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Testing migration summary 2018-12-18 (Tuesday)

On 2018-12-18 (Tuesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package             version                           previous
  adapta-gtk-theme                        (not in testing)
  an                         1.2-5                             1.2-4
  anki                       2.1.6+dfsg-1                      (not in testing)
  aspell-ml                  0.04-1-8                          0.04-1-7
  astroml-addons             0.2.2-5                           0.2.2-4
  astroplan                  0.4-4                             0.4-3
  axel                       2.16.1-4                          2.16.1-2
  bacula-doc                 9.2.2-2                           9.2.2-1
  bcal                       2.1-1                             2.0-1
  bwidget                    1.9.13-1                          1.9.12-2
  c-blosc                    1.15.1+ds1-1                      1.15.0+ds1-1
  cal                        4.0-4                             4.0-3
  calamares-settings-debian  10.0.14-1                         10.0.13-1
  centreon-clib              18.10.0-1                         (not in testing)
  centreon-connectors        18.10.0-1                         (not in testing)
  cpprest                    2.10.8-2                          2.10.7-1
  cylc                       7.8.0-3                           7.7.2-3
  debhelper                  11.5.4                            11.5.3
  debian-edu-config          2.10.50                           2.10.49
  dh-fortran-mod             0.5                               0.3
  di-netboot-assistant       0.59                              0.58
  dict-elements              20001107-a-9                      20001107-a-8
  dvd+rw-tools               7.1-14                            7.1-13
  dxvk                       0.94+ds1-1                        0.93+ds1-1
  eldav                      0.8.1-10                          (not in testing)
  ent                        1.2debian-2                       1.2debian-1
  erlang                     1:21.2+dfsg-1                     1:21.1.1+dfsg-2
  feynmf                     1.08-11                           1.08-10
  fonts-allerta              2.01+dfsg1-1                      (not in testing)
  fonts-eurofurence          4.0-1                             (not in testing)
  fonts-gamaliel             0.1-1                             (not in testing)
  fonts-monofur              1.0-1                             (not in testing)
  fonts-paratype             20181108-1                        (not in testing)
  fonts-woowa-bm             20171009-1                        (not in testing)
  fonttools                  3.33.0-1                          3.29.0-1
  gitlab-shell               8.4.3+dfsg1-1                     8.3.3+dfsg-2
  gnome-builder              3.30.2-1                          3.30.1-6
  gnome-shell-pomodoro       0.14.0-1                          0.13.4-3
  gosa                       2.7.4+reloaded3-7                 2.7.4+reloaded3-6
  gpaste                     3.30.2-1                          3.30.1-2
  grafx2                     2.5+git20181211-1                 2.5+git20181014-1
  graphite-carbon            1.1.4-2                           1.0.2-1.1
  graphite-web               1.1.4-1                           1.0.2+debian-2.1
  healpy                     1.12.8-2                          1.12.8-1
  insserv                    1.18.0-1                          1.14.0-5.4
  intel-media-driver         18.3.0+dfsg1-2                    18.3.0+dfsg1-1
  kicad                      5.0.2+dfsg1-1                     5.0.1+dfsg1-3
  lebiniou                   3.29-1                            3.28-1
  lepton-eda                 1.9.7-1                           1.9.6-1
  libcacard                  1:2.6.1-1                         1:2.5.3-1
  libconfig-model-perl       2.130-3                           2.128-1
  libedit                    3.1-20181209-1                    3.1-20180525-1
  libfixbuf                  2.2.0+ds-2                        1.7.1+ds-1
  libhpptools                1.1.1-2                           1.1.1-1
  libnitrokey                3.4.1-3                           3.3-2
  libpolyclipping            6.4.2-5                           6.4.2-3
  libprelude                 4.1.0-4.2                         4.1.0-4.1
  libsys-virt-perl           4.10.0-1                          4.7.0-1
  libtext-markup-perl        0.23-3                            0.23-2
  libvirt                    4.10.0-1                          4.7.0-1
  luksipc                    0.04-3                            0.04-2
  mdk                        1.2.9+dfsg-7                      1.2.9+dfsg-6
  midori                     7.0-1                             (not in testing)
  modsecurity                3.0.3-1                           3.0.2-1
  montage                    6.0+dfsg-4                        6.0+dfsg-3
  mp3val                     0.1.8-4                           0.1.8-3
  nagvis                     1:1.9.10-1                        (not in testing)
  nmap                       7.70+dfsg1-6                      7.70+dfsg1-5
  nss                        2:3.41-1                          2:3.40-1
  nwchem                     6.8+47+gitdf6c956-4               6.8+47+gitdf6c956-3
  pcsc-tools                 1.5.4-1                           1.5.3-1
  perlbrew                   0.85-1                            0.84-1
  pixman                     0.36.0-1                          0.34.0-2
  postgresql-common          198                               197
  psycopg2                                  2.7.5-2
  pyqt5chart                 5.11.3+dfsg-1                     5.10.1+dfsg-1
  pyregion                   2.0-6                             2.0-5
  python-backports.os        0.1.1-1                           (not in testing)
  python-drizzle             1.12-2                            1.12-1
  python-fs                  2.1.2-1                           0.5.4-1
  python-tablib              0.12.1-2                          0.12.1-1
  python-whisper             1.1.4-2                           1.0.2-1.1
  pyzo                       4.4.3-1.1                         4.4.3-1
  r-cran-cubature            2.0.2-1                           2.0.1-1
  r-cran-readr               1.3.0-1                           1.2.1-2
  radio-beam                 0.2-3                             0.2-2
  reiserfsprogs              1:3.6.27-3                        1:3.6.27-2
  robin-map                  0.5.0-1                           (not in testing)
  ruby-aruba                 0.14.6-3                          0.14.6-2
  ruby-childprocess          0.9.0-1                           0.5.9-1
  ruby-gitlab                4.5.0-2                           (not in testing)
  ruby-rspec-instafail       1.0.0-4                           1.0.0-3
  ruby-sham-rack             1.4.1-1.1                         (not in testing)
  ruby-tilt                  2.0.9-1                           2.0.8-1
  rust-fallible-iterator     0.1.6-1                           0.1.5-1
  schism                     2:20180810-2                      2:20180810-1
  slick-greeter              1.2.4-1                           1.2.3-2
  soapsnp                    1.03-3                            1.03-2
  spectral-cube              0.4.3-2                           0.4.3-1
  ssocr                      2.19.0-2                          2.19.0-1
  syndie                     1.107b-3                          1.107b-2.1
  tbb                        2018~U6-4                         2017~U7-8
  tcl8.6                     8.6.9+dfsg-1                      8.6.8+dfsg-4
  tdiary-contrib             5.0.10-2                          (not in testing)
  timelimit                  1.9.0-3                           1.9.0-2
  tk8.6                      8.6.9-1                           8.6.8-4
  tomcat8                    8.5.35-3                          8.5.35-2
  tomcat9                    9.0.14-1                          9.0.13-2
  tvc                        5.0.3+git20151221.80e144e+dfsg-2  5.0.3+git20151221.80e144e+dfsg-1
  twinkle                    1:1.10.1+dfsg-4                   1:1.10.1+dfsg-3.1
  unhide                     20130526-3                        20130526-2
  vland                      0.8-1                             0.7-1
  xchat                      2.8.8-16                          2.8.8-15
  xpad                       5.2.0-1                           5.1.0-1
  xterm                      338-1                             337-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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