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Testing migration summary 2018-12-09 (Sunday)

On 2018-12-09 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                       version             previous
  2ping                                4.3-1               4.2-2
  aggdraw                              1.3.9+ds-1          1.3.7+ds-1
  apt-show-source                      0.11                0.10+nmu5
  canlock                              3.0.2-2             3.0.2-1
  clawsker                             1.3.0-1             1.2.0-1
  debian-edu                           2.10.43             2.10.42
  diffoscope                           107                 106
  eclipse-platform-ui                  4.9-1               4.8-1
  epson-inkjet-printer-escpr           1.6.33-1            1.6.32-1
  erlang-p1-pkix                       0.2018.11.12-1      (not in testing)
  fonts-liberation                     1:1.07.4-9          1:1.07.4-8
  fonts-lohit-gujr                     2.92.4-3            2.92.4-2
  forkstat                             0.02.09-1           0.02.07-1
  h2database                           1.4.197-4           1.4.197-3
  html5-parser                         0.4.5-1             0.4.4-1
  ibus-qt                              1.3.3-4             1.3.3-3
  idm-console-framework                1.2.0-1             (not in testing)
  intel-gmmlib                         18.3.0+ds1-2        (not in testing)
  intel-media-driver                   18.3.0+dfsg1-1      (not in testing)
  intel-media-driver-non-free          18.3.0+ds1-1        (not in testing)
  jss                                  4.5.1-1             4.4.2-4
  lagan                                2.0-3               (not in testing)
  ldapjdk                              4.20.0+dfsg1-3      4.19+dfsg1-1
  libcommons-dbcp-java                 1.4-6               1.4-5
  libgtextutils                        0.7-6               0.7-4
  libjamon-java                        2.7-7               2.7-6
  libterm-table-perl                   0.013-1             0.012-1
  libyang                              0.16.52-2           (not in testing)
  lintian                              2.5.116             2.5.115
  logback                              1:1.2.3-4           1:1.2.3-3
  lua-sec                              0.7-1               0.6-4.2
  magic-wormhole                       0.11.2-1            0.10.5-1
  mina2                                2.0.19-2            2.0.19-1
  movim                                0.14-4              (not in testing)
  node-regjsparser                     0.6.0+ds-1          0.5.1+ds-1
  node-webpack                         3.5.6-3.1           3.5.6-3
  onedrive                             2.2.1-1             2.2.0-1
  openrocket                           15.03.4             15.03.3
  osmo-iuh                             0.3.0-5             0.3.0-4
  perl6-readline                       0.1.4-2             (not in testing)
  pgrouting                            2.6.2-1             2.6.1-2
  plinth                               0.44.0              0.43.0
  puppet-beaker                        4.1.0-1             (not in testing)
  pycoast                              1.2.1+dfsg-1        1.0.0+dfsg-4
  pyshp                                2.0.1+ds-1          1.2.12+ds-2
  python-django                        1:1.11.17-2         1:1.11.17-1
  python-requests-futures              0.9.9-1             0.9.8-1
  python-rsa                           4.0-2               4.0-1
  python-setuptools                    40.6.2-1            40.5.0-1
  python-yenc                          0.4.0-4             0.4.0-3
  r-cran-fnn                            (not in testing)
  r-cran-ipred                         0.9-8-1             0.9-7-1
  r-cran-mcmc                          0.9-5-3             0.9-5-2
  r-cran-rcppannoy                     0.0.11-1            (not in testing)
  ros-robot-model                      1.12.6-5            1.12.6-2
  rust-language-tags                   0.2.2-2             (not in testing)
  rygel                                0.36.2-2            0.36.2-1
  s-tui                                0.8.3-1             0.8.2-2
  sisu-inject                          0.3.2-3             0.3.2-2
  spyder                               3.3.2+dfsg1-1       3.2.6+dfsg1-2
  spyder-reports                       0.1.1-3             0.1.1-1
  strip-nondeterminism                 1.0.0-1             0.45.0-1
  tiles                                3.0.7-4             3.0.7-3
  tryton-client                        5.0.3-1             5.0.2-1
  tryton-modules-account               5.0.2-1             5.0.1-1
  tryton-modules-account-payment-sepa  5.0.1-1             5.0.0-1
  tryton-modules-account-product       5.0.1-1             5.0.0-1
  tryton-modules-sale-price-list       5.0.1-1             5.0.0-1
  tryton-proteus                       5.0.1-1             5.0.0-1
  tryton-server                        5.0.2-1             5.0.1-1
  tslib                                1.18-2              1.17-1
  wildfly-common                       1.4.0-2             1.4.0-1
  xiphos                          4.1.0+dfsg1-1
  xml2rfc                              2.15.3-1            2.15.2-1
  xmountains                           2.9-6               2.9-5
  zsh-autosuggestions                  0.5.0-1             (not in testing)

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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