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Testing migration summary 2021-08-20 (Friday)

On 2021-08-20 (Friday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                               version                       previous
  adminer                                      4.8.1-1                       4.7.9-2
  aioprocessing                                2.0.0-1                       1.1.0-2
  alfred                                       2021.1-1                      2020.3-1
  arno-iptables-firewall                       2.1.1-3                       2.1.1-2
  astrometry.net                               0.85+dfsg-1                   0.82+dfsg-1
  augur                                        12.0.0-1                      11.0.0-1
  axc                                          0.3.4-1                       0.3.3-1
  batctl                                       2021.1-2                      2020.4-2
  birdfont                                     2.29.5-2                      2.29.1-1
  bmtk                                         0.0+git20210109.8572664+ds-2  0.0+git20210109.8572664+ds-1
  cat-bat                                      5.2.3-1                       5.2.2-1
  cbm                                          0.3.1-1                       0.3-1
  cdk                                          1:2.5-2                       1:2.3.134.g1bb9a64587-2
  cds-healpix-java                             0.29.3+ds-1                   0.27.1+ds-2
  cftime                                       1.5.0+ds-1                    1.4.1+ds-1
  copyq                                        4.1.0-1                       3.13.0-1
  cyrus-imapd                                  3.4.1-2                       3.2.6-2
  dbus-glib                                    0.112-2                       0.110-6
  dcm2niix                                     1.0.20210317-1                1.0.20201102-1
  debci                                        3.2                           2.15.2
  docopt.cpp                                   0.6.2-2.3                     0.6.2-2.1
  duf                                          0.6.2-1                       (not in testing)
  edfbrowser                                   1.84+dfsg-1                   1.81+dfsg-1
  eqonomize                                    1.5.2-2                       1.5.1-1
  esorex                                       3.13.5+ds-1                   3.13.3+ds-1
  exuberant-ctags                              1:5.9~svn20110310-15          1:5.9~svn20110310-14
  fastd                                        22-2                          21-1
  find-file-in-project                         6.0.7-1                       6.0.1-1
  fiona                                        1.8.20-1                      1.8.18-1
  firejail                                     0.9.66-2            
  flatpak-builder                              1.0.14-2                      1.0.12-1
  fonts-sawarabi-mincho                        20210815-1                    20210415-1
  freedombox                                   21.7                          21.4.4
  frogdata                                     0.18-2                        0.18-1
  fullquottel                                  0.1.5-1                       0.1.4-1
  gcompris-qt                                  1.1-1                         1.0-1
  genometools                                  1.6.2+ds-2                    1.6.1+ds-3
  geographiclib                                1.52-1                        1.51-1
  git-lfs                                      2.13.3-1                      2.13.2-1
  gmt                                          6.2.0+dfsg-1                  6.1.1+dfsg-1
  gmt-dcw                                      2.0.0-1                       1.1.4-3
  golang-github-adrianmo-go-nmea               1.3.0-2                       1.3.0-1
  golang-github-alexcesaro-log                 0.0~git20150915.61e6862-3     0.0~git20150915.61e6862-2
  golang-github-antchfx-jsonquery              1.1.4-3                       1.1.4-2
  golang-github-evanw-esbuild                  0.8.46-1                      0.8.39-1
  golang-github-graph-gophers-graphql-go       1.1.0-2                       0.0~git20180609.bb97385-2.1
  golang-github-jedib0t-go-pretty              6.2.4-1                       (not in testing)
  golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-x11-client      0.6.7-1                       0.6.3-1
  golang-github-renekroon-ttlcache             2.7.0+ds-2                    2.3.0+ds-1
  golang-github-shenwei356-bio                 0.1.0-1                       0.0~git20201213.18e3e64-1
  golang-github-tdewolff-minify                2.9.13-1                      2.7.2-1
  golang-golang-x-sys                          0.0~git20210806.e5e7981-1     0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1
  gourmet                                      1.0.1-1                       0.17.5~alpha2-7
  gpsprune                                     20.4-1                        20.2-1
  gretl                                        2021b-2                       2021a-1
  groonga                                      11.0.5-1                      11.0.0-2
  guymager                                     0.8.13-1                      0.8.12-1
