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Testing migration summary 2020-02-22 (Saturday)

On 2020-02-22 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                        version              previous
  aewm                                  1.3.12-5             1.3.12-4
  almond                                0.3.3+dfsg-3         0.3.3+dfsg-2
  batik                                 1.12-1               1.10-2
  cairocffi                             0.9.0-4              0.9.0-3
  cockpit                               213-1                212-1
  coinor-cgl                            0.60.3+repack1-2     0.60.2+repack1-1
  csv-mode                              1.12-1               1.11-1
  cups-filters                          1.27.1-1             1.27.0-2
  dconf-editor                          3.35.91-2            3.34.2-1
  dh-golang                             1.46                 1.45
  diamond-aligner                       0.9.30-3             0.9.29+dfsg-5
  diffoscope                            137                  136
  fasttracker2                          1.09-1               1.07-1
  file-roller                           3.35.91-1            3.35.90-1
  fonts-millimetre                      0.2-2                (not in testing)
  fonts-mplus                           063-3                063-2
  fonts-tomsontalks                     1.1-9                1.1-8
  fonts-vollkorn                        4.105-2              4.105-1
  fonts-yanone-kaffeesatz               0.20151005-3         0.20151005-2
  freebayes                             1.3.2-2              1.3.2-1
  freeciv                               2.6.2-1              2.6.1-1
  freeorion                             0.4.9-1              0.4.8-3
  gcc-8                                 8.3.0-29             8.3.0-28
  gdisk                                 1.0.5-1              1.0.4-3
  gnome-builder                         3.35.91-1            3.34.1-2
  gnustep-examples                      1:1.4.0-3            1:1.4.0-2
  golang-github-google-go-cmp           0.4.0-1              0.3.1-1
  golang-github-hashicorp-go-rootcerts  1.0.2-1              0.0~git20160503.0.6bb64b3-1
  golang-github-miekg-dns               1.1.26-1             1.0.4+ds-1
  grilo                                 0.3.12-1             0.3.11-1
  grilo-plugins                         0.3.11-1             0.3.10-1
  intel-mkl                             2020.0.166-1         2019.5.281-1
  jackson-dataformat-xml                2.10.2-1             2.10.1-1
  jackson-jr                            2.10.2-1             2.10.1-1
  josm                                  0.0.svn15806+dfsg-2  0.0.svn15806+dfsg-1
  kiwisolver                            1.0.1-3              1.0.1-2
  ksyntax-highlighting                  5.62.0-3             5.62.0-1
  libdap                                3.20.5-1             3.20.4-1
  libdazzle                             3.35.3-2             3.34.1-1
  libinput                              1.15.2-1             1.15.1-1
  libthumbor                            1.3.3-2              1.3.2-1
  libtool                               2.4.6-13             2.4.6-11
  mate-window-applets                   20.04.0-1            19.10.4-1
  mstflint                              4.13.3+2-1           4.13.1+1-1
  netbase                               6.1                  6.0
  node-arrify                           2.0.1-1              1.0.1-1
  node-asn1                             0.2.3-2              0.2.3-1
  node-assert                           1.4.1-2              1.4.1-1
  node-assert-plus                      1.0.0-2              1.0.0-1
  node-asynckit                         0.4.0-3              0.4.0-2
  node-babylon                          6.18.0-3             6.18.0-2
  node-balanced-match                   1.0.0-1              0.4.2-1
  node-base                             3.0.0-1              0.11.1-1
  node-base62                           2.0.1-1              1.1.1-1
  node-bash-match                       1.0.2-1              0.2.0-1
  node-batch                            0.6.1-2              0.6.1-1
  node-cache-base                       4.0.0-1              0.8.4-2
  node-graceful-fs                      4.2.3-2              4.2.3-1
  oomd                                  0.3.1-1              0.2.0-2
  paperwork                             1.3.1-2              (not in testing)
  polib                                 1.1.0-7              1.1.0-6
  pyflakes                              2.1.1-2              2.1.1-1
  pyfribidi                             0.12.0+repack-7      0.12.0+repack-3
  pyqt5                                 5.14.1+dfsg-3        5.14.1+dfsg-2
  python-cerberus                       1.3.2-1              1.2-2
  python-cycler                         0.10.0-3             0.10.0-2
  python-pkginfo                        1.4.2-3              1.4.2-2
  python-versioneer                     0.18-3               (not in testing)
  qutebrowser                           1.10.1-1             1.10.0-1
  r-bioc-genomicfeatures                1.38.2+dfsg-1        1.38.1+dfsg-1
  r-cran-mcmcpack                       1.4-6-1              1.4-5-1
  r-cran-mime                           0.9-1                0.8-1
  r-cran-nmf                            0.22.0-1             0.21.0-3
  r-cran-openmx                         2.17.2-1             2.15.5-1
  r-cran-partykit                       1.2-6-1              1.2-5-1
  r-cran-performance                    0.4.4-1              0.4.3-1
  r-cran-phylobase                      0.8.8-1              0.8.6-1
  r-cran-plotly                         4.9.2+dfsg-1         4.9.1+dfsg-1
  r-cran-processx                       3.4.2-1              3.4.1-2
  r-cran-projpred                       1.1.5-1              1.1.4-1
  r-cran-psychotools                    0.5-1-1              0.5-0-1
  rsbackup                              6.0-2                5.1-1
  ruby-ffi-yajl                         2.3.1-2              2.3.1-1
  ruby-hiredis                          0.6.3-2              0.6.1-2
  ruby-leaflet-rails                    1.3.1+dfsg-2         (not in testing)
  ruby-minispec-metadata                3.3.0-2              (not in testing)
  ruby-request-store                    1.5.0-2              1.5.0-1
  rumur                                 2020.02.17-1         2020.01.27-1
  rust-aho-corasick                     0.7.8-1              0.7.6-2
  visp-images                           3.3.0-1              3.2.0-1
  wofi                                  1.0-2                (not in testing)
  xlwt                                  1.3.0-3              1.3.0-2
  yi                                    0.18.0-2             0.18.0-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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