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Testing migration summary 2016-11-14 (Monday)

On 2016-11-14 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                     version                      previous
  aisleriot                          1:3.22.1-1                   1:3.22.0-1
  anjuta                             2:3.22.0-3                   2:3.22.0-1
  antlr3                             3.5.2-6                      3.5.2-5
  apparmor                           2.10.95-6                    2.10.95-5
  asn1c                              0.9.27+dfsg-4                0.9.24+dfsg-1
  at-spi2-core                       2.22.0-3                     2.22.0-1
  aubio                              0.4.3-2                      0.4.1-2.2
  azure-cli                          0.1.0~b7-1                   (not in testing)
  baobab                             3.22.1-1                     3.22.0-1
  binutils                            2.27-9
  binutils-mingw-w64                 7.2                          7.1
  biomaj-watcher                     1.2.2-4                      1.2.2-3
  breathe                            4.3.1-1                      4.2.0-3
  brial                              0.8.5-3                      (not in testing)
  btcheck                            1.9-3                        1.9-2
  btfs                               2.12-1                       2.11-1
  ca-certificates-java               20161107                     20160321
  cairo                              1.14.6-1.1                   1.14.6-1
  cdebootstrap                       0.7.6                        0.7.5
  cecil                              0.9.5+dfsg-5                 0.9.5+dfsg-4
  chirp                              1:20161102-1                 1:20160717-1
  colobot                            0.1.9-3                      0.1.8-2
  conserver                          8.2.1-1                      8.1.18-2.2
  cross-gcc                          107                          106
  cryptsetup                         2:1.7.3-2                    2:1.7.2-5
  czmq                               4.0.0-3                      3.0.2-10
  debian-edu-artwork                 0.900-1                      0.53-1
  debomatic                          0.22-1                       0.21-2
  dgit                               2.11                         2.9
  dh-php                             0.23                         0.21
  dia                                0.97.3+git20160930-4         0.97.3+git20160930-3
  drumgizmo                          0.9.11-3                     0.9.10-1
  duc                                1.4.1-4                      1.4.1-3
  eclipse-egit                       3.7.0-2                      (not in testing)
  eclipse-mercurialeclipse           1.9.4-2                      (not in testing)
  eclipse-mylyn                      3.12.0-2                     (not in testing)
  eclipse-mylyn-tasks-github         3.3.0-2                      (not in testing)
  eclipse-pydev                      3.9.2-5                      (not in testing)
  eclipse-subclipse                  1.10.3-1                     (not in testing)
  epiphany-browser                   3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-2
  espeak-ng                          1.49.0+dfsg-2                (not in testing)
  ethstats                           1.1.1-2                      1.1.1-1
  evolution                          3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-2
  evolution-data-server              3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-2
  evolution-ews                      3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-1
  fife                               0.3.5+git160920-1            0.3.5-3
  fifechan                           0.1.2+git160920-1            (not in testing)
  file-roller                        3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-1
  five-or-more                       1:3.22.2-1                   1:3.22.0-1
  fmcs                               1.0-1                        (not in testing)
  fonts-liberation2                  2.00.1-3                     (not in testing)
  forkstat                           0.01.16-1                    0.01.15-1
  four-in-a-row                      1:3.22.1-1                   1:3.22.0-1
  fpga-icestorm                      0~20160913git266e758-3       0~20160913git266e758-2
  fuse-emulator                      1.3.1+dfsg1-1                1.3.0+dfsg1-1
  fuse-emulator-utils                1.3.1-1                      1.3.0-1
  gfs2-utils                         3.1.9-2                      3.1.9-1
  glib2.0                            2.50.2-1                     2.50.1-1