  haruna                                                  0.5.0-2
  hnswlib                                      0.5.2-1                       0.4.0-3
  hwdata                                       0.350-1                       0.345-1
  ibm-3270                                     4.0ga14-1                     4.0ga12-3
  ibus-typing-booster                          2.14.0-1                      2.10.5-1
  id3v2                                        0.1.12+dfsg-6                 0.1.12+dfsg-4
  imagej                                       1.53k-1                       1.53g-2
  intel-gmmlib                                 21.2.1+ds1-2                  20.4.1+ds1-1
  ipcalc-ng                                    1.0.1-2                       1.0.0-1
  iwd                                          1.16-2                        1.14-3
  jitterentropy-rngd                           1.2.3-1                       1.2.1-2
  jmapviewer                                   2.15+dfsg-1                   2.14+dfsg-1
  josm                                         0.0.svn18118+dfsg-1           0.0.svn17428+dfsg-2
  josm-installer                               0.0.1+svn17970                0.0.1+svn17345
  jp2a                                         1.1.0-2                       1.1.0-1
  jsap                                         2.1-4                         2.1-3.1
  jsofa                                        0~20210512-1                  0~20200721-1
  keyrings.alt                                 4.1.0-1                       4.0.2-1
  kma                                          1.3.23-1                      1.3.10-1
  knack                                        0.8.2-1                       0.8.0~rc2-1
  krita                                        1:4.4.7+dfsg-1                1:4.4.2+dfsg-1
  libapache2-mod-auth-mellon                   0.18.0-1                      0.17.0-1
  libaqbanking                                 6.3.0-1                       6.2.10-1
  libbluray                                    1:1.3.0-3                     1:1.2.1-4
  libcddb                                      1.3.2-7                       1.3.2-6
  libcork                                      1.0.0~rc3-1                   0.15.0+ds-16
  libcpan-perl-releases-perl                   5.20210722-1                  5.20210320-1
  libdc1394                                    2.2.6-4                       2.2.6-3
  libextutils-cchecker-perl                    0.11-1                        0.10-1.1
  libextutils-cppguess-perl                    0.23-1                        0.21-1
  libextutils-depends-perl                     0.8001-1                      0.8000-1
  libgdata                                     0.18.1-2                      0.17.13-3
  libgeotiff                                   1.7.0-2                       1.6.0-1
  libio-async-loop-epoll-perl                  0.22-1                        0.21-1
  libkscreen                                   4:5.21.5-2                    4:5.20.5-1
  liblinux-inotify2-perl                       1:2.3-1                       1:2.2-2
  liblog-agent-perl                            1.005-1                       1.004-1
  libmodule-corelist-perl                      5.20210723-1                  5.20210320-1
  libosmium                                    2.17.0-1                      2.16.0-1
  libpdl-ccs-perl                              1.23.16-1                     1.23.13-1
  libpdl-io-hdf5-perl                          1:0.75-1                      1:0.73-6
  libpdl-io-matlab-perl                        0.006-1                       0.005-5
  libpdl-linearalgebra-perl                    0.21-1                        0.14-1
  libpdl-netcdf-perl                           4.21-1                        4.20-7
  libpdl-stats-perl                            0.78-1                        0.76-1
  libpdl-vectorvalued-perl                     1.0.10-1                      1.0.9-2
  libppix-regexp-perl                          0.080-1                       0.078-1
  libsql-splitstatement-perl                   1.00023-1                     1.00020-4
  libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl                    0.81-1                        0.75-1
  libtest-compile-perl                         2.4.2-1                       2.4.1-1
  libtest-differences-perl                     0.68-1                        0.67-1
  libtest-needs-perl                           0.002009-1                    0.002006-1
  libtest-nowarnings-perl                      1.06-1                        1.04-2
  libtest-routine-perl                         0.028-1                       0.027-1
  libtest-script-perl                          1.29-1                        1.27-1
  libxsettings                                 0.11-6                        0.11-5
  libyami-utils                                1.3.0-3                       1.3.0-2
  links2                                       2.23-1                        2.21-1
  logol                                        1.7.9+dfsg-1                  1.7.9-3
  logrotate                                    3.18.1-2                      3.18.0-2
  loqui                                        0.7.0-2                       0.6.4-4
  mafft                                        7.487-1                       7.475-1
