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Testing migration summary 2018-05-09 (Wednesday)

On 2018-05-09 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                             version                previous
  acorn                                      5.5.3+ds3-1            5.5.3+ds1-1
  amd64-microcode                            3.20171205.2           3.20171205.1
  at-spi2-core                               2.28.0-3               2.28.0-2
  boinc                                      7.10.2+dfsg-1          7.10.1+dfsg-2
  bppphyview                                 0.6.0-1                (not in testing)
  breezy                                     3.0.0~bzr6948-1        3.0.0~bzr6928-1
  chemps2                                    1.8.7-2                1.8.7-1
  cl-ptester                                 20160829.gitfe69fde-1  2.1.2-8
  cpanminus                                  1.7044-1               1.7043-1
  dbus                                       1.12.8-2               1.12.6-2
  depqbf                                     5.01-3                 5.01-1
  dh-octave                                  0.5.0                  0.4.0
  diffoscope                                 94                     93
  edk2                                       0~20180503.ebafede9-1  0~20180328.c27c0003-1
  espeak-ng                                  1.49.2+dfsg-2          1.49.2+dfsg-1
  festvox-mbrola                             1.95-2                 1.95-1
  fig2dev                                    1:3.2.7a-1             1:3.2.7-3
  fiona                                      1.7.11-2               1.7.10-1
  flexpart                                   9.02-19                9.02-17
  flextra                                    5.0-9                  5.0-8
  gausssum                                   3.0.2-1      
  gcc-8-cross-ports                          9                      8
  gitaly                                     0.96.1+debian-2        0.96.1+debian-1
  gnurobbo                                   0.68+dfsg-4            0.68+dfsg-3
  golang-logrus                              1.0.5-1                1.0.2-2
  govendor                                   1.0.9+ds1-1            1.0.8+git20170720.29.84cdf58+ds-1
  horizon                                    3:13.0.0-4             3:13.0.0-3
  html-xml-utils                             7.7-1                  7.6-1
  iptables-netflow                           2.3-3                  (not in testing)
  isenkram                                   0.39                   0.38
  iva                                        1.0.9+ds-5             1.0.9+ds-4
  josm                                       0.0.svn13710+dfsg-1    0.0.svn13576+dfsg-3
  jupyter-client                             5.2.3-1                5.2.2-1
  libcommons-lang3-java                      3.7-1                  3.5-2
  libconfig-model-dpkg-perl                  2.111                  2.110
  libconfig-mvp-perl                         2.200011-1             2.200010-1
  libdatetime-tiny-perl                      1.07-1                 1.06-1
  libhtmlparser-java                         1.6.20060610.dfsg0-9   1.6.20060610.dfsg0-8
  libjson-validator-perl                     2.07+dfsg-1            2.06+dfsg-1
  liblocale-msgfmt-perl                      0.15-2                 0.15-1
  libmath-clipper-perl                       1.26-1                 1.23-1
  libmojolicious-plugin-authentication-perl  1.33-1                 1.32-1
  libmonitoring-livestatus-perl              0.80-1                 0.78-1
  libmoosex-has-options-perl                 0.003-2                0.003-1
  libmoosex-hasdefaults-perl                 0.03-2                 0.03-1
  libmoosex-multimethods-perl                0.10-2                 0.10-1
  libmqdb-perl                               0.954-2                0.954-1
  libmsgcat-perl                             1.03-7                 1.03-6
  libmultidimensional-perl                   0.014-1                0.013-1
  libnet-httpserver-perl                     1.1.1-3                1.1.1-2
  libnet-ldns-perl                           0.75-5                 0.75-3
  libnet-libidn-perl                         0.12.ds-3              0.12.ds-2
  libnet-openid-server-perl                  1.09-3                 1.09-2
  libnet-opensrs-perl                        0.06-2                 0.06-1
  libpandoc-elements-perl                    0.36-2                 0.36-1
  libpandoc-wrapper-perl                     0.8.0-2                0.8.0-1
  libparse-mime-perl                         1.003-2                1.003-1
  libparser-mgc-perl                         0.16-1                 0.15-2
  libperl-minimumversion-perl                1.38-2                 1.38-1
  libperl-version-perl                       1.013-2                1.013-1
  librecad                                   2.1.3-1                2.1.2-1
  libsafe-isa-perl                           1.000010-1             1.000008-1
  libsoap-wsdl-perl                          3.003-3                3.003-2
  libsystem-info-perl                        0.058-1                0.057-1
  libtest-base-perl                          0.89-1                 0.88-1
  libtest-notabs-perl                        2.02-1                 2.00-1
  libtest-simple-perl                        1.302136-1             1.302135-1
  libtest2-suite-perl                        0.000114-1             0.000111-1
  libtext-simpletable-perl                   2.04-1                 2.03-1
  libusb-1.0                                 2:1.0.22-2             2:1.0.21-2
  libv-perl                                  0.13-2                 0.13-1
  libx11-guitest-perl                        0.28-2                 0.28-1
  libx500-dn-perl                            0.29-5                 0.29-4
  libxml-handler-yawriter-perl               0.23-7                 0.23-6
  libxml-rss-simplegen-perl                  11.11-6                11.11-5
