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Testing migration summary 2017-11-26 (Sunday)

On 2017-11-26 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                                 version                          previous
  0ad                                            0.0.22-3.1                       (not in testing)
  afnix                                          2.8.1-1                          2.8.0-3
  aircrack-ng                                    1:1.2-0~rc4-4                    1:1.2-0~rc4-2
  ark                                            4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.3-2
  armadillo                                      1:8.200.2+dfsg-1                 1:8.200.0+dfsg-3
  asm                                            6.0~alpha-2                      6.0~alpha-1
  async-http-client                              1.6.5-5                          1.6.5-4
  bcftools                                       1.5-4                            1.4.1-3
  blinken                                        4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.2-1
  bomber                                         4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.1-1
  bovo                                           4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.1-1
  cabextract                                     1.6-1.1                          1.6-1
  car                                            2.1-6-1                          2.1-5-1.1
  castor                                         1.3.2-5                          1.3.2-4
  celery                                         4.1.0-2                          (not in testing)
  corebird                                       1.7.3-1                          1.7.2-2
  csmith                                         2.3.0-3                          2.3.0-2
  cu2qu                                          1.3.0-1                          (not in testing)
  dtkwm                                          2.0.5-2                          2.0.5-1
  earlyoom                                       0.12-3                           0.12-1
  ess                                            17.11-2                          17.11-1
  excalibur-logger                               2.1-7                            2.1-6
  fdm-materials                                  3.0.3-3                          3.0.3-1
  filelight                                      4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.3-1
  fimport                                        3042.85-1                        3000.82-3.1
  fizmo-sdl2                                     0.8.5-2                          (not in testing)
  flower                                         0.8.3+dfsg-3                     (not in testing)
  fonts-atarismall                               2.2-3                            2.2-2
  fonts-noto                                     20171026-2                       20161116-1
  foolscap                                       0.13.0-1                         0.12.6-1
  foxeye                                         0.12.0-1                         0.11.0-1
  fprobe                                         1.1-8                            1.1-7.3
  gb                                             0.4.4-2                          0.4.4-1
  gcab                                           0.7-5                            0.7-4
  ginga                                          2.6.6-2                          2.6.6-1
  golang-github-google-certificate-transparency  0.0~git20160709.0.0f6e3d1~ds1-3  0.0~git20160709.0.0f6e3d1~ds1-2
  golang-github-nebulouslabs-fastrand            0.0~git20170512.60b6156-1        0.0~git20170420.0.5a1a312-1
  goocanvasmm-2.0                                1.90.11-1                        (not in testing)
  granatier                                      4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.1-1
  groovy                                         2.4.8-3                          2.4.8-2
  higan                                          106-1                            105-1
  htslib                                         1.5-4                            1.5-1
  iwyu                                           4.0-2                            4.0-1
  jersey1                                        1.19.3-2                         1.19.3-1
  junos-eznc                                     2.1.7-2                          2.1.7-1
  kapman                                         4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.1-1
  katomic                                        4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.1-1
  kblackbox                                      4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.2-1
  kblocks                                        4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.1-1
  kbounce                                        4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.0-1
  kbreakout                                      4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.3-1
  kde-dev-utils                                  4:17.08.3-1                      4:16.08.0-1
  kde-l10n                                       4:16.04.3-4                      (not in testing)
  kdenetwork-filesharing                         4:17.08.3-1                      4:16.08.2-1
  kdesdk-thumbnailers                            4:17.08.3-1                      4:16.08.0-1
  kdiamond                                       4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.0-1
  keepassxc                                      2.2.2-1                          (not in testing)
  keyutils                                       1.5.9-9.2                        1.5.9-9
  kfourinline                                    4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.0-1
  khangman                                       4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.3-1
  killbots                                       4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.0-1
  kiriki                                         4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.1-1
  kjumpingcube                                   4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.0-1
  klettres                                       4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.3-1
  klickety                                       4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.1-1
  klines                                         4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.0-1
  kmahjongg                                      4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.1-1
  kmines                                         4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.3-1
  knavalbattle                                   4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.0-1
  knetwalk                                       4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.0-1
  kollision                                      4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.1-1
