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Testing migration summary 2019-10-15 (Tuesday)

On 2019-10-15 (Tuesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                        version                               previous
  armadillo                             1:9.800.1+dfsg-1                      1:9.600.5+dfsg-1
  bison-doc                             1:3.4.2+repack-2                      1:3.4.2+repack-1
  breezy-debian                         2.8.31                                2.8.30
  copyfs                                1.0.1-7                               1.0.1-5
  developers-reference                  11.0.5                                11.0.4
  docopt                                0.6.2-2.1                             0.6.2-2
  firewalld                             0.7.2-1                               0.7.1-1
  freeciv                               2.6.0-4                               2.6.0-3
  gnome-2048                            3.34.1-1                              3.34.0-1
  gnome-maps                            3.34.1-1                              3.34.0-1
  gnome-nibbles                         1:3.34.1-1                            1:3.34.0-1
  gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons   19.10.2-1                             19.01.4-2
  gnome-sushi                           3.34.0-2                              3.30.0-2
  gnome-taquin                          3.34.1-1                              3.34.0-1
  gnome-tetravex                        1:3.34.1-1                            1:3.34.0-1
  httpcomponents-client                 4.5.10-2                              4.5.10-1
  jboss-xnio                            3.7.6-1                               3.7.3-1
  jq                                    1.6-1                                 1.5+dfsg-2
  jsbundle-web-interfaces               1.1.0+~2.0.1~ds+~4.0.2+~0~20180821-2  (not in testing)
  jupyter-client                        5.3.3-1                               5.3.1-1
  jupyter-core                          4.6.0-1                               4.5.0-2
  kicad                                 5.1.4+dfsg1-2                         5.1.4+dfsg1-1
  konversation                          1.7.5-2                               1.7.5-1
  kproperty                             3.2.0-1                               3.1.0-2
  kreport                               3.2.0-1                               3.1.0-2
  lazr.restfulclient                    0.14.2-2                              0.14.2-1
  libcairo-perl                         1.107-1                               1.106-3
  libcarp-clan-perl                     6.08-1                                6.07-1
  libdbd-mariadb-perl                   1.11-4                                1.11-3
  libgda5                               5.2.9-1                               5.2.8-1
  libnamespace-autoclean-perl           0.29-1                                0.28-1
  libretro-bsnes-mercury                094+git20160126-3                     094+git20160126-2
  libsoup2.4                            2.68.2-1                              2.68.1-2
  libspreadsheet-read-perl              0.81-1                                0.80-1
  libspreadsheet-readsxc-perl           0.24-2                                0.20-1
  libsub-name-perl                      0.26-1                                0.21-1
  libsub-quote-perl                     2.006006-1                            2.006003-1
  libtext-trim-perl                     1.03-1                                1.02-2
  lintian-brush                         0.35                                  0.34
  maven-debian-helper                   2.4                                   2.3.2
  mesa                                  19.2.1-1                              19.1.6-1
  metacity                              1:3.34.1-1                            1:3.34.0-1
  metview                               5.7.0-1                               5.6.1-5
  nbconvert                             5.6.0-1                               5.5.0-1
  ncc                                   2.8-4                                 2.8-2.1
  nginx                                 1.16.1-2                              1.14.2-3
  ngspice                               31.3-1                                31.2-1
  nova                                  2:19.0.2-4                            (not in testing)
  nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx  340.107-7                             340.107-6
  nvidia-modprobe                       430.50-1                              418.56-1
  nvidia-xconfig                        430.50-1                              418.56-1
  openssl                               1.1.1d-2                              1.1.1d-1
  openstack-meta-packages               0.26                                  (not in testing)
  picard                                2.2.2-1                               2.2.1-1
  pocl                                  1.3-9                                 1.3-7
  pspg                                  2.1.6-1                               2.1.3-1
  python-bumps                          0.7.12-2                              0.7.12-1
  python-defaults                       2.7.17-1                              2.7.16-1
  python-os-vif                         1.15.2-1                              (not in testing)
  python-periodictable                  1.5.1-2                               1.5.1-1
  python-stdlib-extensions              2.7.17~rc1-1                          2.7.16-2
  python-stem                           1.7.1-1.1                             1.7.1-1
  python-wadllib                        1.3.3-3                               1.3.3-2
  qrencode                              4.0.2-2                               4.0.2-1
  quadrapassel                          1:3.34.1-1                            1:3.34.0-1
  ruby-crack                            0.4.3-4                               0.4.3-3
  sasmodels                             1.0.0-2                               0.99-2
  sasview                               5.0.0+git20190820-3                   4.2.1-2
  usermode                              1.113-1                               1.109-3
  vala                                  0.46.3-1                              0.46.2-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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