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Testing migration summary 2018-06-23 (Saturday)

On 2018-06-23 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                        version                      previous
  aiscm                                 0.15.4-1                     (not in testing)
  aoflagger                             2.11.0-1                     2.10.0-3
  apertium-ca-it                        0.1.1~r57554-2               0.1.1~r57554-1
  apertium-cat-srd                      1.0.0~r82995-2               1.0.0~r82995-1
  bootcd                                5.13                         5.12
  cadvisor                              0.27.1+dfsg2-4               (not in testing)
  cairodevice                           2.25-2                       2.24-2
  cifs-utils                            2:6.8-2                      2:6.8-1
  datalad                               0.10.1-1                     0.9.3-1
  dgit                                  5.1                          4.4
  dh-cargo                              5                            4
  dh-r                                  20180617                     20180601
  docker.io                             18.03.1+dfsg1-3              (not in testing)
  dune-common                           2.6.0-3                      2.6.0-1
  exo                                   0.12.1-1                     0.12.0-1
  feedgnuplot                           1.49-2                       1.49-1
  fenrir                                1.9-1                        1.06+really1.5.1-3
  genius                                1.0.24-2                     1.0.23-3
  globus-gridftp-server                 12.6-1                       12.5-1
  globus-gssapi-gsi                     13.8-1                       13.6-1
  golang-github-samalba-dockerclient    0.0~git20160531.0.a303626-2  (not in testing)
  gpodder                               3.10.3-1                     3.10.1-2
  gromacs                               2018.2-2                     2018.1-4
  hwloc                                 1.11.10-2                    1.11.10-1
  hwloc-contrib                         1.11.10-2                    1.11.10-1
  inspircd                              2.0.24-1.1                   2.0.24-1
  libbson-perl                          1.6.5-1                      1.6.3-1
  libcpan-perl-releases-perl            3.64-1                       3.60-1
  libdist-zilla-plugin-githubmeta-perl  0.58-1                       0.52-1
  libffi-checklib-perl                  0.20-1                       0.18-1
  libfile-find-object-rule-perl         0.0309-1                     0.0306-1
  libnet-dns-sec-perl                   1.09-1                       1.08-1
  libterm-choose-perl                   1.517-1                      1.516-1
  libwww-perl                           6.34-1                       6.33-1
  live-build                            1:20180618                   1:20180411
  node-browser-unpack                   1.3.0-1                      1.2.0-3
  node-content-type                     1.0.4-1                      1.0.2-1
  node-http-errors                      1.6.3-1                      1.6.2-1
  node-ip-regex                         3.0.0-1                      2.1.0-1
  node-jquery                           2.2.4+dfsg-3                 2.2.4+dfsg-2
  node-rollup-plugin-commonjs           9.1.3-1                      9.0.0-1
  node-type-is                          1.6.16-1                     1.5.2-1
  norm                                  1.5r6+dfsg1-9                1.5r6+dfsg1-7
  nsd                                   4.1.22-2                     4.1.17-1
  opari2                                2.0.3-1                      2.0.2-4
  openhpi                               3.8.0-1                      3.6.1-4
  openlibm                              0.6.0+dfsg-1                 0.5.4+dfsg-3
  openstack-debian-images               1.27                         1.26
  openvswitch                           2.8.1+dfsg1-7                2.8.1+dfsg1-6
  osgi-foundation-ee                    4.2.0-4                      4.2.0-2
  osmosis                               0.46-4                       0.46-3
  pandas                                0.22.0-8                     0.22.0-7
  pcaudiolib                            1.1-2                        1.0-2
  pgbackrest                            2.03-1                       2.02-1
  php-codesniffer                       3.3.0-1                      3.2.3-1
  phpunit-comparator                    3.0.1-1                      3.0.0-1
  phpunit-diff                          3.0.1-1                      3.0.0-2
  postgis-java                          1:2.2.1-7                    1:2.2.1-6
  psi-plus                              1.3.384-1                    1.3.287-1
  psi-plus-l10n                         1.3.375-1                    1.3.287-1
  pyrfc3339                             1.1-1                        1.0-4
  python-networkx                       2.1-1                        1.11-2
  qtpass                                1.2.3-1                      1.2.2-1
  r-cran-amore                          0.2-15-3                     0.2-15-2
  r-cran-base64enc                      0.1-3-2                      0.1-3-1
  r-cran-brglm                          0.6.1-2                      0.6.1-1
  r-cran-caret                          6.0-80-2                     6.0-80-1
  r-cran-colorspace                     1.3-2-3                      1.3-2-2
  r-cran-dotcall64                      0.9-5.2-2                    0.9-5.2-1
  r-cran-eco                            4.0-1-2                      4.0-1-1
  r-cran-formatr                        1.5-3                        1.5-2
  r-cran-geepack                        1.2-1-2                      1.2-1-1
  r-cran-git2r                          0.21.0-2                     0.21.0-1
  r-cran-gower                          0.1.2-2                      0.1.2-1
  r-cran-jsonlite                       1.5-3                        1.5-2
  r-cran-maldiquant                     1.17-2                       1.17-1
  r-cran-markdown                       0.8+dfsg-1                   0.8-1
  r-cran-mclust                         5.4-2                        5.4-1
  r-cran-mime                           0.5-2                        0.5-1
  r-cran-mixtools                       1.1.0-2                      1.1.0-1
  r-cran-mlbench                        2.1-1-3                      2.1-1-2
  r-cran-mnp                            3.1-0-2                      3.1-0-1
  r-cran-modelmetrics                   1.1.0-2                      1.1.0-1
  r-cran-ncdf4                          1.16-2                       1.16-1
  r-cran-optparse                       1.6.0-1                      1.4.4-3
  r-cran-pbivnorm                       0.6.0-3                      0.6.0-2
  r-cran-readmzxmldata                  2.8.1-2                      2.8.1-1
  r-cran-tidyselect                     0.2.4-2                      0.2.4-1
  r-cran-tm                             0.7-4-1                      0.7-3-1
  r-cran-urltools                       1.7.0+dfsg-1                 1.7.0-1
  r-cran-xml2                           1.2.0-2                      1.2.0-1
  r-other-amsmercury                    1.3.0-3                      1.3.0-2
  r-other-mott-happy                    2.4-3                        2.4-2
  rgtk2                                 2.20.35-2                    2.20.34-1
  rgxg                                  0.1.1-4                      0.1.1-3
  ros-catkin                            0.7.14-2                     0.7.13-1
  ros-eigen-stl-containers              0.1.8-2                      0.1.8-1
  ros-navigation-msgs                   1.13.0-6                     1.13.0-5
  ros-pcl-conversions                   0.2.1-3                      0.2.1-2
  ros-pcl-msgs                          0.2.0-7                      0.2.0-6
  ros-ros-comm-msgs                     1.11.2-8                     1.11.2-7
  ruby-asset-sync                       2.4.0-1                      2.2.0-2
  ruby-attr-encrypted                   3.1.0-1                      (not in testing)
  ruby-devise-two-factor                3.0.0-2                      (not in testing)
  ruby-encryptor                        3.0.0-2                      (not in testing)
  sauerbraten                           0.0.20140302-2               0.0.20140302-1
  speech-dispatcher-contrib             0.8.8-4                      0.8.8-2
  spf-engine                            2.1.0-1                      (not in testing)
  subuser                               0.6.1-3                      (not in testing)
  trackballs                            1.3.1-1                      (not in testing)
  vnlog                                 1.12-1                       1.7-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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