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Testing migration summary 2016-07-14 (Thursday)

On 2016-07-14 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                       version              previous
  abi-monitor                          1.9-1                1.8-1
  apache-log4j2                        2.6.1-1              2.4-2
  apprecommender                         (not in testing)
  apt                                  1.3~pre2             1.2.14
  autodocktools                        1.5.7-1              (not in testing)
  automatic-save-folder                1.0.5~20140831-4     (not in testing)
  babeltrace                           1.4.0-3              1.4.0-1
  berusky2                             0.10-5               0.10-4
  cluster                              2.0.4-2              2.0.4-1
  clzip                                1.8-2                1.8-1
  codequery                            0.16.0+dfsg1-4       0.16.0+dfsg1-3
  cplay                                1.50-1               (not in testing)
  emoslib                              2:4.4.2-1            2:4.4.1-5
  espeakup                             1:0.71-27.1          1:0.71-27
  fbonds                               3010.77-2            3010.77-1
  fexoticoptions                       2152.78-3            2152.78-2
  flask-multistatic                    1.0-1                (not in testing)
  foptions                             3022.85-2            3022.85-1
  fort77                               1.15-11              1.15-10
  freeorion                            0.4.5+git20160707-1  0.4.5+git20160501-1
  friendly-recovery                    0.2.33               (not in testing)
  funitroots                           3010.78-2            3010.78-1
  geoip-database                       20160709-1           20160613-1
  git-hub                              0.10.2-1             0.10.1-1
  glusterfs                            3.8.1-1              3.8.0-1
  gnome-online-accounts                3.20.2-1             3.20.1-1
  gnumed-client                        1.6.7+dfsg-2         1.6.6+dfsg-1
  gupnp-dlna                           0.10.5-1             0.10.4-2
  irrlicht                             1.8.3+dfsg1-2        1.8.3+dfsg1-1
  japi-compliance-checker              1.8-1                1.7-1
  jmdns                                3.4.2-1              3.4.1-2
  jquery-throttle-debounce             1.1+dfsg.1-1         (not in testing)
  kactivitymanagerd                    5.7.0-1              5.6.4-2
  knot                                 2.2.1-2              2.2.1-1
  ksshaskpass                          4:5.7.0-1            4:5.6.5-1
  kwallet-pam                          5.7.0-1              5.6.5-1
  lemonldap-ng                         1.9.4-3              1.9.4-1
  libffi-platypus-perl                 0.43-1               (not in testing)
  libgsecuredelete                     0.2.1-4              0.2.1-3
  libhttp-thin-perl                    0.006-1              (not in testing)
  libkscreen                           4:5.7.0-1            4:5.6.5-1
  liblist-someutils-perl               0.52-1               (not in testing)
  liblocale-gettext-perl               1.07-3               1.07-2
  libmessage-passing-zeromq-perl       0.010-1              (not in testing)
  libmoose-perl                        2.1605-2             2.1605-1
  libnet-dbus-glib-perl                0.33.0-2             0.33.0-1
  libnet-dbus-perl                     1.1.0-4              1.1.0-3
  libpackage-stash-xs-perl             0.28-3               0.28-2
  libparams-classify-perl              0.013-6              0.013-5
  librole-rest-client-perl             0.18-1               (not in testing)
  libsub-identify-perl                 0.12-2               0.12-1
  libvdpau-va-gl                       0.4.0-2              0.4.0-1
  libxklavier                          5.4-1                5.2.1-1
  libzmq-ffi-perl                      1.11-1               (not in testing)
  lightdm                              1.18.2-2             1.18.2-1
  linux-base                           4.4                  4.3
  lunzip                               1.8-2                1.8-1
  lzd                                  0.9-2                0.9-1
  lzip                                 1.18-2               1.18-1
  lziprecover                          1.18-2               1.18-1
  lzlib                                1.8-2                1.8-1
  macsyfinder                          1.0.2-2              1.0.2-1
  mgltools-bhtree                      1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-cadd                        1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-dejavu                      1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-geomutils                   1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-gle                         1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-2
  mgltools-networkeditor               1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-opengltk                    1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-pmv                         1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-2
