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Testing migration summary 2016-08-27 (Saturday)

On 2016-08-27 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                    version                      previous
  asterisk-prompt-es-co             0.20070403-2                 (not in testing)
  cfengine2                         2.2.10-6                     2.2.10-5
  cmake                             3.6.1-1                      3.5.2-2
  cpuid                             20160814-1                   20151017-1
  dblatex                           0.3.8-1                      0.3.7-1
  dictd                             1.12.1+dfsg-4                1.12.1+dfsg-3
  django-haystack                   2.5.0-1                      2.4.1-1
  eog                               3.20.4-1                     3.20.3-1
  gcc-mingw-w64                     19.1                         18.2
  git-flow                          1.10.0-1                     1.9.1-1
  gmsh                              2.13.2+dfsg1-1               2.12.0+dfsg1-2
  gnash                             0.8.11~git20160608-1.1       0.8.11~git20160608-1
  gnat-mingw-w64                    19.1                         18
  golang-github-cznic-ql            1.0.6-1                      1.0.4-1
  golang-goprotobuf                 0.0~git20160815.0.7390af9-1  0.0~git20160425.7cc19b7-1
  htmlcxx                           0.86-1.1                     0.86-1
  icinga                            1.13.3-3                     1.13.3-2
  jenkins-job-builder               1.6.1-1                      1.4.0-1
  jwm                               2.3.6-1                      2.3.5-2
  kde-runtime                       4:16.08.0-1                  4:16.04.3-1
  kpcli                             3.1-3                        3.1-2
  libapp-nopaste-perl               1.006-2                      1.006-1
  libcache-simple-timedexpiry-perl  0.27-3                       0.27-2
  libclaw                           1.7.4-1                      (not in testing)
  libcurses-perl                    1.36-1                       1.34-1
  libfile-tail-perl                 1.3-2                        1.3-1
  libqaccessibilityclient           0.1.1-5                      0.1.1-3
  libstring-copyright-perl          0.003001-1                   0.003000-1
  libtemplate-plugin-latex-perl     3.09-1                       3.06-1
  libtext-csv-perl                  1.33-2                       1.33-1
  licensecheck                      3.0.22-1                     3.0.18-1
  liquidwar                         5.6.4-5                      5.6.4-4
  mcelog                            140+dfsg-1                   137+dfsg-1
  mercurial-keyring                 1.1.5-1                      1.1.3-1
  mgcv                              1.8-14-1                     1.8-13-1
  mysql-connector-c++               1.1.4-2                      1.1.3-7
  openvpn-systemd-resolved          1.1.1-1                      (not in testing)
  p11-kit                           0.23.2-5                     0.23.2-4
  passenger                         5.0.30-1                     5.0.27-2
  pianobar                          2016.06.02-1                 2015.11.22-1
  plee-the-bear                     0.6.0-3.1                    (not in testing)
  plinth                            0.10.0-1                     0.9.4-2
  pymca                             5.1.2+dfsg-1                 4.7.4+dfsg-1
  python-braintree                  3.29.2-1                     3.29.0-1
  python-keystoneclient             1:2.3.1-3                    1:2.3.1-2
  python-lockfile                   1:0.12.2-2                   1:0.12.2-1
  python-vertica                    0.6.6-1                      0.6.5-1
  r-cran-rsdmx                      0.5.5+dfsg-1                 0.5.4+dfsg-1
  r-cran-slam                       0.1-38-1                     0.1-37-1
  rabbiter                          2.0.3-1                      2.0.2-2
  ros-common-msgs                   1.12.4-3                     1.12.4-2
  ros-dynamic-reconfigure           1.5.44-3                     1.5.44-2
  ros-navigation-msgs               1.13.0-3                     1.13.0-2
  ros-pcl-msgs                      0.2.0-4                      0.2.0-3
  ros-ros-comm-msgs                 1.11.2-3                     1.11.2-2
  ros-std-msgs                      0.5.10-3                     0.5.10-2
  ruby-fftw3                        1.0.2-1                      1.0.1-1
  signing-party                     2.4-1                        2.3-1
  tempest                           6-2                          6-1
  xss-lock                          0.3.0-3                      0.3.0-2

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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