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Testing migration summary 2019-08-24 (Saturday)

On 2019-08-24 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                       version                              previous
  acpi-support                         0.143-2                              0.142-8
  acpid                                1:2.0.32-1                           1:2.0.31-2
  aoeui                                1.7+20160302.git4e5dee9-2            1.7+20160302.git4e5dee9-1
  astropy-healpix                      0.4-6                                0.4-5
  astroquery                           0.3.9+dfsg-3                         0.3.9+dfsg-2
  avro-c                               1.9.0-1                              1.8.2-1
  caml2html                            1.4.4-2                              1.4.4-1
  ccache                               3.7.3-1                              3.7.2-3
  chktex                               1.7.6-3                              1.7.6-2
  cpuinfo                              0.0~git20190201.d5e37ad-2            0.0~git20190201.d5e37ad-1
  doctest                              2.3.4+repack0-1                      1.2.9+repack0-1
  edfbrowser                           1.68+dfsg-1                          1.67+dfsg-1
  esniper                              2.35.0+git20190805.7930bb4-1         2.35.0-1
  esorex                               3.13.2+dfsg-2                        3.13.1-1
  flask-restful                        0.3.7-4                              0.3.7-3
  fonts-misaki                         20190603a-1                          20190603-1
  freeradius                           3.0.19+dfsg-3                        3.0.19+dfsg-2
  gdbm                                 1.18.1-5                             1.18.1-4
  gmplot                               1.2.0-2                              1.2.0-1
  gnome-bluetooth                      3.28.2-4                             3.28.2-3
  gnome-shell                          3.30.2-11                            3.30.2-10
  gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel  21-1                                 20-1
  golang-1.13                          1.13~rc1-2                           1.13~beta1-2
  golang-github-jacobsa-ogletest       0.0~git20170503.80d50a7-2            0.0~git20170503.80d50a7-1
  golang-github-klauspost-reedsolomon  1.9.2-1                              1.8.0-1
  gourmet                              0.17.4-7                             0.17.4-6
  gucharmap                            1:12.0.1-2                           1:11.0.3-3
  initramfs-tools                      0.135                                0.133
  ipolish                              20190812-1                           20180621-1
  juce                                 5.4.4~repack0-3                      5.4.1+really5.4.1~repack-3
  lablgtk2                             2.18.8+dfsg-1                        2.18.5+dfsg-3
  lagan                                2.0-5                                2.0-4
  leela-zero                           0.17-1                               0.16-1
  libabw                               0.1.3-1                              0.1.2-1
  libextractor                         1:1.9-1                              1:1.8-2
  libgraphics-colornames-www-perl      1.14-1                               1.13-2
  libimage-exiftool-perl               11.63-1                              11.62-1
  libinputsynth                        0.12.1-1                             (not in testing)
  libquazip                            0.7.6-4                              0.7.6-2
  libsodium                            1.0.18-1                             1.0.17-1
  libsystem-info-perl                  0.059-1                              0.058-1
  libtest2-suite-perl                  0.000125-1                           0.000124-1
  libvisio                             0.1.7-1                              0.1.6-1
  libxres                              2:1.2.0-3                            2:1.2.0-2
  lintex                               1.14-2                               1.14-1
  lintian                              2.19.0                               2.18.0
  logilab-constraint                   0.6.0-2                              0.6.0-1
  lwip                                 2.1.2-3                              2.1.2-2
  mpg123                               1.25.11-1                            1.25.10-2
  mutter                               3.30.2-9                             3.30.2-8
  neovim                               0.3.8-1                              0.3.4-3
  networkd-dispatcher                  2.0.1-1                              2.0-2
  node-postgres                        7.12.1-1                             7.7.1-3
  node-tar                             4.4.10+ds1-2                         4.4.6+ds1-3
  nspr                                 2:4.21-2                             2:4.21-1
  ocaml-ctypes                         0.15.1-1                             0.7.0-1
  ocamlify                             0.0.2-6                              0.0.2-5
  octave-octclip                       1.0.8-6                              1.0.8-5
  onedrive                             2.3.8-2                              2.3.7-3
  p11-kit                                              0.23.15-2
  photutils                            0.7-1                                0.6-1
  php-fdomdocument                     1.6.6-2                              1.6.6-1
  phpunit-code-unit-reverse-lookup     1.0.1-2                              1.0.1-1
  pulseeffects                         4.6.6-1                              (not in testing)
  pylint-flask                         0.5-3                                (not in testing)
  pytest-httpbin                       1.0.0-2                              1.0.0-1
  python-cheroot                       6.5.6+ds-1                           6.5.5+ds-2
  python-jack-client                   0.5.0-1                              0.4.5-1
  python-overpy                        0.4-2                                0.4-1
  python-py2bit                        0.3.0-2                              (not in testing)
  python-requests-cache                0.4.13-3                             0.4.13-2
  python-scripttest                    1.3-3                                1.3-2
  python-setuptools                    41.1.0-1                             41.0.1-1
  python3.7                            3.7.4-3                              3.7.4-2