  gnome-boxes                        3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-1
  gnome-calculator                   3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-1
  gnome-chess                        1:3.22.2-1                   1:3.22.0-1
  gnome-color-manager                3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-1
  gnome-desktop3                     3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-1
  gnome-disk-utility                 3.22.1-1                     3.22.0-1
  gnome-flashback                    3.22.0-3                     3.22.0-2
  gnome-klotski                      1:3.22.1-1                   1:3.22.0-1
  gnome-maps                         3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-1
  gnome-mines                        1:3.22.2-1                   1:3.22.1-1
  gnome-music                        3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-1
  gnome-nibbles                      1:                 1:3.22.1-1
  gnome-online-accounts              3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-1
  gnome-power-manager                3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-1
  gnome-robots                       1:3.22.1-1                   1:3.22.0-1
  gnome-session                      3.22.2-1                     3.22.1-1
  gnome-shell-extension-impatience   0.4.3-1                      (not in testing)
  gnome-sudoku                       1:3.22.2-1                   1:3.22.0-1
  gnome-system-monitor               3.22.2-1                     3.22.0-1
  gnome-terminal                     3.22.1-1                     3.22.0-3
  gnumach                            2:1.7+git20161023-2          2:1.7+git20160921-1
  gnumed-client                      1.6.10+dfsg-1                1.6.9+dfsg-1
  gnumed-server                      21.10-1                      21.9-1
  golang-github-btcsuite-fastsha256  0.0~git20160815.0.637e656-1  (not in testing)
  gphoto2                            2.5.10-2                     2.5.10-1
  gstreamer1.0                       1.10.0-2                     1.10.0-1
  gucharmap                          1:9.0.2-1                    1:9.0.1-1
  gvfs                               1.30.2-2           
  gwyddion                           2.46-1                       2.45-1
  hdparm                             9.50+ds-1                    9.48+ds-2
  healpy                             1.10.1-1                     1.9.1-4
  i2c-tools                          3.1.2-1                      3.1.1-1
  i3-wm                              4.13-1                       4.12-2
  inxi                               2.3.4-1                      2.3.1-1
  java-atk-wrapper                   0.33.3-11                    0.33.3-9
  jffi                               1.2.7-10                     1.2.7-9
  jnr-constants                      0.8.6-8                      0.8.6-7
  json-simple                        1.1.1-4                      1.1.1-3
  jupyter-console                    5.0.0-1                      (not in testing)
  jython                             2.5.3-11                     2.5.3-10
  keymapper                          0.5.3-10.1                   (not in testing)
  kmod                               23-1                         22-1.1
  kvirc                              4:4.2.0-3                    (not in testing)
  lbdb                               0.42                         0.41
  lcm                                1.3.1+repack1-1              (not in testing)
  ldapscripts                        2.0.7-2                      2.0.7-1
  libbson                            1.4.2-1                      1.4.1-1
  libcdk5                            5.0.20160131-2               5.0.20160131-1
  libevdev                           1.5.4+dfsg-2                 1.5.4+dfsg-1
  libgd2                             2.2.3-87-gd0fec80-3          2.2.3-3
  libmems                            1.6.0+4725-4                 1.6.0+4725-3
  libpfm4                            4.8.0-1                      4.7.0+git30-gd422ba2-2
  libpng1.6                          1.6.26-1                     1.6.25-2
  libqmi                             1.16.2-1                     1.16.0-1
  librepository                      1.1.6-3                      1.1.6-2
  libscca                            20161031-1                   20160108-1
  libsdl2                            2.0.5+dfsg1-1                2.0.4+dfsg2-1
  libselinux                         2.6-3                        2.6-1
  libusb-1.0                         2:1.0.21-1                   2:1.0.20-1
  libxi                              2:1.7.6-1.1                  2:1.7.6-1
  lightsoff                          1:3.22.2-1                   1:3.22.0-1
