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Testing migration summary 2018-03-20 (Tuesday)

On 2018-03-20 (Tuesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                                     version                        previous
  afflib                                             3.7.16-3                       3.7.16-2
  aft                                                2:5.098-4                      2:5.098-3
  beets                                              1.4.6-2                        1.4.6-1
  boxbackup                                          0.13~~git20180313.g16a11e86-1  (not in testing)
  cmark                                              0.26.1-1.1                     0.26.1-1
  cwltool                                            1.0.20180302231433-1           1.0.20180211183944-2
  dbi                                                0.8-1                          0.7-1
  deepin-icon-theme                                  15.12.53-1                     15.12.52+git20180126-2
  dicelab                                            0.7-5                          0.7-4
  dirb                                               2.22+dfsg-3                    2.22+dfsg-2
  dpdk                                               17.11.1-6                      17.11-5
  eccodes                                            2.7.0-2                        2.7.0-1
  five-or-more                                       1:3.28.0-1                     1:3.26.0-3
  fonts-hack                                         3.003-1                        3.002-2
  fortunes-es                                        1.35                           1.34
  gcc-7-cross-ports                                  13                             7
  gdbm                                               1.14.1-6                       1.14.1-4
  geophar                                            16.08.4~dfsg1-2                16.08.4~dfsg1-1
  gnome-bluetooth                                    3.28.0-2                       3.26.1-3
  gnome-calculator                                   3.28.0-1                       3.27.92-1
  gnome-characters                                   3.28.0-3                       3.26.2-4
  gnome-devel-docs                                   3.28.0-1                       3.26.0-2
  gnome-getting-started-docs                         3.28.0-1                       3.26.2-2
  gnome-logs                                         3.28.0-1                       3.26.3-1
  gnome-music                                        3.28.0-1             
  gnome-photos                                       3.27.92-1                      3.26.3-1
  gnome-usage                                        3.28.0-1                       3.27.90-1
  gnome-user-docs                                    3.28.0-1             
  golang-github-aead-chacha20                        0.0~git20180214.c8d2937-1      (not in testing)
  golang-github-cloudflare-go-metrics                0.0~git20151117.0.6a9aea3-3    0.0~git20151117.0.6a9aea3-2
  golang-github-coreos-bbolt                         1.3.1-coreos.5-1               (not in testing)
  golang-github-cyberdelia-go-metrics-graphite       0.0~git20151204.0.7e54b5c-3    0.0~git20151204.0.7e54b5c-2
  golang-github-data-dog-go-sqlmock                  1.3.0-1                        1.0.0-1
  golang-github-kotakanbe-logrus-prefixed-formatter  0.0~git20170801.0.75edb2e8-3   0.0~git20170801.0.75edb2e8-2
  golang-github-nlopes-slack                         0.1.0-1                        (not in testing)
  golang-github-prometheus-tsdb                      0.0~git20180302.16b2bf1-1      0.0~git20180118.467948f-1
  golang-github-shopify-sarama                       1.16.0-1                       (not in testing)
  golang-github-ymomoi-goval-parser                  0.0~git20170813.0.0a0be1d-1    (not in testing)
  golang-pault-go-archive                            0.0~git20180223.29fe7b6-1      (not in testing)
  golang-pault-go-blobstore                          0.0~git20180314.d6d187c-1      (not in testing)
  golang-pault-go-debian                             0.6-1                          0.5-1
  gsettings-desktop-schemas                          3.28.0-1                       3.27.92-1
  gtk+3.0                                            3.22.29-1                      3.22.28-1
  itcl4                                              4.1.1-3                        (not in testing)
  itk4                                               4.1.0-3                        (not in testing)
  jruby-joni                                         2.1.16-1                       2.1.15-1
  jsonrpc-glib                                       3.28.0-2                       3.26.1-2
  kelbt                                              0.16-2                         0.16-1.1
  lexicon                                            2.1.21-1                       (not in testing)
  libautovivification-perl                           0.18-1                         0.17-1
  libphp-adodb                                       5.20.10-1                      5.20.9-1
  libsigc++-2.0                                      2.10.0-2                       2.10.0-1
  mailman-suite                                      0+20170523-12                  0+20170523-11
  mailman3-core                                      3.1.1-5                        3.1.1-4
  memcached                                          1.5.6-1                        1.5.4-1
  metacity                                           1:3.28.0-1                     1:3.26.0-1
  nlme                                                         3.1.131-3
  octave                                             4.2.2-1                        4.2.1-7
  openjdk-10                                         10~46-2                        (not in testing)
  pioneers                                           15.5-1                         15.4-1
  planetblupi                                        1.12.4-1                       1.12.2-1
  prelude-lml                                        4.1.0-1                        3.1.0-2
  proj                                               5.0.0-4                        5.0.0-3
  pymongo                                            3.6.1+dfsg1-1                  3.5.1+dfsg1-1
  python-digitalocean                                1.13.2-1                       1.11-1
  python-pyftpdlib                                   1.5.3-1                        1.5.1-4
  pyzabbix                                           0.7.4-1                        (not in testing)
  qd                                                 2.3.20+dfsg.1-1                2.3.18+dfsg-2
