-13 (Wednesday)

On 2021-10-13 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                             version                      previous
  apriltag                                   3.1.7-1                      0.10.0-6
  ark                                        4:21.08.2-1                  4:21.08.0-1
  avogadro                                   1.95.1-1                     1.93.0-3
  avogadrolibs                               1.95.1-4                     1.93.1-3
  black                                      21.4b2-3                     20.8b1-4
  calibre                                    5.29.0+dfsg-1                5.28.0+dfsg-1
  caneda                                     0.3.1+gitg08e22168-1         0.3.1-1
  cc1541                                     3.3-1                        3.2-1
  cockpit-podman                             34-1                         (not in testing)
  composer                                   2.1.9-1                      2.0.9-2
  corosync                                   3.1.5-2                      3.1.2-2
  crust-firmware                             0.4-3                        0.4-2
  dadadodo                                   1.04-8                       1.04-7
  debian-fbx                                 2                            (not in testing)
  dogtag-pki                                 10.10.6-1                    (not in testing)
  eclipse-emf                                2.27.0+dfsg-1                2.24.0+dfsg-1
  eclipse-platform-team                      4.21-1                       4.18-1
  eclipse-platform-ua                        4.21-1                       4.18-1
  edfbrowser                                 1.86+dfsg-1                  1.85+dfsg-1
  elisa-player                               21.08.2-1                    21.08.1-1
  fast5                                      0.6.5-5                      0.6.5-4
  fastkml                                    0.12-1                       0.11-3
  fcitx5                                     5.0.9-2                      5.0.9-1
  fcitx5-qt                                  5.0.7-2                      5.0.7-1
  foxyproxy-firefox-extension                7.5.1+dfsg-2                 (not in testing)
  gambas3                                    3.16.3-2                     3.16.3-1
  gdigi                                      0.4.0+git20200615+1c2c89f-2  0.4.0-1.1
  glibmm2.4                                  2.66.2-1                     2.66.1-1
  gnome-shell-extension-shortcuts            1.2.1-1                      1.2.0-1
  golang-github-checkpoint-restore-go-criu   5.1.0-1                      4.1.0-3
  golang-github-donovanhide-eventsource      0.0~git20210830.c590279-2    (not in testing)
  golang-github-gdamore-tcell.v2             2.4.0-2                      2.1.0-5
  golang-github-getlantern-hex               0.0~git20190417.c6586a6-1    0.0~git20160523.083fba3-2
  golang-github-lestrrat-go-pdebug           0.0~git20180220.0.569c974-3  0.0~git20160817.0.2e6eaaa-1.1
  golang-github-mcuadros-go-version          1.0.0-3                      0.0~git20161105.0.257f7b9-5
  golang-github-rancher-go-rancher-metadata  0.0~git20200311.7f4c936-2    (not in testing)
  gwenview                                   4:21.08.2-1                  4:21.08.0-1
  heat                                       1:17.0.0-3                   1:17.0.0~rc1-2
  hidapi                                     0.11.0-1                     0.10.1+dfsg-1
  hmisc                                      4.6-0-1                      4.5-0-1
  hplip                                      3.21.8+dfsg0-2               3.21.6+dfsg0-1
  identify                                   2.3.0-1                      2.2.14-1
  jinja2                                     3.0.1-2                      2.11.3-1
  jodconverter                               2.2.2-14                     2.2.2-13
  kate                                       4:21.08.2-1                  4:21.08.1-1
  kcm-fcitx5                                 5.0.6-2                      5.0.6-1
  kio-extras                                 4:21.08.2-1                  4:21.08.0-1
  knockpy                                    5.2.0-1                      5.1.0-1
  konqueror                                  4:21.08.2-1                  4:21.08.0-1
  konsole                                    4:21.08.2-1                  4:21.08.1-1
  libcache-fastmmap-perl                     1.57-1                       1.56-1
  libdatetime-calendar-julian-perl           0.106-1                      0.105-1
  libfilezilla                               0.32.0-1                     0.26.0-1
  libgraphics-tiff-perl                      17-1                         16-1
  libsrtp2                                   2.4.2-1                      2.4.1-1
  libwww-perl                                6.57-1                       6.53-1
  libxs-parse-keyword-perl                   0.19-1                       0.18-1
  limnoria                                   2021.10.9-1                  2021.07.21-2
  markupsafe                                 2.0.1-2                      1.1.1-1
  menhir                                     20210929-1                   20201216-1
  minimap                                    0.2-6                        0.2-5
  misc3d                                     0.9-1-1                      0.9-0-1
  mnemosyne                                  2.8+ds1-2                    2.8+ds1-1
  morbig                                     0.10.4-5                     0.10.4-4
  morsmall                                   0.3.0-4                      0.3.0-3
  mpi4py                                     3.1.1-8                      3.0.3-8
  mrtg                                       2.17.8+dfsg1-1               2.17.7-3
  nanofilt                                   2.6.0-4                      2.6.0-3
  net-snmp                                   5.9.1+dfsg-1                 5.9+dfsg-3
  nfoview                                    1.28.1-1                     1.28-2
  node-cyclist                               1.0.1-4                      1.0.1-3