  mapproxy                                     1.13.2-1                      1.13.0-1
  mapserver                                    7.6.4-1                       7.6.2-1
  mash                                         2.2.2+dfsg-3                  2.2.2+dfsg-2
  matrix-synapse                               1.40.0-1                      (not in testing)
  mbuffer                                      20210328+ds2-1                20200929+ds2-5
  mdk4                                         4.2-1                         4.1+git20200420-2
  memcached                                    1.6.10+dfsg-1                 1.6.9+dfsg-1
  memo                                         1.7.1-4                       1.7.1-3
  microsoft-authentication-library-for-python  1.13.0-1                      1.9.0-1
  mimetic                                      0.9.8-10                      0.9.8-9
  mkgmap                                       0.0.0+svn4802-1               0.0.0+svn4600-1
  mkgmap-splitter                              0.0.0+svn615-2                0.0.0+svn598-1
  mkvtoolnix                                   60.0.0-1                      54.0.0+really52.0.0-3
  nbtscan                                      1.7-1                         1.6-3
  nco                                          5.0.1-1                       4.9.7-1
  netcdf4-python                               1.5.7-1             
  nik4                                         1.7-1                         1.6-7
  node-abab                                    2.0.5-2                       2.0.5-1
  node-abbrev                                  1.1.1-3                       1.1.1-2
  node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports         1.0.4+dfsg1~cs5.8.0-2         0.2.1-3
  node-colormin                                1.1.2-6                       1.1.2-4
  oath-toolkit                                 2.6.7-2                       2.6.6-3
  octave-control                               3.3.1-2                       3.2.0-5
  octave-fuzzy-logic-toolkit                   0.4.6-3                       0.4.5-4
  octave-geometry                              4.0.0-4                       4.0.0-2
  octave-instrument-control                    0.7.0-2                       0.6.0-2
  octave-ltfat                                 2.3.1+dfsg-10                 2.3.1+dfsg-8
  octave-matgeom                               1.2.3-2                       1.2.2-3
  octave-nurbs                                 1.4.3-2                       1.3.13-10
  octave-octproj                               2.0.1-3                       2.0.1-1
  octave-optiminterp                           0.3.6-5                       0.3.6-3
  octave-splines                               1.3.4-2                       1.3.3-2
  octave-struct                                1.0.17-3                      1.0.16-8
  octave-tsa                                   4.6.3-2                       4.6.2-2
  octave-zeromq                                1.5.3-3                       1.5.2-1
  openmm                                       7.5.1+dfsg-2                  7.5.0+dfsg-1
  optimir                                      1.1-1                         1.0-3
  osm2pgsql                                    1.5.1+ds-1                    1.4.1+ds-2
  otpclient                                    2.4.4-1                       2.4.2-1
  papirus-icon-theme                           20210802-1                    20210201-1
  pdl                                          1:2.054-1                     1:2.025-1
  pilercr                                      1.06+dfsg-5                   1.06+dfsg-4
  pipewire                                     0.3.33-1                      0.3.19-4
  plplot                                       5.15.0+dfsg-22                5.15.0+dfsg-19
  polybar                                      3.5.6-1                       3.5.5-1
  postgis                                      3.1.3+dfsg-1                  3.1.1+dfsg-1
  purify                                       2.0.0-6                       2.0.0-5
  pygmsh                                       7.1.11-1                      7.1.8-1
  pymap3d                                      2.7.0-1                       2.5.0-1
  pyorbital                                    1.6.1-1                       1.6.0-3
  pyosmium                                     3.2.0-1                       3.1.3-1
  python-acme                                  1.18.0-1                      1.12.0-2
  python-aodhclient                            2.2.0-2                       2.1.1-1
  python-applicationinsights                   0.11.10-1                     0.11.9-3
  python-avro                                  1.10.2+dfsg-1                 1.10.1+dfsg-1
  python-bcbio-gff                             0.6.6-4                       0.6.6-3
  python-cartopy                               0.19.0+dfsg-2                 0.18.0+dfsg-2
  python-cdsapi                                0.5.1-1                       0.4.0-1
  python-certbot                               1.18.0-1                      1.12.0-2
  python-ciso8601                              2.2.0-1                       2.1.3-3
  python-deprecated                            1.2.12-1                      1.2.11-1
