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Testing migration summary 2019-01-18 (Friday)

On 2019-01-18 (Friday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                       version                            previous
  aafigure                             0.5-7                              (not in testing)
  adonthell                            0.3.8-1                            0.3.7-1
  adonthell-data                       0.3.8-1                            0.3.7-1
  aeskulap                             0.2.2-beta2+git20180219.8787e95-2  0.2.2-beta2+git20180219.8787e95-1
  antpm                                1.19-6                             (not in testing)
  apache-log4j2                        2.11.1-2                           2.11.1-1
  arpack                               3.7.0-1                            3.6.3-1
  bugwarrior                           1.6.0-2                            1.5.1-2
  caffe-contrib                        1.0.0+git20180821.99bd997-2        (not in testing)
  chess.app                            2.8-2                              2.8-1
  cloudcompare                         2.10-1                             2.9.1+git20180223-2
  cqrlog                               2.3.0-1                            (not in testing)
  dav4tbsync                           0.10-2                             (not in testing)
  dcmtk                                3.6.4-1                            3.6.2-3
  debian-edu                           2.10.45                            2.10.44
  dh-vim-addon                         0.2                                (not in testing)
  dhcpd-pools                          2.29-1.1                           2.29-1
  dictionary-el                        1.10+git20190107-1                 1.10-3
  dsfmt                                2.2.3+dfsg-4                       2.2.3+dfsg-3
  eas4tbsync                           0.7.20-2                           (not in testing)
  ebib                                 2.15.4-1                           2.12.1-1
  eclipse-emf                          2.16.0-1                           2.15.0-1
  emacs-non-dfsg                       1:26.1+1-1                         (not in testing)
  emacs-pdf-tools                      0.90-1                             0.80-4
  esys-particle                        2.3.5+dfsg1-2.1                    2.3.5+dfsg1-2
  fastforward                          1:0.51-4                           1:0.51-3.2
  fiche                                0.9.1-1                            (not in testing)
  fonts-sawarabi-mincho                20190115-1                         20181115-1
  gajim-omemo                          2.6.26-1                           2.6.25-1
  gecode                               6.1.0-2                            6.0.1-1
  geoclue-2.0                          2.5.2-1                            2.5.1-1
  gerbv                                2.6.2-1                            2.6.1-3
  ginkgocadx                           3.8.8-1                            3.8.7-1
  glymur                               0.8.16-1                           (not in testing)
  gnustep-back                         0.27.0-2                           0.26.2-4
  gnustep-base                         1.26.0-2                           1.25.1-4
  gnustep-gui                          0.27.0-2                           0.26.2-3
  googletest                           1.8.1-3                            1.8.0-10.1
  gozer                                0.7.nofont.1-7                     0.7.nofont.1-6
  grafx2                               2.6-1                              2.5+git20181211-1
  graphite2                            1.3.13-7                           1.3.13-6
  grub2                                2.02+dfsg1-10                      2.02+dfsg1-9
  hamlib                               3.3-4                              3.3-3
  hyperic-sigar                        1.6.4+dfsg-3                       (not in testing)
  install-mimic                        0.4.0-3                            0.4.0-2
  irqbalance                           1.5.0-2                            1.5.0-0.1
  juce                                 5.4.1+really5.4.1~repack-2         5.4.1+really5.3.2~repack-1
  keepassx                             2.0.3-2                            2.0.3-1
  kio-gdrive                           1.2.5+fixedtarball-1               1.2.5-1
  latte-dock                           0.7.4-1                            (not in testing)
  libcloudproviders                    0.3.0-1                            0.2.5-2
  libcompress-raw-lzma-perl            2.085-1                            2.084-1
  libconfig-inifiles-perl              3.000001-1                         3.000000-1
  libdeflate                           1.2-1                              1.1-1
  libgpuarray                          0.6.9-3                            (not in testing)
  libhijk-perl                         0.28-1                             0.27-1
  libimager-perl                       1.009+dfsg-1                       1.008+dfsg-1
  libmodule-install-autolicense-perl   0.10-1                             0.08-1
  libmodule-install-automanifest-perl  0.003-4                            0.003-3
  libnet-netmask-perl                  1.9104-1                           1.9022-1
  libosinfo                            1.2.0-1                            1.1.0-1
  libreoffice-canzeley-client          0.5.1-4                            0.5.1-2
  libtext-template-perl                1.54-1                             1.53-1
  libzeus-jscl-java                    1.72-2                             1.72-1
  liece                                2.0+0.20030527cvs-12               (not in testing)
  lzd                                  1.1-1                              1.0-7
  lzip                                 1.21-1                             1.20-4
  magnum-ui                            5.0.1-1                            (not in testing)
  meld                                 3.20.0-1                           3.18.3-1
  meson                                0.49.0-2                           0.49.0-1
  mia                                  2.4.6-4                            2.4.6-3
  milib                                1.8.4-1                            (not in testing)
  miredo                               1.2.6-7                            1.2.6-6
  mongo-java-driver                    3.6.3-2                            3.6.3-1
  monitorix                            3.10.1-1                           (not in testing)
  movim                                0.14.1~rc4-1                       0.14.1~rc2-2
