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Testing migration summary 2020-03-19 (Thursday)

On 2020-03-19 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package              version             previous
  cloud-init                  20.1-1              19.4-2
  cura                        4.5.0-1             3.3.1-2
  cura-engine                 1:4.5.0-2           1:3.3.0-3
  dconf-editor                3.36.0-1            3.35.91-2
  debian-edu                  2.11.14             2.11.11
  designate                   1:9.0.0-3           1:9.0.0-2
  dosage                      2.15-4              2.15-2
  dynare                      4.6.1-1             4.6.0+dfsg-2
  ecbuild                     3.3.0-1             3.1.0-2
  evolution                   3.36.0-1            3.34.1-4
  evolution-data-server       3.36.0-1            3.34.3-2
  evolution-ews               3.36.0-1            3.34.1-1
  evolution-rss               0.3.96-1            0.3.95-11
  fdm-materials               4.5.0-1             3.3.0-1
  gbrainy                     1:2.4.2-1           1:2.4.1-3
  geocode-glib                3.26.2-1            3.26.1-1
  gnome-color-manager         3.35.90-1           3.32.0-2
  gnome-klotski               1:3.36.0-1          1:3.35.90-1
  gnome-taquin                3.36.0-1            3.34.1-1
  hugo                        0.67.1-1            0.67.0-1
  idlastro                    2020.02.27+dfsg-1   2019.10.30+dfsg-1
  installation-guide          20191229+rebuild1   20190622
  keystone                    2:16.0.0-6          2:16.0.0-5
  kmod                        27-2                27-1
  kylin-nm                     1.2.1-1
  libhttp-browserdetect-perl  3.26-1              3.25-1
  libinsane                   1.0.4-1             1.0.3-1
  libneo4j-client             2.2.0-1.1           (not in testing)
  libspecio-perl              0.46-1              0.45-1
  lirc                        0.10.1-6.1          0.10.1-6
  metview                     5.8.1-1             5.7.5-1
  micro                       2.0.2-2             2.0.2-1
  neutron-dynamic-routing     2:15.0.0-3          2:15.0.0-2
  node-configstore            5.0.1-1             5.0.0-1
  node-d3-drag                1.2.5-1             1.2.3-2
  node-d3-shape               1.3.7-1             1.3.5-2
  node-jquery-textcomplete    1.8.5+dfsg-2        1.8.5+dfsg-1
  node-jquery.waitforimages   2.4.0+ds-4          2.4.0+ds-3
  nodeenv                     0.13.4-1.1          0.13.4-1
  php-zeta-console-tools      1.7.1-1             1.7-5
  phpmyadmin                  4:4.9.4+dfsg1-1     4:4.9.2+dfsg1-1
  phpmyadmin-motranslator     5.0.0-1             4.0-3
  postfix                     3.5.0-1             3.4.10-1
  psychopy                    2020.1.3+dfsg-2     2020.1.1+dfsg-1
  pycodestyle                 2.5.0-3             2.5.0-2
  python-netaddr              0.7.19-4            0.7.19-3
  python-odf                  1.4.1-1             1.4.0-3
  pytoml                      0.1.21-1            0.1.2-2
  quadrapassel                1:3.36.0-1          1:3.34.1-1
  r-bioc-genomicfeatures      1.38.2+dfsg-2       1.38.2+dfsg-1
  r-bioc-lpsymphony           1.14.0+dfsg-2       1.14.0+dfsg-1
  r-cran-mcmc                 0.9-6.1-2           0.9-6.1-1
  r-cran-rnexml               2.4.3+ds-1          2.4.2-1
  rdiff-backup                2.0.0-1             1.3.3-1
  ruby-git                    1.6.0-1             1.2.8-1
  ruby-octokit                4.17.0-1            4.16.0-1
  ruby-power-assert           1.1.6-1             1.1.5-1
  ruby-rchardet               1.8.0-1             1.6.1-1
  ruby-tty-cursor             0.7.1-2             (not in testing)
  ruby-tty-prompt             0.21.0-1            (not in testing)
  ruby-tty-reader             0.7.0-2             (not in testing)
  ruby-tty-spinner            0.9.3-2             (not in testing)
  runit                       2.1.2-36            2.1.2-35
  sahara-dashboard            11.0.0-2            11.0.0-1
  seahorse                    3.36-1              3.34-1
  stress-ng                   0.11.03-1           0.11.02-1
  tpm2-tss                    2.3.3-1             2.3.2-1
  typescript-types            20200219-1          20190926-2
  uranium                     4.5.0-1             3.3.0-2
  wxglade                     0.9.5-1             0.9.4-1
  xcb-imdkit                  0~20200312+ds1-1    0~20190825+ds1-2
  xdg-utils                   1.1.3-2             1.1.3-1
  xwallpaper                  0.6.3-1             0.6.2-2

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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