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Testing migration summary 2017-09-04 (Monday)

On 2017-09-04 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                 version                           previous
  adios                          1.12.0-3                          1.11.0-2
  adwaita-icon-theme             3.25.91-1                         3.24.0-1
  anjuta                         2:3.22.0-4                        2:3.22.0-3
  apvlv                          0.1.5+dfsg-3                      (not in testing)
  at-spi2-core                   2.24.1-2                          2.24.1-1
  axiom                          20170401-3                        20140801-12
  banshee                        2.6.2-6.2                         2.6.2-6.1
  baobab                         3.24.0-1                          3.22.1-1
  baresip                        0.5.4-1.1                         0.5.4-1
  bind-dyndb-ldap                10.1-2                            10.1-1
  bind9                          1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-12.6             1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-12.5
  binutils                       2.29-8                            2.29-7
  bleachbit                      1.15-2                            1.12-1
  breezy                         3.0.0~bzr6772-1                   (not in testing)
  ca-certificates                20170717                          20161130+nmu1
  caja                           1.18.4-1                          1.18.3-1
  ccnet                          6.1.0-1                           6.0.7-1
  cheese                         3.25.90-1                         3.22.1-1
  choose-mirror                  2.81                              2.80
  config-package-dev             5.3                               5.2
  console-data                   2:1.12-5.1                        2:1.12-5
  cython                         0.26.1-0.2                        0.25.2-2
  debian-edu-install             1.917                             1.916
  debian-installer               20170828                          20170615+deb9u1
  dirb                           2.22+dfsg-1                       (not in testing)
  directfb                       1.7.7-5                 
  dired-du                       0.5-1                             (not in testing)
  dune-grid-glue                 2.5.0-1                           2.5.0~20170717g2795723-1
  dwm                            6.1-4                             6.1-3
  e2fsprogs                      1.43.6-1                          1.43.5-1
  entangle                       0.7.2-1                           0.7.1-3
  eog                            3.25.90-1                         3.20.5-1
  epiphany-browser               3.24.3-1                          3.22.7-1
  espeakup                       1:0.80-6                          1:0.80-5
  ethtool                        1:4.11-1                          1:4.8-1
  evince                         3.24.1-1                          3.22.1-4
  fastx-toolkit                  0.0.14-5                          (not in testing)
  fcitx-autoeng-ng               0.1.1~git20150311-1               (not in testing)
  fcitx-fullwidthchar-enhance    0.0~git20150311-1                 (not in testing)
  fcitx-punc-ng                  0.1.1~git20161101-1               (not in testing)
  file-roller                    3.25.1-1                          3.22.3-1
  gedit-plugins                  3.22.0-2                          3.22.0-1
  glib2.0                        2.53.6-1                          2.53.4-3
  glibc                          2.24-17                           2.24-14
  gnome-autoar                   0.2.2-1                           0.1.1-4
  gnome-builder                  3.24.2-1                          3.22.4-1
  gnome-chess                    1:3.25.4-1                        1:3.22.2-2
  gnome-control-center           1:3.24.3-1                        1:3.22.2-3
  gnome-getting-started-docs     3.24.1-1                          3.22.0-1
  gnome-mines                    1:3.25.91-1                       1:3.22.2-1
  gnome-multi-writer             3.25.90-1                         3.22.1-1
  gnome-nibbles                  1:3.24.0-1                        1:
  gnome-online-accounts          3.25.90-1                         3.22.5-1
  gnome-sudoku                   1:3.25.4-1                        1:3.22.2-1
  gnome-user-docs                3.25.90-2                         3.22.0-1
  gnupg2                         2.1.23-2                          2.1.18-8
  golang-github-shirou-gopsutil  2.17.07-1                         2.1-2.1
  gtk+3.0                        3.22.19-1                         3.22.18-1
  gummi                          0.6.6-4                           0.6.6-2
  html5-parser                   0.4.3-1                           (not in testing)
  ibus-kkc                       1.5.22-1                          1.5.21-1
  icedove                        1:52.3.0-4                        1:52.2.1-5
  imgp                           2.4.1-1                           2.4+git20170724-1
  insighttoolkit4                4.12.1-dfsg1-1                    4.12.0-dfsg1-2
  jsonrpc-glib                   3.25.3-2                          (not in testing)
  khmer                          2.1.1+dfsg-1                      (not in testing)
  kvmtool                        0.20170609-1                      0.20161128-1
  libemf                         1.0.9+git.10.3231442-1            (not in testing)
  libgcrypt20                    1.7.9-1                           1.7.8-2
  libgee-0.8                     0.20.0-1                          0.18.1-1
  libguestfs                     1:1.34.6-5                        1:1.34.6-4
  libgweather                    3.25.91-1                         3.20.4-1
  liboggplay                     0.2.1~git20091227-3               0.2.1~git20091227-2
  libpeas                        1.21.0-1                          1.20.0-1
  libpng1.6                      1.6.32-1                          1.6.31-1
  libxcursor                     1:1.1.14-3                        1:1.1.14-1
  lightsoff                      1:3.25.90-1                       1:3.22.2-1
  likwid                         4.2.1+dfsg1-1                     4.2.0-2
  lvm2                           2.02.173-1                        2.02.168-2
