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Testing migration summary 2016-04-25 (Monday)

On 2016-04-25 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package             version                      previous
  astroml                    0.3-4                        0.3-3
  astroml-addons             0.2.2-2                      0.2.2-1
  augustus                   3.2.2+dfsg-1                 (not in testing)
  awl                        0.56-2                       0.56-1
  bilibop                    0.5.1                        0.5.0
  castle-game-engine         5.2.0-3                      5.2.0-2
  chardet                    2.3.0-2                      2.3.0-1
  ckermit                    302-5.1                      (not in testing)
  davical                    1.1.4-2                      1.1.4-1
  devede                     4.6.1-1                      4.4.0-1
  distlib                    0.2.2-1                      0.2.1-2
  enigmail                   2:1.9.1-2                    2:1.9.1-1
  fonts-sawarabi-mincho      20160415-1                   20160315-1
  gap-gdat                   4r8p3-1                      4r7p8-1
  germinate                  2.25                         2.23
  glibc                      2.22-7                       2.22-6
  gnome-music                3.20.0-2                     3.18.2-1
  gnome-online-miners        3.20.0-2                     3.14.3-1
  gobject-introspection      1.48.0-2                     1.46.0-4
  golang-golang-x-sys        0.0~git20160415.0.f64b50f-1  0.0~git20150612-1
  grilo                      0.3.0-1.1                    0.2.15-1
  grilo-plugins              0.3.0-1.1                    0.2.17-1
  gscan2pdf                  1.4.0-1                      1.3.9-1
  gtkspell3                  3.0.8-1                      3.0.7-2
  gworkspace                 0.9.3-1                      0.9.2-1
  html5lib                   0.999-4                      0.999-3
  icingaweb2                 2.3.1-1                      2.2.0-1
  ifrit                      4.1.2-5                      4.1.2-4
  jboss-jdeparser2           2.0.2-1                      2.0.1-1
  joystick                   1:1.5.1-2                    1:1.4.9-1
  jq                         1.5+dfsg-1                   1.4-2.1
  libapache-mod-auth-radius  1.5.8-1.3                    (not in testing)
  libdevel-symdump-perl      2.17-1                       2.16-1
  libinput                   1.2.4-1                      1.2.3-1
  libmuscle                  3.7+4565-2                   3.7+4565-1
  libnftnl                   1.0.5+snapshot20160416-1     1.0.5+snapshot20151106-1
  libppix-regexp-perl        0.049-1                      0.048-1
  libxmp                     4.3.13-1                     4.3.12-1
  magit                      2.6.1-1                      2.6.0-1
  node-clone                 1.0.2-1                      (not in testing)
  ns3                        3.25+dfsg2-3                 3.22+dfsg-2
  nvidia-persistenced        364.15-2                     361.28-1
  openstack-pkg-tools        44                           43
  pdftk                      2.02-4                       2.02-3
  php-dompdf                 0.6.2+dfsg-3                 0.6.2+dfsg-2
  php-facedetect             1.1.0+git20160406-2          1.1.0+git20160406-1
  php-font-lib               0.3.1+dfsg-3                 0.3.1+dfsg-2
  php-net-publicsuffix       0.2-1                        0.1-1
  php-zend-hydrator          2.2.1-1                      2.2.0-1
  pushpin                    1.9.0-1                      1.8.0-2
  pygobject                  3.20.0-2                     3.18.2-2
  python-cachetools          1.1.6-1                      1.1.5-2
  python-colorama            0.3.7-1                      0.3.3-1
  python-cs                  0.8.1-1                      0.8.0-1
  python-hashids             1.1.0-1                      (not in testing)
  python-pip                 8.1.1-2                      1.5.6-7
  python-pytest-timeout      1.0.0-1                      0.4-2
  python-setuptools          20.7.0-1                     18.8-1
  python-urllib3             1.13.1-2                     1.13.1-1
  python-virtualenv          15.0.1+ds-3                  1.11.6+ds-1
  python3.5                  3.5.1-11                     3.5.1-5
  r-cran-goftest             1.0-3-1                      (not in testing)
  r-cran-spatstat            1.45-0-1                     1.37-0-1
  r10k                       2.2.0-1                      2.1.1-2
  ratbagd                    0.2-1                        (not in testing)
  requests                   2.9.1-3                      2.9.1-2
  rhythmbox                  3.3.1-1                      3.3-1
  ruby-puppet-forge          2.1.5-1                      2.1.3-1
  ruby-xmlparser             0.7.3-2                      0.7.3-1
  salt-formula-ceilometer    2016.4.1-1                   (not in testing)
  seer                       1.1.1-2                      1.1.0-1
  serpent                    1.12.1-1                     1.8-1
  simple-scan                3.20.0-1                     3.19.2-1
  simplejson                 3.8.2-2                      3.8.1-1
  simplesamlphp              1.14.3-1                     1.14.2-2
  six                        1.10.0-3                     1.10.0-2
  softhsm2                   2.1.0-3                      2.1.0-2
  springlobby                0.245+dfsg-1                 0.244+dfsg-1
  squid3                     3.5.17-1                     3.5.16-1
  stella                     4.7.2-1                      4.7.1-1
  supercollider-sc3-plugins  3.7.1~repack-1               3.7.0~beta+git20151221.f978dc2~repack-7
  tran                       1-1                          (not in testing)
  ublock-origin              1.6.8+dfsg-1                 1.6.6+dfsg-1
  ucblogo                    6.0+dfsg-1                   5.5-3
  vips                       8.3.0-1                      8.2.3-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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