  mgltools-pyautodock                  1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-pybabel                     1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-pyglf                       1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-scenario2                   1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-support                     1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-symserv                     1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-utpackages                  1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-viewerframework             1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-vision                      1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424+dfsg-1
  mgltools-visionlibraries             1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-volume                      1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mgltools-webservices                 1.5.7-1              1.5.7~rc1+cvs.20140424-1
  mozjs24                              24.2.0-3.1           24.2.0-3
  multcomp                             1.4-5-2              1.4-5-1
  musl                                 1.1.9-1.2            1.1.9-1.1
  nautilus-wipe                        0.2.1-3              0.2.1-2
  node-moment                          2.14.1+ds-1          2.13.0+ds-1
  nordugrid-arc                        5.1.2-1              5.1.1-1
  nordugrid-arc-doc                    2.0.8-1              2.0.7-1
  open-infrastructure-apache-icons     20160701-1           20160601-1
  pax-britannica                       1.0.0-2.1            1.0.0-2
  pbgenomicconsensus                   2.0.0+20160420-1     2.0.0+20151210-1
  pdlzip                               1.7-2                1.7-1
  pg-repack                            1.3.4-1              1.3.3-1
  plasma-workspace-wallpapers          4:5.7.0-1            4:5.6.4-1
  plzip                                1.5-2                1.5-1
  polkit-kde-agent-1                   4:5.7.0-1            4:5.6.5-1
  pyeapi                               0.6.1-2              0.6.1-1
  pygtkmvc                             1.99.1-2             1.99.1-1.1
  pyqso                                0.3-1                0.2-1
  python-apt                           1.1.0~beta3          1.1.0~beta2
  python-ck                            1.7.2-1              1.6.14-1
  python-openid-teams                  1.1-1                (not in testing)
  python-ptk                           1.3.2-1              1.3.1-1
  python-qtpy                          1.1.1-1              1.0.2-1
  python-slugify                       1.2.0-1              (not in testing)
  r-cran-rsclient                      0.7-3-2              0.7-3-1
  r-cran-timeseries                    3022.101.2-2         3022.101.2-1
  r-zoo                                1.7-13-2             1.7-13-1
  raccoon                              1.0b-2               (not in testing)
  radiotray                            0.7.3-6              0.7.3-5
  ros-dynamic-reconfigure              1.5.44-1             1.5.39-3
  rpart                                4.1-10-2             4.1-10-1
  rsprng                               1.0-4                1.0-3
  ruamel.yaml                          0.11.11-2            0.11.11-1
  ruby-activerecord-import             0.11.0-2             0.10.0-1
  ruby-dbf                             3.0.5-1              2.0.10-1
  ruby-kaminari                        0.17.0-2             0.16.3-1
  ruby-oembed                          0.9.0-2              0.8.14-1
  ruby-pygments.rb                     0.6.3-2              0.6.3-1
  ruby-rails-admin                     0.8.1+dfsg-2         0.7.0~dfsg-2
  ruby-rails-assets-highlightjs        9.1.0-3              8.9.1-2
  ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it        6.0.0-2              5.0.2-2
  ruby-rails-assets-perfect-scrollbar  0.6.10+dfsg-2        0.6.7+dfsg-1
  ruby-simple-captcha2                 0.4.0-2              0.3.4-1
  rygel                                0.30.3-1             0.28.3-2
  spring                               102.0+dfsg-1         101.0+dfsg-2
  swath                                0.5.4-1              0.5.3-1
  systemd                              230-7                230-5
  testng                               6.9.12-1             6.9.10-1
  tseries                              0.10-35-2            0.10-35-1
  tuxguitar                            1.2-22               1.2-21
  ufo2otf                              0.2.2-1              (not in testing)
  xgks                                 2.6.1+dfsg.2-4       2.6.1+dfsg.2-3
  xkcdpass                             1.6.3-2              1.4.3-1
  yp-tools                             3.3-3                3.3-1
  zimlib                               1.2-11               1.2-10
  zookeeper                            3.4.8-2              3.4.8-1
  zutils                               1.5-2                1.5-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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