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Testing migration summary 2019-08-11 (Sunday)

On 2019-08-11 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                                  version                      previous
  adminer                                         4.7.2-1                      4.7.1-1
  apipkg                                          1.5-3                        1.5-2
  audacity                                        2.3.2-2                      2.2.2-1
  awesfx                                          0.5.2-1                      0.5.1e-2
  bbdb3                                           3.2-6                        3.2-5
  bear                                            2.4.1-1                      2.4.0-2
  boinc                                           7.16.1+dfsg-1                7.14.2+dfsg-3
  calamares-settings-debian                       10.0.25-2                    10.0.20-1
  cm-super                                        0.3.4-15                     0.3.4-14
  cylc                                            7.8.3-1                      7.8.0-5
  deepin-icon-theme                               15.12.71-1                   15.12.68-1
  dnaclust                                        3-7                          3-6
  eccodes                                         2.13.0-3                     2.13.0-2
  eclipse-jdt-ui                                  4.12-1                       4.11-1
  fetchmail                                       6.4.0~rc1-1                  6.4.0~beta4-3
  flask-restful                                   0.3.7-3                      0.3.7-1
  gd4o                                            1.0~alpha5-9                 1.0~alpha5-8
  gnome-chemistry-utils                           0.14.17-2                    0.14.17-1.1
  golang-1.12                                     1.12.7-3                     1.12.5-1
  golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers  0.6.1-4                      0.6.1-2
  google-glog                                     0.4.0-1                      0.3.5-1
  grads                                           3:2.2.1-2                    3:2.2.1-1
  groonga-normalizer-mysql                        1.1.4-1                      1.1.3-2
  hamradio-maintguide                             0.6                          0.5
  haproxy                                         2.0.4-1                      1.8.19-1
  iputils                                         3:20190709-1                 3:20180629-2
  java-atk-wrapper                                0.35.0-2                     0.33.3-22
  jekyll                                          3.8.3+dfsg-6                 3.8.3+dfsg-4
  libimage-exiftool-perl                          11.61-1                      11.57-1
  libvc                                           006-3                        006-2
  libxslt                                         1.1.32-2.1                   1.1.32-2
  mhc                                             1.2.3-1                      1.2.2-2
  mikutter                                        3.9.3+dfsg-1                 3.8.6+dfsg-1
  mlterm                                          3.8.8-3                      3.8.8-2
  modules                                         4.3.0-2                      4.3.0-1
  mpi4py                                          3.0.2-10                     3.0.2-9
  node-axios                                      0.19.0+dfsg-2                0.17.1+dfsg-2
  node-cache-loader                               2.0.1-2                      (not in testing)
  node-chai                                       4.2.0+ds-5                   4.2.0+ds-3
  node-d3-queue                                   3.0.7-8                      3.0.7-6
  node-enhanced-resolve                           4.1.0-3                      3.4.1-1
  node-file-loader                                3.0.1-1                      0.11.2-1
  node-fuzzaldrin-plus                            0.5.0+dfsg-3                 0.5.0+dfsg-1
  node-jschardet                                  1.6.0+dfsg-5                 1.6.0+dfsg-3
  node-prop-types                                 15.6.0+ds-3                  15.6.0+ds-1
  node-source-map                                 0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-3  0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-1
  node-tapable                                    1.0.0-4                      0.2.8-1
  node-timeago.js                                 3.0.2+dfsg-5                 3.0.2+dfsg-3
  node-turbolinks                                 5.1.1+dfsg-5                 5.1.1+dfsg-3
  node-url-parse                                  1.4.7-3                      1.4.7-1
  node-vue-resource                               1.5.1+dfsg-5                 1.5.1+dfsg-3
  node-webpack                                    4.7.0-3                      3.5.6-4
  obs-studio                                      23.2.1+dfsg1-1               22.0.3+dfsg1-1
  ocaml                                           4.05.0-12                    4.05.0-11
  opencolorio                                     1.1.1~dfsg0-3                1.1.1~dfsg0-2
  openimageio                                     2.0.10~dfsg0-1               2.0.9~dfsg0-1
  openvpn-systemd-resolved                        1.3.0-3                      1.3.0-2
  pkg-perl-tools                                  0.53                         0.52
  pytest-bdd                                      3.1.1-1                      (not in testing)
  python-activipy                                 0.1-7                        0.1-6
  python-aniso8601                                7.0.0-2                      4.1.0-1
  python-biom-format                              2.1.7+dfsg-3                 2.1.7+dfsg-2
  python-concurrent.futures                       3.3.0-1                      3.2.0-2
  python-dnaio                                    0.3-2                        (not in testing)
  python-holidays                                 0.9.11-1                     0.9.10-1
  python-linux-procfs                             0.6.1-2                      0.6.1-1
  python-tz                                       2019.2-1                     2019.1-1
  quantlib                                        1.16-1                       1.15-1
  re2                                             20190801+dfsg-1              20190101+dfsg-2
  rpcbind                                         1.2.5-5                      1.2.5-3
  ruby-delayer                                    1.0.0-2                      0.0.2-5
  ruby-delayer-deferred                           2.1.1-2                      2.0.0-3
  ruby-fast-stemmer                               1.0.2-2                      1.0.2-1
  ruby-pluggaloid                                 1.2.0-2                      1.1.1-2
  scim-thai                                       0.1.4-4                      0.1.4-3
  scorched3d                                      44+dfsg-5                    44+dfsg-3
  scummvm-tools                                   2.0.0-3                      2.0.0-2
  select2.js                                      4.0.8~dfsg1-1                4.0.7~dfsg1-1
  shelxle                                         1.0.981-1                    1.0.973-1
  skyview                                         3.4.3+repack-1               3.4.2+repack-2
  speech-dispatcher                               0.9.1-2                      0.9.0-5
  speech-dispatcher-contrib                       0.9.1-2                      0.9.0-8
  tmux                                            2.9a-3                       2.9a-2
  ubuntu-dev-tools                                0.170                        0.169
  vue.js                                          2.5.17+dfsg-4                2.5.17+dfsg-1
  wpa                                             2:2.9-1                      2:2.8-3
  xhtml2pdf                                       0.2.2-3                      0.2.2-2
  xzgv                                            0.9.2-2                      0.9.1-4
  yasnippet-snippets                              0.13-1                       0.9-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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