  python-duckpy                                3.2.0-1                       3.1.0-2
  python-eventlet                              0.30.2-2                      0.26.1-7
  python-glanceclient                          1:3.3.0-2                     1:3.2.2-2
  python-jsbeautifier                          1.14.0-1                      1.13.0-1
  python-neutronclient                         1:7.3.0-2                     1:7.2.1-2
  python-pkgconfig                             1.5.5-1                       1.5.1-3
  python-pluginbase                            1.0.1-1                       1.0.0-3
  python-poppler-qt5                           0.75.0-3                      0.75.0-2
  python-pyani                                 0.2.11-1                      0.2.10-2
  python-pyproj                                3.1.0-1                       3.0.0-2
  python-scitrack                              2021.5.3-1                    2020.6.5-1
  python-swiftclient                           1:3.11.1-2                    1:3.10.1-2
  python-tenacity                              6.3.1-2                       6.2.0-4
  python-troveclient                           1:7.0.0-2                     1:5.1.1-2
  pywps                                        4.5.0-1                       4.2.11-1
  pyzmq                                        22.2.1-1                      20.0.0-1
  qmapshack                                    1.16.0-1                      1.15.2-1
  quantlib                                     1.23-2                        1.21-1
  quorum                                       1.1.1-5                       1.1.1-4
  r-cran-cpp11                                 0.3.1-2                       0.2.6-1
  radicale                                     3.0.6-5                       3.0.6-4
  readerwriterqueue                            1.0.5-1                       1.0.3-1
  repopush                                     0.1.0-2                       (not in testing)
  rpcbind                                      1.2.6-2                       1.2.5-9
  salmid                                       0.1.23-3                      0.1.23-2
  sambamba                                     0.8.0+dfsg-1                  0.8.0-1
  samblaster                                   0.1.26-2                      0.1.26-1
  seirsplus                                    0.1.4+really-1                0.1.4+git20200528.5c04080+ds-2
  sfcgal                                       1.3.10-1                      1.3.9-2
  sga                                          0.10.15-6                     0.10.15-5
  sogo-connector                               68.0.1-2                      (not in testing)
  sollya                                       7.0+ds-4                      7.0+ds-3
  soundconverter                               4.0.1-1                       4.0.0-1
  spaced                                       1.2.0-201605+dfsg-3           1.2.0-201605+dfsg-2
  sphinx-astropy                               1.5-1                         1.3-1
  swarm-cluster                                3.1.0+dfsg-1                  3.0.0+dfsg-2
  swt4-gtk                                     4.20.0-2                      4.17.0-1
  tcode                                        0.1.20080918-4                0.1.20080918-3
  theme-d                                      4.0.2-1                       3.1.2-2
  theme-d-gnome                                0.9.6-3                       0.9.5-4
  tinyows                                      1.2.0-1                       1.1.1-7
  tmuxinator                                   3.0.1-1                       2.0.2-1
  trim-galore                                  0.6.7-1                       0.6.6-1
  trnascan-se                                  2.0.9+ds-1                    2.0.7+ds-1
  ttkthemes                                    3.2.2-1                       3.2.0-1
  txt2man                                      1.7.1-2                       1.7.1-1
  unrar-nonfree                                1:6.0.7-2                     1:6.0.5-1
  virulencefinder                              2.0.4-2                       2.0.3+git20190809.dde157a-3
  vnstat                                       2.7-2                         2.6-3
  vsearch                                      2.17.1-1                      2.15.2-3
  weechat-matrix                               0.3.0-1                       0.2.0-2
  weka                                         3.6.14-3                      3.6.14-2
  wireguard                                    1.0.20210424-1                1.0.20210223-1
  wireguard-linux-compat                       1.0.20210606-1                1.0.20210219-1
  wireshark                                    3.4.7-1                       3.4.4-1
  wordnet                                      1:3.0-37                      1:3.0-36
  xmlsec1                                      1.2.32-2                      1.2.31-1
  xonsh                                        0.10.1+dfsg-1                 0.9.25+dfsg-1
  yanagiba                                     1.0.0-3                       1.0.0-2
  ylva                                         1.6-4                         1.6-3

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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