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Testing migration summary 2016-09-21 (Wednesday)

On 2016-09-21 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package             version         previous
  adolc                      2.6.2-1         2.6.1-1
  alex4                      1.1-7           1.1-6
  amide                      1.0.5-7         1.0.5-6
  atdgen                     1.9.1-2         1.9.1-1
  barman-cli                 1.1-1           (not in testing)
  bppsuite                   2.2.0-0.1       (not in testing)
  breeze                     4:5.7.4-1       4:5.7.0-1
  btfs                       2.11-1          (not in testing)
  captagent              (not in testing)
  cookietool                 2.5-6           2.5-5
  couchapp                   1.0.2+dfsg1-1   1.0.1+git20140213+dfsg1-1.1
  dh-runit                   1.6.2           1.5
  diff-match-patch           20121121-2      (not in testing)
  emacs-ctable               0.1.2-1         (not in testing)
  emacs-deferred             0.4.0-1         (not in testing)
  engauge-digitizer          9.3-1           9.1-1
  erlang-proper              1.2+dfsg-1      1.1+gitfa58f82bdc+dfsg-1
  fill-column-indicator      1.87-2          (not in testing)
  flatpak                    0.6.10-1        0.6.9-1
  gazebo                     7.3.1+dfsg-1    7.3.0+dfsg-2
  gcab                       0.7-2           0.7-1
  gnarwl                     3.6.dfsg-7      3.6.dfsg-6.2
  greybird-gtk-theme         3.20.1-1        3.20.0-1
  gridengine                 8.1.9+dfsg-2    8.1.9+dfsg-1
  hg-git                     0.8.5-4         0.8.5-3
  hitch                      1.4.0-2         1.2.0-1
  hydra                      8.3-1           8.2-2
  kactivitymanagerd          5.7.4-1         5.7.0-1
  kde-cli-tools              4:5.7.4-1       4:5.7.0-1
  kdeplasma-addons           4:5.7.4-1       4:5.6.5-1
  knot                       2.3.0-4         2.3.0-3
  kscreenlocker              5.7.4-1         5.7.0-1
  kwayland-integration       5.7.4-1         5.7.0-1
  kwin                       4:5.7.4-1       4:5.7.0-1
  lambda-term                1.10.1-1        1.10-1
  libabigail                 1.0~rc5-4       1.0~rc4-1
  libapp-nopaste-perl        1.007-1         1.006-2
  libconfig-record-perl      1.1.2-2         1.1.2-1
  libjs-objectpath           1.2.1-2         (not in testing)
  libkscreen                 4:5.7.4-1       4:5.7.0-1
  libksysguard               4:5.7.4-1       4:5.7.0-1
  libnoise                   1.0.0+repack-1  1.0.0+repack-0+nmu1.1
  libosmium                  2.9.0-1         2.8.0-2
  libreoffice-dictionaries   1:5.2.1-2       1:5.2.1-1
  magit                      2.8.0-1         2.7.0-1
  mergerfs                   2.16.0-1        2.15.0-1
  mesa                       12.0.3-1        12.0.2-1
  milou                      4:5.7.4-1       4:5.7.0-1
  mlpack                     2.0.3-1         2.0.2-1
  mopidy-podcast             2.0.1-1         1.1.2-1
  mopidy-podcast-itunes      2.0.0-2         1.0.0-1
  mxml                       2.10-1          2.9-3
  naturaldocs                1.51-2          1.51-1.1
  netrek-client-cow          3.3.1-1         3.3.0-3.1
  nginx                      1.10.1-3        1.10.1-2
  node-text-encoding         0.6.1-1         0.6.0-1
  ocrmypdf                   4.2.4+dfsg-1    4.2.2-1
  ostree                     2016.10-1       2016.9-2
  oxygen                     4:5.7.4-1       4:5.7.0-1
  pcaudiolib                 1.0-1           (not in testing)
  pgbackrest                 1.08-1          1.07-1
  pgfincore                  1.2-1           1.1.2-4
  php-nette                  2.3.10-2        2.3.10-1
  plasma-desktop             4:5.7.4-2       4:5.6.5-1
  plasma-integration         5.7.4-1         5.7.0-1
  plasma-workspace           4:5.7.4-1       4:
  polkit-kde-agent-1         4:5.7.4-1       4:5.7.0-1
  publicsuffix               20160826-1      20160805-1
  python-biplist             1.0.1-1         0.7-1
  python-boltons             16.4.1-1        (not in testing)
  python-can                 1.5.2-1         (not in testing)
  python-canmatrix           0.4-1           (not in testing)
  python-cogent              1.9-4           1.5.3-10
  python-evtx                0.5.0+dfsg-2    0.3.1+dfsg-1
  python-libnacl             1.5.0-1         1.4.5-1
  python-xstatic-objectpath       (not in testing)
  pythonqt                   3.0-3           3.0-2
  r-cran-filehash            2.3-1           (not in testing)
  r-cran-testit              0.5-1           (not in testing)
  ruby-capybara-screenshot   1.0.14-1        (not in testing)
  ruby-email-spec            1.6.0-1         (not in testing)
  ruby-factory-girl          4.7.0-1         4.5.0-2
  ruby-factory-girl-rails    4.7.0-1         4.4.1-2
  ruby-ffaker                2.2.0-1         (not in testing)
  ruby-poltergeist           1.10.0-1        (not in testing)
  ruby-prof                  0.15.9+dfsg1-1  (not in testing)
  sdformat                   4.1.1-1         4.1.0-2
  svnmailer                  1.0.9-3         1.0.9-2
  tablix2                    0.3.5-3.1       0.3.5-3
  ublock-origin              1.9.6+dfsg-1    1.9.4+dfsg-1
  utop                       1.19.3-1        1.19.2-1
  virtualbox                 5.1.6-dfsg-2    5.1.4-dfsg-1
  webassets                  3:0.11.1-1.1    3:0.11.1-1
  xfce4-clipman-plugin       2:1.4.0-1       2:1.2.6-1
  xfce4-settings             4.12.1-1        4.12.0-3
  xserver-xorg-video-ati     1:7.7.1-1       1:7.7.0-1
  yt                         3.2.3-2         3.2.3-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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