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Testing migration summary 2019-11-25 (Monday)

On 2019-11-25 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                   version                 previous
  apriltag                         0.10.0-5                0.10.0-4
  astroid                          2.3.3-1                 2.1.0-2
  astropy                          3.2.3-3                 3.2.3-1
  asymptote                        2.61-1                  2.60-1
  boohu                            0.13.0-1                0.12.0-1
  cracklib2                        2.9.6-3.1               2.9.6-3
  dh-make-golang                   0.1.0-1                 0.0~git20190811.3953808-1
  gnome-shell-extension-show-ip    8-5                     8-3
  golang-github-miekg-mmark        1.3.6+dfsg-2            1.3.6+dfsg-1
  gtk-doc                          1.32-2                  1.28-1
  jenkins-debian-glue              0.20.1                  0.20.0
  jigdo                            0.8.0-1                 0.7.3-5
  lasso                            2.6.0-5                 2.6.0-4
  libhttp-browserdetect-perl       3.25-1                  3.24-1
  libhttp-date-perl                6.05-1                  6.02-1
  libhttp-headers-fast-perl        0.22-1                  0.21-1
  liblangtag                       0.6.3-1                 0.6.2-1
  libterm-choose-perl              1.707-1                 1.705-1
  libwww-perl                      6.42-1                  6.41-1
  libxml-compile-soap-perl         3.26+ds-1               3.25+ds-1
  movim                            0.14.1-6                (not in testing)
  nghttp2                          1.40.0-1                1.39.2-1
  node-compression-webpack-plugin  2.0.0-2                 1.1.10-2
  node-find-cache-dir              3.1.0-1                 1.0.0-1
  node-regenerator-transform       0.14.1-2                0.9.8-2
  node-to-regex                    3.0.2+~2.1.1+~0.1.16-1  3.0.2+~2.1.1+~0.1.14-1
  nyacc                            0.99.2-1                0.94.0-2
  php-illuminate-container         5.8.35-1                (not in testing)
  php-illuminate-contracts         5.8.35-1                5.7.27-1
  php-illuminate-database          5.8.35-1                (not in testing)
  php-illuminate-support           5.8.35-1                (not in testing)
  php-nesbot-carbon                1.27.0-2                (not in testing)
  php-robmorgan-phinx              0.9.2-2                 (not in testing)
  phpab                            1.25.8-1                1.25.7-1
  pkg-perl-tools                   0.56                    0.55
  primus-vk                        1.3-3                   (not in testing)
  pyclipper                        1.1.0.post2-3           1.1.0.post2-2
  pygac                            1.2.1-1                 1.2.0-1
  pymad                            0.10-4                  0.10-2
  python-shapely                   1.6.4-5                 1.6.4-3
  python-stetl                     2.0+ds-2                2.0+ds-1
  python3.8                        3.8.0-5                 3.8.0-4
  qtcreator                        4.10.2-1                4.10.1-1
  ratchetphp                       0.4.1-3                 (not in testing)
  redis                            5:5.0.7-1               5:5.0.6-1
  ruby-jekyll-remote-theme         0.4.1-2                 (not in testing)
  ruby-jekyll-sitemap              1.4.0-1                 1.3.1-2
  satpy                            0.16.1-4                0.16.1-3
  shadowsocks-libev                3.3.3+ds-1              3.3.2+ds-1
  shellcheck                       0.7.0-2                 0.6.0-1
  source-extractor                 2.25.0+ds-2             (not in testing)
  spirv-headers                    1.5.1-2                 1.5.1-1
  spirv-tools                      2019.4+git20191022-2    2019.4-1
  stopmotion                       0.8.5-2                 0.8.4-3
  strip-nondeterminism             1.6.3-1                 1.6.1-1
  tcltls                           1.7.20-1                1.7.19-2
  tkabber                          1.1.2+20191012-1        1.1.2+20160818-1
  tnetstring3                      0.3.1-3                 0.3.1-2
  watchman                         4.9.0-2                 (not in testing)

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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