  python3.8                            3.8.0~b3-1                           3.8.0~b2-5
  qsstv                                9.4.4-1                              9.2.6+repack-1
  quadprog                             1.5-7-2                              1.5-5-3
  r-bioc-biocparallel                  1.18.1-1                             1.18.0-2
  r-bioc-biomart                       2.40.4+dfsg-1                        2.40.3+dfsg-1
  r-bioc-gviz                          1.28.1+dfsg-1                        1.28.0+dfsg-1
  r-bioc-lpsymphony                    1.12.0+dfsg-1                        (not in testing)
  r-cran-apcluster                     1.4.7-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-bridgesampling                0.7-2-1                              0.6-0-1
  r-cran-classint                      0.4-1-1                              0.3-3-1
  r-cran-clue                          0.3-57-1                             (not in testing)
  r-cran-deoptim                       2.2-4-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-fdrtool                       1.2.15-1                             (not in testing)
  r-cran-forcats                       0.4.0-2                              0.3.0-2
  r-cran-forecast                      8.8-1                                (not in testing)
  r-cran-fracdiff                      1.4-2-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-gbrd                          0.4-11-1                             (not in testing)
  r-cran-geometry                      0.4.2-1                              0.3-6+dfsg-2
  r-cran-getopt                        1.20.3-2                             1.20.2-1
  r-cran-ggrepel                       0.8.1-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-intervals                     0.15.1-1                             (not in testing)
  r-cran-jomo                          2.6-9-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-jpeg                          0.1-8-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-linprog                       0.9-2-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-lsei                          1.2-0-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-luminescence                  0.9.3-1                              0.8.6-1
  r-cran-mass                          7.3-51.4-2                           7.3-51.1-1
  r-cran-mets                          1.2.5-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-ordinal                       2019.4-25-1                          (not in testing)
  r-cran-party                         1.3-3-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-pcict                         0.5-4.1-1                            (not in testing)
  r-cran-psychotools                   0.5-0-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-rann                          2.6.1-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-readxl                        1.3.1-2                              1.3.0-1
  r-cran-rgdal                         1.4-4-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-rinside                       0.2.15-2                             0.2.14-1
  r-cran-rms                           5.1-3.1-2                            5.1-3-1
  r-cran-rstudioapi                    0.10-2                               0.9.0-1
  r-cran-slam                          0.1-45-2                             0.1-44-1
  r-cran-spatialreg                    1.1-3+dfsg-1                         (not in testing)
  r-cran-tiff                          0.1-5-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-uroot                         2.0-9-1                              (not in testing)
  r-cran-webgestaltr                   0.4.1-1                              (not in testing)
  r-other-chbutils                     0.1+git20171026.a226cee-1            (not in testing)
  rgtk2                                2.20.36-2                            2.20.35-2
  rjava                                0.9-11-2                             0.9-10-2
  rmatrix                              1.2-17-2                             1.2-15-1
  rmysql                               0.10.17-2                            0.10.16-1
  rpart                                4.1-15-2                             4.1-13-1
  rpy2                                 3.0.5-3                              2.9.5-1
  rpy2-2.8                             2.8.6-4                              2.8.6-2
  rserve                               1.7-3.1-2                            1.7-3-3
  ruby-asciidoctor-plantuml            0.0.9-1                              0.0.8-1
  rust-filetime                        0.2.7-1                              0.2.6-1
  rust-pem                             0.6.1-1                              (not in testing)
  rxp                                  1.5.0-3                              1.5.0-2
  sandwich                             2.5-1-2                              2.5-0-1
  sfcgal                               1.3.7-2                              1.3.7-1
  sphinx-intl                          2.0.0-1                              1.0.0-1
  stacks                               2.41+dfsg-1                          2.2+dfsg-1
  subdownloader                        2.1.0~rc4-2                          2.0.19-1
  survival                             2.44-1.1-2                           2.43-3-1
  sysstat                              12.0.6-1                             12.0.5-3
  systemd                              242-4                                241-7
  te923con                             0.6.1-4                              0.6.1-3
  tree-style-tab                       3.1.7-1                              2.7.23-1
  tvdb-api                             2.0-2                                2.0-1
  uronode                              2.10-1                               2.9-1
  vcr.py                               2.0.1-4                              2.0.1-3
  vim-julia                            0.0~git20190626.072e486-1            0.0~git20190129.84104d0-1
  vokoscreen                           2.5.0-3                              2.5.0-2
  wcslib                               6.4-1                                6.2-2
  whois                                5.5.1                                5.5.0
  xapian-core                          1.4.12-1                             1.4.11-1
  zip4j                                2.1.2-2                              (not in testing)

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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