  mapnik                         3.0.15+ds-1                       3.0.12+ds-3
  mapnik-vector-tile             1.4.0+dfsg-1                      1.2.2+dfsg-1
  mate-sensors-applet            1.18.2-4                          1.18.2-1
  mate-tweak                     17.10.14-1                        17.10.13-1
  maven-artifact-transfer        0.9.1-3                           0.9.1-2
  maven-shared-jar               1.2-3                             1.2-2
  mg                             20170828-1                        20170401-1
  mksh                           56b-1                             56-1
  monit                          1:5.23.0-4                        1:5.23.0-2
  mpfr4                          3.1.6~rc1-1                       3.1.5-1
  nano                           2.8.7-1                           2.8.6-1
  nautilus-sendto                3.8.6-1                           3.8.4-2
  olm                            2.2.2+git20170526.0fd768e+dfsg-1  (not in testing)
  open-build-service             2.7.4-2                           (not in testing)
  open-vm-tools                  2:10.1.10-2                       2:10.1.10-1
  openssl                        1.1.0f-5                          1.1.0f-4
  ostree                         2017.10-1                         2017.9-1
  pango1.0                       1.40.11-1                         1.40.6-1
  parcellite                     1.2.1-2                           1.1.9-1
  pd-upp                         0.1.0-1                           0.1-1
  pdf2djvu                       0.9.6-1                           0.9.5-1
  pick                           1.8.0-1                           (not in testing)
  plexus-ant-factory             1.0~alpha2.1-4                    1.0~alpha2.1-3
  plexus-archiver                3.5-2                             3.5-1
  plexus-build-api               0.0.7-2                           0.0.7-1
  plexus-cdc                     1.0~alpha14-7                     1.0~alpha14-6
  plexus-cli                     1.2-7                             1.2-6
  plexus-digest                  1.1-4                             1.1-3
  plexus-i18n                    1.0-beta-10-4                     1.0-beta-10-3
  plexus-resources               1.1.0-2                           1.1.0-1
  poppler                        0.57.0-2                          0.48.0-2
  pristine-tar                   1.41                              1.40
  pry                            0.10.4-1                          0.10.3-2
  pstoedit                       3.70-5                            3.70-3
  pupnp-1.8                      1:1.8.2-2                         1:1.8.1-1
  py3c                           0.8-1                             (not in testing)
  pymad                          0.10-2                            0.10-1
  pymongo                        3.5.1+dfsg1-1                     3.4.0-1
  python-biomaj3                 3.0.20-2                          (not in testing)
  python-gffutils                               (not in testing)
  python-hbmqtt                  0.9-1                             (not in testing)
  python-isoweek                 1.3.3-1                           1.3.1-1
  python-mapnik                  1:0.0~20170621-0cd7493f2-1        1:0.0~20161104-ea5fd11-2
  python-spoon                   1.0.6-2                           (not in testing)
  python-tinyrpc                 0.6-1                             (not in testing)
  python-xapp                    1.0.1-1                           (not in testing)
  pyx3                           0.14.1-7                          0.14.1-5
  qdox2                          2.0~M7-1                          2.0~M6-1
  reiserfsprogs                  1:3.6.25-7                        1:3.6.25-6
  ruby-joiner                    0.3.4-2                           (not in testing)
  ruby-thinking-sphinx           3.2.0-1                           (not in testing)
  ruby-twitter-oauth             0.4.94-3                          0.4.94-1
  seafile                        6.1.0-1                           6.0.7-1
  seafile-client                 6.1.0-2                           6.0.7-1
  searx                          0.12.0+dfsg1-1                    (not in testing)
  standardskriver                0.0.3-1                           (not in testing)
  sugar                          0.110.0-5                         0.110.0-3
  sugar-artwork                  0.110.0-2                         0.110.0-1
  sugar-base                     0.98.0-6                          0.98.0-5
  sugar-calculate-activity       44-2                              43-3
  sugar-chat-activity            84-2                              83-1
  sugar-datastore                0.110.0-2                         0.110.0-1
  sugar-imageviewer-activity     63-1                              62-3
  sugar-jukebox-activity         33-1                              32+20160926-1
  sugar-log-activity             38-1                              37-4
  sugar-terminal-activity        45.1-3                            44+20161031-1
  sugar-toolkit-gtk3             0.110.0-5                         0.110.0-4
  swell-foop                     1:3.25.2-1                        1:3.22.2-1
  syncthing                      0.14.36+ds1-3                     0.14.36+ds1-1
  tdiary-style-rd                0.0.3-2                           0.0.3-1
  tuxpaint-config                0.0.13-3                          0.0.13-2
  twolame                        0.3.13-3                          0.3.13-2
  udunits                        2.2.25-2                          2.2.25-1
  unattended-upgrades            0.96                              0.94
  util-linux                     2.29.2-4                          2.29.2-2
  vala                           0.36.4-1                          0.34.9-1
  valabind                       0.10.0-3                          0.10.0-2
  wagon                          1.0.0-10                          1.0.0-9
  wslay                          1.0.1~39-g6abacc1-1               (not in testing)
  zenity                         3.24.0-1                          3.22.0-1
  zonemaster-cli                 1.0.5-1                           (not in testing)
  zsh-syntax-highlighting        0.6.0-1                           0.5.0-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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