  linux                              4.8.5-1                      4.7.8-1
  linux-latest                       76                           75
  linux-signed                       3.1                          2.8
  lirc-compat-remotes                0.9.0-1                      (not in testing)
  lostirc                            0.4.6-4.2                    (not in testing)
  luacheck                           0.16.3-1                     0.16.1-1
  lv2dynparam1                       2-6                          2-5
  lynx                               2.8.9dev10-1                 2.8.9dev9-1
  makedumpfile                       1:1.6.0-3                    1:1.6.0-2.1
  mbr                                1.1.11-5.1                   1.1.11-5
  mimedefang                         2.79-1                       2.78-1
  mutt                               1.7.1-3                      1.7.1-2
  nagstamon                          1.0.1-1.1                    1.0.1-1
  nano                               2.7.1-1                      2.7.0-1
  nbconvert                          4.2.0-3                      (not in testing)
  nekobee                            0.1.7-5                      0.1.7-4
  neutron-fwaas                      1:9.0.0-2                    1:9.0.0-1
  node-braces                        2.0.2-1                      (not in testing)
  node-dateformat                    1.0.11-2                     (not in testing)
  node-fs-extra                      1.0.0-1                      (not in testing)
  node-graceful-fs                   4.1.10-1                     4.1.9-1
  node-js-tokens                     2.0.0-1                      (not in testing)
  node-jsonparse                     1.2.0-1                      1.0.0-1
  node-meow                          3.7.0-1                      (not in testing)
  node-punycode                      2.0.1-1                      1.3.2+git702cc2da-1
  node-read-pkg-up                   2.0.0-1                      (not in testing)
  node-redent                        2.0.0-1                      (not in testing)
  node-regex-cache                   0.4.3-1                      (not in testing)
  node-snapdragon                    0.8.1-1                      (not in testing)
  node-source-map-support            0.4.6+ds-1                   0.4.5+ds-1
  node-typescript                    2.0.8-1                      2.0.6-1
  open-iscsi                         2.0.874-1                    2.0.873+git2.f951a06b-1
  opendmarc                          1.3.2~Beta0+dfsg-3           1.3.2~Beta0+dfsg-2
  openssh                            1:7.3p1-3                    1:7.3p1-1
  openvas-scanner                    5.0.7-2                      5.0.7-1
  org-mode                           9.0-1                        8.3.4-1
  org-mode-doc                       9.0-1                        8.3.4-1
  otb                                5.8.0+dfsg-1                 5.6.1+dfsg-1
  pango1.0                           1.40.3-3                     1.40.3-2
  passwordsafe                       1.00+dfsg-1                  0.99+dfsg-1
  perlprimer                         1.1.21-3                     1.1.21-2
  php-apcu                           5.1.7+4.0.11-2               5.1.5+4.0.11-1
  php-defaults                       46                           45
  php-gearman                        1.1.2-96-ge77f981+1.1.2+-3   1.1.2-96-ge77f981+1.1.2+-2
  php-geoip                          1.1.1-1                      1.1.0-6
  php-gmagick                        2.0.4~rc1+1.1.7~rc3-1        2.0.2~rc1+1.1.7~rc3+-2
  php-memcache                       3.0.9~20160311.4991c2f-5     3.0.9~20160311.4991c2f-4
  php-msgpack                        2.0.1+0.5.7+-6               2.0.1+0.5.7+-2
  php-oauth                          2.0.2+1.2.3-1                2.0.1+1.2.3+-2
  php-stomp                          2.0.0+1.0.9-1                1.0.9-3
  php-yac                            2.0.1+0.9.2-1                2.0.0+0.9.2+-2
  php-yaml                           2.0.0+1.3.0-2                2.0.0~rc8+1.3.0~b1-1
  plip                               1.3.3+dfsg-1                 1.3.2+dfsg-1
  pnm2ppa                            1.13-8                       1.13-7
  polenum                            0.2-3                        0.2-2
  probalign                          1.4-5                        1.4-4
  purple-matrix                      0.0.0+git20161025-1          (not in testing)
  pycodestyle                        2.1.0-1                      2.0.0-1
  pyosmium                           2.9.0-2                      2.9.0-1
  pytango                            9.2.0-2                      8.1.8-2
  python-aiohttp                     1.1.2-1                      0.22.4-1