  mpj                                  0.44+dfsg-4                        0.44+dfsg-3
  mtj                                  0.9.14+dfsg-5                      0.9.14+dfsg-4
  node-amdefine                        1.0.1-1                            0.1.0-1
  node-batch                           0.6.1-1                            0.5.1-1
  node-browserify-lite                 0.5.0-7                            0.5.0-1
  node-express                         4.16.4-1                           4.1.1~dfsg-1
  nov-el                               0.2.7-1                            0.2.5-1
  nvidia-cuda-toolkit                  9.2.148-5                          9.1.85-8
  ode                                  2:0.16-3                           2:0.14-2
  openldap                             2.4.47+dfsg-2                      2.4.47+dfsg-1
  owslib                               0.17.1-1                           0.17.0-1
  patroni                              1.5.4-1                            1.5.1-2
  pax-utils                            1.2.3-3                            1.2.3-2
  pdfsam                               4.0.1-1                            4.0.0-1
  pegsolitaire                         0.3-1                              0.1.1-1
  pgcharts                             1.0+2017-09-16-1                   (not in testing)
  php-monolog                          1.24.0-1                           1.23.0-1
  policykit-1                          0.105-25                           0.105-23
  pulseaudio                           12.2-3                             12.2-2
  puppet                               5.5.10-1                           5.5.8-1
  pygnuplot                            0.11.16-1                          (not in testing)
  pykafka                              2.7.0-1                            (not in testing)
  python-guess-language                0.5.2-5                            0.5.2-4
  python-mpd                           1.0.0-3                            1.0.0-2
  python-popcon                        2.0.0                              1.5.1
  python-pytc                          0.8-3                              (not in testing)
  python-shade                         1.30.0-2                           (not in testing)
  r-cran-colorspace                    1.4-0+dfsg-1                       1.3-2-3
  r-cran-data.table                    1.12.0+dfsg-1                      1.11.8+dfsg-1
  r-cran-dbplyr                        1.3.0-1                            1.2.2-1
  r-cran-ffield                        0.1.0-2                            (not in testing)
  r-cran-gbm                           2.1.5-1                            2.1.4-1
  r-cran-globaloptions                 0.1.0-1                            (not in testing)
  r-cran-rlang                         0.3.1-1                  
  recap                                1.4.0-2                            (not in testing)
  ros-bloom                            0.7.1-1                            0.6.9-1
  ros-catkin-pkg                       0.4.10-1                           0.4.9-1
  ros-rosdistro                        0.7.1-1                            0.7.0-1
  ruby-feature                         1.4.0-1                            (not in testing)
  rust-approx                          0.3.1-1                            (not in testing)
  rust-autocfg                         0.1.1-1                            (not in testing)
  rust-bzip2                           0.3.3-1                            (not in testing)
  rust-cargo-lichking                  0.7.0-1                            (not in testing)
  rust-crossbeam-0.3                   0.3.2-1                            (not in testing)
  rust-fd-find                         7.2.0-2                            7.2.0-1
  rust-rand-hc                         0.1.0-1                            (not in testing)
  rust-rand-isaac                      0.1.1-1                            (not in testing)
  rust-rand-pcg                        0.1.1-1                            (not in testing)
  rust-rand-xorshift                   0.1.1-1                            (not in testing)
  rust-rgb                             0.8.11-1                           (not in testing)
  rust-ucd-trie                        0.1.1-1                            (not in testing)
  s5                                   1.1.dfsg.2-8                       1.1.dfsg.2-7
  satpy                                0.11.1-2                           (not in testing)
  spiped                               1.6.0-4                            1.6.0-3
  starpu-contrib                       1.2.6+dfsg-5                       1.2.6+dfsg-4
  stella                               6.0-1                              5.1.3-1
  sudo                                 1.8.27-1                           1.8.26-2
  sympy                                1.3-2                              1.3-1
  systemd                              240-4                              240-2
  tcl-xmlrpc                           0.3-3                              0.3-2
  tclxml                               1:3.2.7-2                          1:3.2.6-1
  tetraproc                            0.8.2-2.1                          0.8.2-2
  thin-provisioning-tools              0.7.6-2                            0.7.4-2
  tkblt                                3.2.14-1                           3.2.13-1
  trojan                               1.10.0-1                           1.9.0-1
  tutka                                1.1.2-1                            (not in testing)
  uriparser                            0.9.1-1                            0.9.0-1
  voctomix                             1.3-2                              1.3-1
  wifite                               2.2.5-2                            (not in testing)
  wl-beta                              2.15.9+0.20190112-1                2.15.9+0.20181209-1
  wsjtx                                2.0.0+repack-2                     2.0.0+repack-1
  xorgxrdp                             1:0.2.9-1                          1:0.2.8-1
  xrdp                                 0.9.9-1                            0.9.8-2
  zimwriterfs                          1.2-1                              (not in testing)
  zita-at1                             0.6.0-1.1                          0.6.0-1
  zita-bls1                            0.1.0-3.1                          0.1.0-3
  zita-rev1                            0.2.1-5.1                          0.2.1-5

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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