  libxml-xql-perl                            0.68-7                 0.68-6
  libyaml-syck-perl                          1.30-1                 1.29-1
  lintian                                    2.5.85                 2.5.84
  m2crypto                                   0.27.0-6               0.27.0-5
  mkvtoolnix                                 23.0.0-1               22.0.0-1
  mypy                                       0.600-1                0.590-1
  node-bluebird                              3.5.1+dfsg2-2          3.5.1+dfsg2-1
  node-foreground-child                      1.5.6-6                1.5.6-4
  nosexcover                                 1.0.11-1.1             1.0.11-1
  ocrmypdf                                   6.2.0-1                6.1.2-1
  ocsinventory-server                        2.4.1+dfsg-1           (not in testing)
  ogre-1.9                                   1.9.0+dfsg1-11         1.9.0+dfsg1-10
  oneisenough                                0.40-4                 0.40-3
  openmpi                                    3.0.1.real-3           3.0.1-9
  openssn                                    1.4-2                  1.4-1
  pgtop                                      3.7.0-18-gbbf1f12-2    3.7.0-2
  pspg                                       1.1.1-1                1.0.0-1
  pushover                                   0.0.5+git20180420-2    0.0.5+git20180420-1
  pybind11                                   2.2.3-1                2.2.2-2
  python-doc8                                0.6.0-5                0.6.0-4
  python-pyelftools                          0.24-4.1               0.24-4
  quaternion                                 0.0.9-1                0.0.5-2
  r-bioc-affy                                1.58.0-2               1.58.0-1
  r-bioc-affyio                              1.50.0-2               1.50.0-1
  r-bioc-altcdfenvs                          1:2.42.0-2             1:2.42.0-1
  r-bioc-annotationdbi                       1.42.0-3               1.42.0-1
  r-bioc-annotationhub                       2.12.0-2               2.12.0-1
  r-bioc-aroma.light                         3.10.0-2               3.10.0-1
  r-bioc-biobase                             2.40.0-2               2.40.0-1
  r-bioc-biocgenerics                        0.26.0-2               0.26.0-1
  r-bioc-biomart                             2.36.0-2               2.36.0-1
  r-bioc-biomformat                          1.8.0-2                1.8.0-1
  r-bioc-dnacopy                             1.54.0-2               1.54.0-1
  r-bioc-ebseq                               1.20.0-2               1.20.0-1
  r-bioc-geneplotter                         1.58.0-2               1.58.0-1
  r-bioc-genomeinfodbdata                    1.1.0-2                1.1.0-1
  r-bioc-go.db                               3.6.0-2                3.6.0-1
  r-bioc-graph                               1.58.0-2               1.58.0-1
  r-bioc-hilbertvis                          1.38.0-2               1.38.0-1
  r-bioc-hypergraph                          1.52.0-2               1.52.0-1
  r-bioc-interactivedisplaybase              1.18.0-2               1.18.0-1
  r-bioc-makecdfenv                          1.56.0-2               1.56.0-1
  r-bioc-mergeomics                          1.8.0-2                1.8.0-1
  r-bioc-metagenomeseq                       1.22.0-2               1.20.1-1
  r-bioc-multtest                            2.36.0-2               2.36.0-1
  r-bioc-preprocesscore                      1.42.0-2               1.42.0-1
  r-bioc-protgenerics                        1.12.0-2               1.12.0-1
  r-bioc-qvalue                              2.12.0-2               2.12.0-1
  r-bioc-rbgl                                1.56.0+dfsg-2          1.56.0+dfsg-1
  r-bioc-savr                                1.18.0-2               1.18.0-1
  r-bioc-snpstats                            1.30.0+dfsg-2          1.30.0+dfsg-1
  r-cran-epir                                0.9-96-1               0.9-93-1
  r-cran-factominer                          1.41-1                 1.40-1
  r-cran-future                              1.8.1-1                1.8.0-1
  r-cran-optparse                            1.4.4-2                1.4.4-1
  r-cran-pbdzmq                              0.3.3+dfsg-1           0.3.2+dfsg-1
  r-cran-withr                               2.1.2-2                2.1.2-1
  remctl                                     3.15-1                 3.14-1
  ruby-gettext-setup                         0.30-2                 0.30-1
  ruby-jbuilder                              2.7.0-1                2.3.1-2
  ruby-js-routes                             1.4.3-1                1.3.3-2
  ruby-versionist                            1.7.0-1                1.6.0-1
  sdcc                                       3.5.0+dfsg-2.1         3.5.0+dfsg-2
  sparkleshare                               2.0.1-1                1.5.0-2.1
  sphinx-gallery                             0.1.13-2               0.1.13-1
  starjava-vo                                0.2+2018.04.17-1       0.2+2017.09.26-1
  surefire                                   2.21.0-1               2.20.1-3
  svtplay-dl                                 1.9.11-1               1.9.10-1
  timew                                      1.1.1+ds.1-1           1.1.0+ds.1-2
  ttf-tagbanwa                               1.006                  1.005
  tzdata                                     2018e-1                2018d-1
  vulkan                                     1.1.73+dfsg-1          1.1.70+dfsg1-1
  xfig                                       1:3.2.7a-1             1:3.2.7-1
  xmds2                                      2.2.3+dfsg-7           2.2.3+dfsg-5
  xmhtml                                     1.1.10-3               1.1.10-2
  xonsh                                      0.6.3+dfsg-1           0.6.1+dfsg-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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