  r-base                                             3.4.4-1                        3.4.3-1
  r-bioc-biomart                                     2.34.2-1                       2.34.1-1
  r-bioc-genomicfeatures                             1.30.3+dfsg-1                  1.30.0+dfsg-1
  r-bioc-genomicranges                               1.30.3-1                       1.30.0-1
  r-bioc-gviz                                        1.22.3-1                       1.22.0-1
  r-bioc-limma                                       3.34.9+dfsg-1                  3.34.0+dfsg-1
  r-bioc-metagenomeseq                               1.20.1-1                       1.20.0-1
  r-bioc-rtracklayer                                 1.38.3-1                       1.38.0-1
  r-bioc-shortread                                   1.36.1-1                       1.36.0-1
  r-bioc-summarizedexperiment                        1.8.1-1                        1.8.0-1
  r-bioc-variantannotation                           1.24.5-1                       1.24.2-1
  r-cran-amelia                                      1.7.4-2                        1.7.4-1
  r-cran-backports                                   1.1.2-1                        1.1.1-1
  r-cran-bayesfactor                                 0.9.12-2-3                     0.9.12-2-2
  r-cran-bindr                                       0.1.1-1                        0.1-1
  r-cran-dbplyr                                      1.2.1-1                        1.2.0-1
  r-cran-epi                                         2.26-1                         2.24-1
  r-cran-gam                                         1.15-1                         1.14-4-1
  r-cran-gmaps                                       0.2-3                          0.2-2
  r-cran-gnm                                         1.0-8-2                        1.0-8-1
  r-cran-hms                                         0.4.2-1                        0.4.0-2
  r-cran-hypergeo                                    1.2-13-2                       1.2-13-1
  r-cran-lhs                                         0.16-1                         0.14-2
  r-cran-logspline                                   2.1.9-2                        2.1.9-1
  r-cran-luminescence                                0.8.2-1                        0.7.5-1
  r-cran-maldiquant                                  1.17-1                         1.16.4-1
  r-cran-maldiquantforeign                           0.11.1-1                       0.11-1
  r-cran-mapdata                                     2.2-6-2                        2.2-6-1
  r-cran-maptree                                     1.4-7-2                        1.4-7-1
  r-cran-nnls                                        1.4-2                          1.4-1
  r-cran-pillar                                      1.2.1-1                        1.0.1-1
  r-cran-pkgmaker                                    0.22-2                         0.22-1
  r-cran-plotrix                                     3.7-1                          3.6-6-1
  r-cran-pscl                                        1.5.2-2                        1.5.2-1
  r-cran-recipes                                     0.1.2-1                        0.1.0-1
  r-cran-rgenoud                                     5.8-1.0-1                      5.7-12.4-1
  r-cran-rjags                                       1:4-6-3                        1:4-6-2
  r-cran-rjson                                       0.2.15-2                       0.2.15-1
  r-cran-rpostgresql                                 0.6-2+dfsg-1                   0.4-1
  r-cran-scatterplot3d                               0.3-41-1                       0.3-40-2
  r-cran-shinyjs                                     1.0-1                          0.9.1-1
  r-cran-sp                                          1:1.2-7-1                      1:1.2-5-3
  r-cran-spatstat                                    1.55-0-1                       1.53-2-1
  r-cran-spatstat.data                               1.2-0-1                        1.1-1-1
  r-cran-spatstat.utils                              1.8-0-1                        1.7-1-1
  r-cran-spdep                                       0.7-4-1                        0.6-15-2
  r-cran-squarem                                     2017.10-1-1                    (not in testing)
  r-cran-taxize                                      0.9.2-1                        0.9.0-1
  r-cran-testthat                                    2.0.0-2                        2.0.0-1
  r-cran-tgp                                         2.4-14-3                       2.4-14-2
  r-cran-xts                                         0.10-2-1                       0.10-1-1
  r-cran-yaml                                        2.1.18-1                       2.1.14-1
  rcpp                                               0.12.16-1                      0.12.15-1
  rhythmbox-plugin-alternative-toolbar               0.18.0-1                       0.17.5-1
  rmysql                                             0.10.14-1                      0.10.13-2
  ruby-carrierwave                                   1.2.2-1                        1.1.0-3
  ruby-delayed-job                                   4.1.4-1                        4.0.6-2
  ruby-delayed-job-active-record                     4.1.2-1                        4.0.3-2
  ruby-grape-route-helpers                           2.1.0-2                        (not in testing)
  sbuild                                             0.74.0-1                       0.73.0-4
  syncthing                                          0.14.44+ds1-2                  0.14.43+ds1-6
  tcc                                                0.9.27-8                       0.9.27-6
  tendermint-go-event-meter                          0.0~git20160420.0.c9240a5-2    0.0~git20160420.0.c9240a5-1
  tldextract                                         2.2.0-1                        (not in testing)
  variety                                            0.6.6-2                        0.6.6-1
  vim-lastplace                                      3.1.1-2                        3.1.1-1
  vmdb2                                              0.12-1                         (not in testing)
  vnstat                                             1.18-1                         1.17-1
  xarchiver                                          1:                   1:
  xmonad                                             0.13-7                         0.13-6

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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