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Testing migration summary 2020-11-25 (Wednesday)

On 2020-11-25 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                              version                     previous
  android-platform-external-jsilver           10.0.0+r36-1                6.0.1+r55-1
  android-platform-external-libselinux        10.0.0+r36-1                8.1.0+r23-4
  apt-dater                                   1.0.4-4                     1.0.4-3
  apt-dater-host                              1.0.1-3                     1.0.1-2
  aroarfw                                     0.1~beta5-6                 0.1~beta5-5
  benchmark                                   1.5.2-2                     1.5.2-1
  bing                                        1.3.5-4                     1.3.5-3
  bmon                                        1:4.0-7                     1:4.0-6
  breezy                                      3.1.0-7                     3.1.0-6
  c-ares                                      1.17.1-1                    1.16.1-1
  ckport                                      0.1~rc1-9                   0.1~rc1-8
  clustalo                                    1.2.4-7                     1.2.4-6
  criticalmass                                1:1.0.2-2                   1:1.0.2-1
  darkradiant                                 2.9.1-1                     2.8.0-1
  debian-installer-utils                      1.136                       1.135
  desproxy                                    0.1.0~pre3-10.1             (not in testing)
  directvnc                                   0.7.8-1                     0.7.7-1.1
  etherape                                    0.9.19-2                    0.9.19-1
  firefox-esr                                 78.5.0esr-1                 78.3.0esr-2
  flexc++                                     2.08.01-1                   2.07.11-1
  fraqtive                                    0.4.8-13                    0.4.8-12
  fwupd                                       1.5.1-5                     1.4.6-2
  fwupd-amd64-signed                          1.5.1+5                     1.4.6+2
  fwupd-arm64-signed                          1.5.1+5                     1.4.6+2
  fwupd-armhf-signed                          1.5.1+5                     1.4.6+2
  fwupd-i386-signed                           1.5.1+5                     1.4.6+2
  gdb-mingw-w64                               11                          10.9
  gdk-pixbuf                                  2.40.0+dfsg-7               2.40.0+dfsg-5
  geoip                                       1.6.12-7                    1.6.12-6
  geoip-database                              20191224-3                  20191224-2
  glusterfs                                   8.2-3                       8.2-2
  gnome-shell-extension-panel-osd             1.0.50.gc032923-1           1.0.46.g28656ac-3
  gnumach                                     2:1.8+git20201007-3         2:1.8+git20201007-2
  golang-github-bruth-assert                  0.0+git20130823.de420fa-3   0.0+git20130823.de420fa-2
  golang-github-facebookgo-inject             0.0~git20180706.f23751c-3   0.0~git20180706.f23751c-2
  golang-github-facebookgo-structtag          0.0~git20150214.217e25f-3   0.0~git20150214.217e25f-2
  golang-github-grafana-grafana-plugin-model  0.0~git20190930.1fc953a-3   0.0~git20190930.1fc953a-2
  golang-github-phpdave11-gofpdi              1.0.13-1                    1.0.8+git20190928.81a2921-2
  golang-github-pires-go-proxyproto           0.3.2-1                     0.3.1-1
  golang-github-varlink-go                    0.4.0-1                     0.3.0-1
  golang-starlark                             0.0~git20201118.e55f603-2   0.0~git20201014.dff0ae5-1
  guichan                                     0.8.2-20                    0.8.2-19
  hopm                                        1.1.9-1                     1.1.8-1
  intervalstorej                              1.2+dfsg-3                  (not in testing)
  kdenlive                                    20.08.3-2                   20.08.3-1
  kdevelop-python                             5.6.0-2                     5.6.0-1
  kid3                                        3.8.4-2                     3.8.4-1
  libmatio                                    1.5.19-2                    1.5.17-5
  libpdl-io-matlab-perl                       0.005-5                     0.005-4
  libphysfs                                   3.0.2-5                     3.0.2-4
  libquantum                                  1.1.1-8                     1.1.1-5
  libxstream-java                             1.4.14-1          
  linux                                       5.9.9-1                     5.9.6-1
  linux-signed-amd64                          5.9.9+1                     5.9.6+1
  linux-signed-arm64                          5.9.9+1                     5.9.6+1
  linux-signed-i386                           5.9.9+1                     5.9.6+1
  luckybackup                                 0.5.0-4                     0.5.0-3
  mapproxy                                    1.13.0-1                    1.12.0-2
  maskprocessor                               0.73+git20170609.1708898-2  0.73+git20170609.1708898-1
  mscompress                                  0.4-8                       0.4-7
  muroar                                      0.1.13-7                    0.1.13-6
  muroard                                     0.1.14-8                    0.1.14-7
  nagios-plugin-check-multi                   0.26-4                      0.26-3.1
  needrestart                                 3.5-2                       3.5-1
  needrestart-session                         0.3-8                       0.3-7
  node-babel-loader                           8.2.1-2                     8.1.0-3
  node-cache-loader                           4.1.0-6                     4.1.0-1
  node-compression-webpack-plugin             3.0.1-3                     3.0.1-1
  node-cson-parser                            4.0.6-1                     4.0.5-1
  node-css-loader                             3.2.1+~cs14.0.5-2           3.2.1-1
  node-extract-text-webpack-plugin            3.0.2-5                     3.0.2-3
