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Testing migration summary 2016-06-30 (Thursday)

On 2016-06-30 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                version                     previous
  afl                           2.16b-1                     2.14b-1
  arc-gui-clients               0.4.6-3                     0.4.6-2
  binutils                      2.26-12                     2.26-11
  bottleneck                    1.0.0+162-g058502e-1        (not in testing)
  debian-installer              20160630                    20160516
  djangocms-admin-style         1.2.2+dfsg-1                1.1.0+dfsg-1
  dlm                           4.0.6-1                     4.0.5-1
  dolphin-emu                   5.0+dfsg-1                  4.0.2+dfsg2-4
  dwm                           6.1-3                       6.1-2
  f2j                           0.8.1+dfsg-2                0.8.1-2
  fiat                          2016.1.0-1                  1.6.0-2
  flashbake                     0.27.1-0.1                  0.26.2-5.1
  fonts-noto                    20160116-2                  20160116-1
  gcc-mingw-w64                 18.2                        17
  gmp                           2:6.1.1+dfsg-1              2:6.1.0+dfsg-2
  gnat-mingw-w64                18                          16
  gucharmap                     1:9.0.0-1                   1:8.0.1-1
  haskell-smtlib                1.0.8-1                     1.0.7-3
  haskell-yesod-bin                     1.4.17-1
  hime                          0.9.10+git20150916+dfsg1-5  0.9.10+git20150916+dfsg1-3
  hmmer2                        2.3.2-11                    2.3.2-9
  icu4j                         57.1-2                      57.1-1
  installation-guide            20160629                    20160121
  instant                       2016.1.0-1                  1.6.0-2
  jboss-modules                 1.5.2-1                     1.5.1-1
  jboss-xnio                    3.3.7-1                     3.3.6-1
  jgit                          3.7.1-4                     3.7.1-2
  jlapack                       0.8~dfsg-3                  0.8~dfsg-1
  libhat-trie                   0.0~git25f9e946-1           (not in testing)
  libpdl-graphics-gnuplot-perl  2.005-3                     2.005-2
  libpdl-io-hdf5-perl           1:0.73-1                    0.6501-2
  libpdl-io-matlab-perl         0.005-2                     0.005-1
  libpdl-linearalgebra-perl     0.12-2                      0.12-1
  libpdl-netcdf-perl            4.20-4                      4.20-1.1
  libpdl-stats-perl             0.75-1                      (not in testing)
  libstroke                     0.5.1-7                     0.5.1-6.1
  libtfbs-perl                  0.7.0+dfsg-1.1              0.7.0+dfsg-1
  lxcfs                         2.0.1-2                     2.0.1-1
  mercator                      0.3.3-2                     0.3.3-1
  mumble                        1.2.16-1                    1.2.15-1
  netlib-java                   0.9.3-3                     0.9.3-1
  niceshaper                    1.2.3-1                     1.2.2-1
  node-wrappy                   1.0.2-1                     1.0.1-1
  ocrodjvu                      0.10-1                      0.9.2-1
  openjdk-8                     8u91-b14-3                  8u91-b14-2
  pbuilder                      0.225.1                     0.224
  pdl                           1:2.016-1                   1:2.007-5
  plinth                        0.9.4-1                     0.9.2-1
  ploop                         1.15-1                      1.14.1-1
  prompt-toolkit                1.0.3-1                     1.0.2-1
  prospector                    0.12-1                      0.11.7-7
  pudb                          2016.2-1                    2015.4.1-1
  pygrace                       0.5-1                       0.4p2-3
  pylint-django                 0.7.2-1                     0.7.1-1
  python-astropy-helpers        1.2-1                       1.1.2-1
  python-django-braces          1.9.0-1                     1.8.0-2
  python-escript                         (not in testing)
  python-fakeredis              0.7.0-1                     (not in testing)
  python-hypothesis             3.4.0-1                     3.1.3-2
  python-jsontest               1.2-2                       1.2-1
  python-keyring                9.1-1                       8.5.1-1
  python-muranoclient           0.8.3-4                     0.8.3-3
  python-snowballstemmer        1.2.1-1                     (not in testing)
  pyuca                         1.1.2-1                     1.1-3
  rsyncrypto                    1.12-2                      1.12-1
  ruby-mustermann19             0.4.3+git20160621-1         (not in testing)
  snap-confine                  1.0.33-1                    (not in testing)
  stress-ng                     0.06.07-1                   0.06.06-1
  ttylog                        0.29-1                      0.28-1
  ufl                           2016.1.0-1                  1.6.0-2
  unicode                       2.4                         2.2

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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