  node-des.js                                1.0.1-2                      1.0.1-1
  node-duplexify                             4.1.2-1                      4.1.1-1
  node-es-abstract                           1.19.1+~cs16.20.21-1         1.18.6+~cs14.20.19+repack-1
  node-gulp-changed                          4.0.3-1                      4.0.2-1
  node-gulp-rename                           1.2.2-4                      1.2.2-3
  node-ieee754                               1.2.1-2                      1.2.1-1
  node-is-directory                          0.3.1-3                      0.3.1-2
  node-is-number                             7.0.0-2                      7.0.0-1.1
  node-mermaid                               8.13.2+ds+~cs30.13.21-1      8.7.0+ds+~cs27.17.17-3
  node-ncp                                   2.0.0-2                      2.0.0-1
  node-normalize-git-url                     3.0.2-2                      3.0.2-1
  node-read-only-stream                      2.0.0-5                      2.0.0-3
  node-run-queue                             2.0.0-2                      2.0.0-1
  node-send                                  0.17.1-3                     0.17.1-2
  node-shebang-regex                         3.0.0-2                      3.0.0-1
  node-yauzl                                 2.10.0-3                     2.10.0-2
  nsscache                                   0.42-2                       0.42-1
  ocl-icd                                    2.2.14-3                     2.2.14-2
  okular                                     4:21.08.2-1                  4:21.08.1-1
  pgrouting                                  3.2.1-2                      3.2.1-1
  php-codecoverage                           9.2.7+dfsg-1                 9.2.5+dfsg-3
  php-composer-xdebug-handler                2.0.2-1                      1.4.5-1
  php-directory-scanner                      1.3.3-1                      1.3.2-4
  php-doctrine-annotations                   1.13.2-1                     1.11.2-1
  php-doctrine-cache                         1.12.1-1                     1.10.2-2
  php-mikey179-vfsstream                     1.6.10-1                     1.6.8-3
  php-parser                                 4.13.0-2                     4.10.4-1
  php-tokenizer                              1.2.1-1                      1.2.0-1
  phpab                                      1.26.3-1                     1.26.0-1
  phpunit                                    9.5.10-1                     9.5.2-1
  postgis                                    3.1.4+dfsg-2                 3.1.4+dfsg-1
  pydantic                                   1.8.2-1                      1.7.4-1
  pydocstyle                                 6.1.1-1                      2.1.1-2
  pysynphot                                  2.0.0+dfsg-1                 1.0.1+dfsg-1
  python-argon2                              21.1.0-1                     18.3.0-2
  python-colorlog                            6.4.1-1                      4.7.2-1
  python-crossrefapi                         1.5.0-2                      (not in testing)
  python-curtsies                            0.3.10-1                     0.3.7-1
  python-cwcwidth                            0.1.5-1                      0.1.4-1
  python-geopandas                           0.10.1-1                     0.9.0-1
  python-itemadapter                         0.4.0-1                      0.2.0-1
  python-mpd                                 3.0.4-1                      3.0.3-1
  python-parsley                             1.3-2                        (not in testing)
  python-spectral                            0.22.1-2                     (not in testing)
  python-streamz                             0.6.3-1                      0.6.2-1
  pyzmq                                      22.3.0-1                     22.2.1-2
  qcengine                                   0.20.0-1                     0.17.0-1
  r-cran-dirmult                             0.1.3-4-2                    (not in testing)
  r-cran-gsubfn                              0.7-2                        (not in testing)
  r-cran-gunifrac                            1.3-1                        1.1-2
  r-cran-ids                                 1.0.1-2                      (not in testing)
  r-cran-kohonen                             3.0.10+dfsg-2                (not in testing)
  r-cran-lamw                                2.1.0-2                      (not in testing)
  r-cran-luminescence                        0.9.15-1                     0.9.10-1
  r-cran-progressr                           0.9.0-1                      (not in testing)
  r-cran-rmutil                              1.1.5-2                      (not in testing)
  raxml                                      8.2.12+dfsg-7                8.2.12+dfsg-6
  rstcheck                                   3.3.1-3                      (not in testing)
  ruby-eventmachine                          1.3~pre20201020-b50c135-3    1.3~pre20201020-b50c135-2
  ruby-puma-worker-killer                    0.3.1-2                      0.1.1-2
  rust-dissimilar                            1.0.2-1                      1.0.1-1
  rust-nix                                   0.19.0-2                     0.19.0-1
  safeclib                                   3.6-1                        3.5-3
  snek                                       1.7-2                        1.6-1
  stealth                                    4.03.01-1                    4.03.00-1
  supertuxkart                               1.3+dfsg1-2                  1.2+ds2-1
  swift                                      2.28.0-1                     2.27.0-2
  terminology                                1.10.0-1                     1.9.0-2
  tzdata                                     2021c-2                      2021c-1
  vim-bitbake                                0~git20210803-1              0~git20200915-1
  wbox                                       5-2                          5-1
  wireshark                                  3.4.9-1                      3.4.8-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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