  node-file-loader                            6.2.0-2                     3.0.1-2
  node-leveldown                              5.6.0+dfsg-1                5.4.1+dfsg-2
  node-mini-css-extract-plugin                1.3.1-2                     0.5.0-2
  node-raw-loader                             4.0.2-2                     4.0.1-1
  node-schema-utils                           3.0.0-3                     2.6.6-1
  node-style-loader                           2.0.0-2                     0.23.1-2
  node-typescript                             4.1.2-1                     4.0.5-1
  node-uglifyjs-webpack-plugin                1.3.0-9                     1.3.0-6
  node-url-loader                             4.1.1-3                     3.0.0-3
  node-webpack                                4.43.0-6                    4.43.0-3
  node-worker-loader                          3.0.5-2                     2.0.0-3
  nsca-ng                                     1.6-4                       1.6-3
  nvidia-cuda-toolkit                         11.1.1-2                    11.0.3-3
  openstack-pkg-tools                         116                         115
  osinfo-db                                   0.20201119-1                0.20201015-1
  ostree                                      2020.8-2                    2020.7-1
  otrs2                                       6.0.30-2                    6.0.30-1
  pam-geoip                                   2.1.1-3                     2.1.1-2
  partman-base                                214                         213
  petsc                                       3.14.1+dfsg1-2              3.14.1+dfsg1-1
  pgpointcloud                                1.2.1-6                     (not in testing)
  php-composer-xdebug-handler                 1.4.5-1                     1.4.3-1
  php-horde-crypt                             2.7.12-5                    (not in testing)
  php-horde-imp                               6.2.27-2                    (not in testing)
  php-horde-webmail                           5.2.22-6                    (not in testing)
  pnopaste                                    1.7-4                       1.7-3
  praat                                       6.1.33-1                    6.1.31-1
  psi                                         1.3-7                       1.3-6
  psqlodbc                                    1:13.00.0000-1              1:12.02.0000-2
  pygmsh                                      7.1.2-1                     7.0.2-2
  python-cdsapi                               0.4.0-1                     0.3.1-1
  python-json5                                0.9.5-2                     (not in testing)
  python-kubernetes                           12.0.1-1                    7.0.0~a1-2
  python-meshio                               4.3.5-2                     4.3.1-1
  python-pynvim                               0.4.2-1                     0.4.1-2
  qdirstat                                    1.7-2                       1.7-1
  qnetstatview                                1.5.6-2                     1.5.6-1
  r-bioc-biocviews                            1.58.1-1                    1.58.0-1
  r-bioc-titancna                             1.28.0-1                    (not in testing)
  r-cran-ff                                   4.0.4+ds-1                  (not in testing)
  r-cran-luminescence                         0.9.8-1                     0.9.7-1
  r-cran-magick                               2.5.2+dfsg-1                2.5.0+dfsg-1
  raspi-firmware                              1.20201022-1                1.20200601-3
  roaraudio                                   1.0~beta12-4                1.0~beta12-3
  roarplaylistd                               0.1.9-9                     0.1.9-8
  ros-rosdep                                  0.20.0-1                    0.19.0-2
  rpl                                         1.8.0-2                     1.8.0-1
  rttr                                        0.9.6+dfsg1-4               0.9.6+dfsg1-3
  rust-bat                                    0.12.1-5                    0.12.1-4
  rust-cpp-synom                              0.12.0-1                    (not in testing)
  rust-foreign-types-0.3                      0.3.2-1                     (not in testing)
  rust-foreign-types-shared-0.1               0.1.1-1                     (not in testing)
  rust-futures-task                           0.3.8-1                     (not in testing)
  rust-onig                                   6.1.0-1                     5.0.0-3
  rust-ord-subset                             3.1.1-1                     (not in testing)
  rust-platform-info                          0.0.1-1                     (not in testing)
  rust-syntect                                3.3.0-4                     3.3.0-3
  rust-tree-sitter                            0.17.1-1                    (not in testing)
  scapy                                       2.4.4-2                     2.4.4-1
  sdpa                                        7.3.14+dfsg-1.1             7.3.14+dfsg-1
  segno                                       1.3.1-3                     1.3.1-2
  skyview                                     3.5.4+repack-1              3.5.3+repack-1
  systemd                                     246.6-4                     246.6-2
  tinyexr                                     1.0.0+dfsg-1                (not in testing)
  transifex-client                            0.14.2-1                    0.13.9-1
  uglify-js                                   3.12.0-1                    3.11.6-1
  vala                                        0.48.12-1                   0.48.11-1
  vclt-tools                                  0.1.4-8                     0.1.4-7
  webissues                                   1.1.5-7                     1.1.5-6
  xfce4-mailwatch-plugin                      1.3.0-1                     1.2.0-3
  znc                                         1.8.2-2                     1.8.2-1
  zope.testing                                4.7-1                       4.6.2-3
  zoph                                        0.9.15-2                    0.9.15-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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