  kpat                                           4:17.08.3-3                      4:16.08.1-1
  kshisen                                        4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.1-1
  ksquares                                       4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.0-1
  ksystemlog                                     4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.3-1
  kteatime                                       4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.1-1
  ktuberling                                     4:17.08.3-3                      4:16.08.0-1
  libb-hooks-op-check-perl                       0.22-1                           0.19-3
  libcompress-lz4-perl                           0.25+ds-1                        (not in testing)
  libcpan-perl-releases-perl                     3.42-1                           3.40-1
  libdata-munge-perl                             0.097-1                          0.096-1
  libdbm-deep-perl                               2.0014-1                         2.0013-1
  libinih                                        40-1                             (not in testing)
  libmodule-corelist-perl                        5.20171120-1                     5.20171020-1
  libmysofa                                      0.6~dfsg0-2                      0.6~dfsg0-1
  libokhttp-java                                 3.9.1-1                          3.9.0-1
  libpkgconfig-perl                              0.17026-1                        0.12026-1
  libpoe-filter-ssl-perl                         0.37-1                           0.31-1
  libppix-documentname-perl                      0.001003-1                       (not in testing)
  libprotocol-osc-perl                           0.08-1                           0.07-1
  libsavitar                                     3.0.3-3                          (not in testing)
  libwebp                                        0.6.0-4                          0.6.0-3
  libwww-perl                                    6.29-1                           6.27-1
  magics++                                       2.34.3-6                         2.34.3-2
  mapproxy                                       1.11.0-1                         1.10.4-1
  maven-javadoc-plugin                           3.0.0~M1-5                       3.0.0~M1-4
  mediathekview                                  13.0.4-1                         13.0.3-1
  metview                                        4.9.1-2                          4.9.1-1
  mingw-w64                                      5.0.3-1                          5.0.2-2
  mojarra                                        2.2.8-5                          2.2.8-4
  natbraille                                     2.0rc3-6                         2.0rc3-5
  node-acorn-dynamic-import                      2.0.2-2                          (not in testing)
  node-babel-eslint                              7.2.3-2                          (not in testing)
  node-babel-loader                              7.1.2-3                          (not in testing)
  node-babel-plugin-transform-define             1.3.0-2                          (not in testing)
  node-d3-queue                                  3.0.7-2                          (not in testing)
  node-d3-timer                                  1.0.7-2                          (not in testing)
  node-grunt-babel                               7.0.0-3                          (not in testing)
  node-gulp-babel                                7.0.0-2                          (not in testing)
  nomacs                                         3.8.0+dfsg-1                     3.6.1+dfsg-4
  nvidia-settings-legacy-304xx                   304.137-1                        304.134-1
  openrc                                         0.27-3                           0.27-1
  orc                                            1:0.4.28-1                       1:0.4.27-1
  osmo                                           0.4.2-1                          0.4.0-2
  ovito                                          2.9.0+dfsg1-5                    (not in testing)
  paperkey                                       1.5-3                            1.5-2
  parlatype                                      1.5.2-1                          (not in testing)
  picmi                                          4:17.08.3-2                      4:16.08.2-1
  pink-pony                                      1.4.1-2.1                        1.4.1-2
  plinth                                         0.17.0                           0.16.0
  pyclipper                                      1.0.6-1                          (not in testing)
  pyres                                          1.5-1                            (not in testing)
  python-booleanoperations                       0.7.1-1                          (not in testing)
  python-django-celery-results                   1.0.1-1                          (not in testing)
  python-pluginbase                              0.5-1                            (not in testing)
  qutebrowser                                    0.11.0-1                         (not in testing)
  r-cran-sfsmisc                                 1.1-1-1                          (not in testing)
  remotecv                                       2.2.1-1                          (not in testing)
  repmgr                                         4.0.0-1                          (not in testing)
  rich-minority                                  1.0.1-1                          (not in testing)
  samba                                          2:4.7.3+dfsg-1                   2:4.7.1+dfsg-2
  shorewall-doc                                                5.0.15-1
  simavr                                         1.5+dfsg1-1                      (not in testing)
  simplesamlphp                                  1.15.0-1                         1.14.15-1
  sisu-guice                                     3.2.6-4                          3.2.6-3
  sphinxcontrib-bibtex                           0.3.6-1                          (not in testing)
  starpu                                         1.2.3+dfsg-3                     1.2.2+dfsg-1
  starpu-contrib                                 1.2.3+dfsg-3                     1.2.2+dfsg-1
  sugar-base                                     0.98.0-7                         0.98.0-6
  thunderbolt-tools                              0.9.1-1                          (not in testing)
  timelimit                                      1.8.2-1                          1.8.1-2
  tio                                            1.27-1                           1.26-1
  vboot-utils                                    0~R63-10032.B-2                  0~R52-8350.B-2
  viruskiller                                    1.03-1+dfsg1-2                   1.03-1+dfsg1-1
  waagent                                        2.2.18-2                         2.2.18-1
  xslthl                                         2.1.3-4                          2.1.3-3

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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