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Testing migration summary 2019-11-09 (Saturday)

On 2019-11-09 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                  version                                 previous
  apt-listchanges                 3.21                                    3.20
  checkstyle                      8.26-1                                  8.15-1
  comedilib                       0.11.0-1.1                              0.11.0-1
  commons-text                    1.8-2                                   (not in testing)
  conmon                          2.0.2-1                                 2.0.0-1
  deap                            1.0.2.post2-7                           1.0.2.post2-6
  debian-edu-config               2.11.8                                  2.11.7
  deepnano                        0.0+git20170813.e8a621e-3.1             0.0+git20170813.e8a621e-3
  docker-pycreds                  0.3.0-1.1                               0.3.0-1
  fonts-noto-cjk                  1:20190410+repack1-2                    1:20190410+repack1-1
  ganeti-instance-debootstrap     0.16-6.1                                0.16-6
  git                             1:2.24.0-1                              1:2.24.0~rc1-1
  hostsed                         0.3.0-1.1                               (not in testing)
  hping3                          3.a2.ds2-9                              3.a2.ds2-7
  libaudio-mpd-perl               2.004-2                                 (not in testing)
  libchipcard                     5.1.4rc1-2                              5.1.0beta-3
  libcpanel-json-xs-perl          4.17-1                                  4.15-1
  libdvdnav                       6.0.1-1                                 6.0.0-1
  libgclib                        0.11.3-1                                0.11.2-3
  libimage-exiftool-perl          11.75-1                                 11.74-1
  libtest-corpus-audio-mpd-perl   1.120990-2.1                            (not in testing)
  lttoolbox                       3.5.1-2                                 3.5.0-3
  lz4                             1.9.2-1                                 1.9.1-2
  mozilla-devscripts              0.54                                    0.53
  mpd                             0.21.16-1                               0.21.13-1
  mutter                          3.34.1+git20191107-1                    3.34.1+git20191022-1
  neovim-qt                       0.2.15-1                                0.2.13-1
  node-functional-red-black-tree  1.0.1+20181105-2                        (not in testing)
  node-hawk                       7.1.2+dfsg-1                            7.1.1+dfsg-2
  node-lazy-cache                 2.0.2-1                                 2.0.1-1
  node-loud-rejection             2.2.0-1                                 2.0.0-2
  octave-interval                 3.2.0-5                                 3.2.0-4
  octave-io                       2.4.13-2                                2.4.13-1
  octave-level-set                0.3.0-8                                 0.3.0-7
  octave-linear-algebra           2.2.2-9                                 2.2.2-8
  openimageio                     2.0.12~dfsg0-1                          2.0.11~dfsg0-1
  openvswitch                     2.11.0+2019.06.25+git.9ebe795035+ds1-7  2.10.0+2018.08.28+git.8ca7c82b7d+ds1-13
  php-psr-log                     1.1.2-1                                 1.1.1-1
  phyml                           3:3.3.20190909-1                        3:3.3.20190321-2
  prometheus-pushgateway          1.0.0+ds-1                              0.7.0+ds-1
  pspg                            2.5.3-2                                 2.1.8-1
  pygresql                        1:5.0.6-3                               1:5.0.6-2
  python-blosc                    1.7.0+ds1-2                             1.7.0+ds1-1
  python-llfuse                   1.3.6+dfsg-2                            1.3.6+dfsg-1
  python-parameterized            0.7.0-2                                 0.7.0-1
  python-pyperclip                1.6.4-1.1                               1.6.4-1
  python-typing-extensions                               3.7.4-1
  pytools                         2019.1.1-1                              2019.1-1
  staticsite                      1.0-1                                   0.5-1
  swiftsc                         0.5-1.1                                 0.5-1
  theano                          1.0.4+dfsg-1                            1.0.3+dfsg-1
  unclutter                       8-25                                    8-21
  yapf                            0.28.0-2                                0.28.0-1
  zulucrypt                       5.6.0-2                                 5.5.0-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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