  python-async-timeout               1.1.0-1                      1.0.0-1
  python-boto                        2.43.0-1                     2.40.0-1
  python-boto3                       1.4.1-1                      1.2.2-2
  python-cryptography-vectors        1.5.3-1                      1.5.2-1
  python-flake8                      3.0.4+dfsg1-4                3.0.4+dfsg1-2
  python-hypothesis                  3.6.0-1                      3.4.2-2
  python-softlayer                   5.2.1-1                      5.2.0-1
  python-whitenoise                  3.2.2-1                      3.2.1-1
  quantlib                           1.9-1                        1.8.1-1
  r-bioc-genefilter                  1.56.0-1                     1.54.2-1
  r-bioc-savr                        1.12.0-1                     1.10.0-1
  r-cran-bold                        0.3.5-1                      0.3.0-1
  r-cran-crayon                      1.3.2-1                      1.3.1-1
  r-cran-globals                     0.7.1-1                      0.6.1-2
  r-cran-irlba                       2.1.2-1                      2.0.0-1
  r-cran-lazyeval                    0.2.0-1                      0.1.10-1
  r-cran-plotrix                     3.6-3-1                      3.6-1
  r-cran-qqman                       0.1.2-1                      (not in testing)
  r-cran-r.oo                        1.21.0-1                     1.19.0-2
  r-cran-reshape2                    1.4.2-1                      1.4-1
  r-cran-scatterd3                   0.7+dfsg-1                   0.6.2+dfsg-1
  r-cran-sourcetools                 0.1.5-1                      (not in testing)
  r-cran-spam                        1.4-0-1                      1.0-1-1
  r-cran-spc                         1:0.5.3-1                    1:0.5.1-1
  radvd                              1:2.15-2                     1:2.15-1.2
  rdkit                              201603.5-2                   (not in testing)
  recutils                           1.7-1.1                      1.7-1
  rootskel-gtk                       1.34                         1.33
  rt-extension-repeatticket          1.10-3                       (not in testing)
  ruby-grib                          0.4.0-1                      0.3.0-1
  ruby-omniauth-gitlab               1.0.2-1                      1.0.0-2
  saga                               2.3.1+dfsg-3                 2.3.1+dfsg-2
  sagasu                             2.0.12-6                     2.0.12-5
  screen                             4.4.0-6                      4.4.0-4
  slang2                             2.3.1-5                      2.3.0-4.1
  sluice                             0.02.05-1                    0.02.04-1
  sucrack                            1.2.3-4                      1.2.3-3
  sumo                               0.28.0+dfsg1-1               0.27.1+dfsg1-1
  swell-foop                         1:3.22.2-1                   1:3.22.0-1
  syslog-ng                          3.8.1-5                      3.7.3-3
  tendermint-go-merkle               0.0~git20160312.0.05042c6-1  (not in testing)
  tomcat7                            7.0.72-4                     7.0.72-2
  tryton-client                      4.0.6-1                      4.0.5-1
  tryton-modules-account             4.0.5-1                      4.0.4-1
  tryton-modules-product             4.0.2-1                      4.0.1-1
  tryton-modules-project-invoice     4.0.2-1                      4.0.1-1
  tryton-modules-stock               4.0.4-1                      4.0.3-1
  tryton-proteus                     4.0.3-1                      4.0.2-1
  tryton-server                      4.0.5-1                      4.0.4-1
  unknown-horizons                   2014.1+git160920-1           (not in testing)
  util-linux                         2.29-1                       2.28.2-1
  vrfydmn                            0.8.2-1                      (not in testing)
  vte2.91                            0.46.1-1                     0.46.0-1
  weborf                             0.13.4-3                     0.13.4-2
  wide-dhcpv6                        20080615-18                  20080615-16
  xininfo                            0.14.11-1                    (not in testing)
  xml-core                           0.17                         0.16
  yapf                               0.11.1-1                     (not in testing)
  yapps2                             2.1.1-17.5                   (not in testing)
  yarl                               0.7.0-1                      (not in testing)
  yecht                              1.1-2                        1.1-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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