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Testing migration summary 2015-10-24 (Saturday)

On 2015-10-24 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                            version                      previous
  bochs                                     2.6-5                        2.6-4
  calculix-ccx                              2.8p2-1                      (not in testing)
  calculix-ccx-doc                          2.8p2-1                      (not in testing)
  calculix-ccx-test                         2.8p2-1                      (not in testing)
  cpl-plugin-kmos                           1.3.14+dfsg-1                1.3.13+dfsg-1
  cpl-plugin-muse                           1.2.1+dfsg-2                 1.0.5+dfsg-1
  cpl-plugin-vimos                          3.0.6+dfsg-2                 2.9.16+dfsg-1
  debian-installer                          20151023                     20150911
  designate                                 1:1.0.0-1                    2015.1.0+2015.08.26.git34.9fa07c5798-1
  direnv                                    2.7.0-1                      2.6.1-2
  django-jinja                              1.4.1-2                      1.4.1-1
  docdiff                                   0.5.0+git20151014-1          0.5.0-1
  engine-pkcs11                             0.2.0-1                      0.1.8-5
  freeplane                                 1.3.15-3                     1.3.15-2
  gabedit                                   2.4.8-2                      2.4.8-1
  genbackupdata                             1.9-1                        1.8-1
  gnome-do                                  0.95.3-4                     0.95.3-3
  gnome-software                            3.18.2-2                     3.16.5-2
  golang-github-tent-canonical-json-go      0.0~git20130607.0.96e4ba3-1  (not in testing)
  gpaste                                    3.18.2-1           
  jmapviewer                                1.11+dfsg-1                  1.07+dfsg-1
  josm                                      0.0.svn8800+dfsg3-1          0.0.svn8159+dfsg1-2
  josm-plugins                              0.0.svn31608+ds1-1           0.0.svn31107+ds1-1
  kadu-mime-tex                             2.1-1                        1.0-2
  libcatalyst-perl                          5.90101-1                    5.90097-1
  libcatalyst-view-tt-perl                  0.44-1                       0.43-1
  libdancer-plugin-database-perl            2.11-1                       2.10-1
  libdancer-session-cookie-perl             0.27-1                       0.26-1
  libdancer2-plugin-database-perl           2.13-1                       2.12-1
  libevent-rpc-perl                         1.08-2                       1.06-1
  libfile-which-perl                        1.19-1                       1.18-1
  libflickr-api-perl                        1.25-1                       1.19-1
  libfont-freetype-perl                     0.07-1                       0.07~2-1
  libhtml-formhandler-perl                  0.40064-1                    0.40057-1
  libhttp-async-perl                        0.30-1                       0.29-1
  libhttp-cookiejar-perl                    0.007-1                      0.006-1
  libhttp-message-perl                      6.11-1                       6.06-1
  libhttp-server-simple-perl                0.51-1                       0.50-1
  libimport-into-perl                       1.002005-1                   1.002004-1
  libint2                                   2.1.0~beta2-1                (not in testing)
  libjson-pointer-perl                      0.07-1                       0.06-1
  libmail-deliverystatus-bounceparser-perl  1.541-1                      1.540-1
  libmock-quick-perl                        1.110-1                      1.108-1
  libmodule-cpanfile-perl                   1.1001-1                     1.1000-1
  libmodule-find-perl                       0.13-1                       0.12-1
  libmodule-scandeps-perl                   1.20-1                       1.19-1
  libmodule-starter-smart-perl              0.0.6-1                      0.0.5-1
  libmoo-perl                               2.000002-1                   2.000001-3
  libmoose-perl                             2.1603-1                     2.1405-1
  libmouse-perl                             2.4.5-1                      2.4.2-1
  libnamespace-autoclean-perl               0.28-1                       0.20-1
  libnamespace-clean-perl                   0.26-1                       0.25-1
  luabind                                   0.9.1+dfsg-10                0.9.1+dfsg-9.2
  mercurial                                 3.5.2-2                      3.5.2-1
  mlbviewer                                 2015.sf.1-2                  2015.sf.1-1
  mysql++                                   3.2.2+pristine-1             3.2.1+pristine-1.1
  netcdf4-python                            1.2.1-1                      1.2.0-1
  octave-tsa                                4.3.2-1                      4.2.9-1
  openstreetmap-map-icons                   1:0.0.svn31608-1             1:0.0.svn31107-1
  parole                                    0.8.1-1                      0.8.0-2
  pax                                       1:20151013-1                 1:20140703-2
  pyfits                                    1:3.3-7                      1:3.3-6
  pymodbus                                  1.2.0+git20151013-1          (not in testing)
  python-ceilometermiddleware               0.3.0-2                      0.1.0-1
  python-certifi                            2015.9.6.2-3                 (not in testing)
  python-crank                              0.7.2-2                      0.7.2-1
  python-django-appconf                     1.0.1-4                      0.5-4
  python-django-compressor                  1.5-3                        1.5-2
  python-duckduckgo2                        0.242+git20151019-1          (not in testing)
  python-launchpadlib                       1.10.3-3                     1.10.3-2
  python-mpld3                              0.3git+20140910dfsg-3        0.3git+20140910dfsg-2
  python-mplexporter                        0.0.1+20140921-2             0.0.1+20140921-1
  python-oslo.messaging                     2.5.0-1                      (not in testing)
  python-oslo.middleware                    2.8.0-2                      1.0.0-2
  python-oslo.versionedobjects              0.10.0-2                     0.1.1-2
  python-pyld                               0.6.8-1                      0.6.2-1
  python-spur                               0.3.14-2                     0.3.14-1
  python-tosca-parser                       0.1.0-3                      (not in testing)
  python-u2flib-server                      3.2.0-2                      (not in testing)
  python-urllib3                            1.12-1                       1.11-2
  rtkit                                     0.11-3                       0.11-2
  sahara                                    1:3.0.0-2                    2015.1.0-8
  sisu-inject                               0.3.2-1                      0.3.1-2
  sisu-plexus                               0.3.2-1                      0.3.1-2
  sphinx                                    1.3.1-7                      1.3.1-6
  subversion                                1.9.2-2                      1.9.2-1
  tmux                                      2.1-1                        2.0-3
  units                                     2.12-1                       2.11-2
  user-agent-utils                          1.18-1                       1.16-1
  vsftpd                                    3.0.3-1                      3.0.2-20
  xbae                                      4.60.4-7                     4.60.4-6
  xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin                0.4.6-2                      0.4.6-1
  xfce4-verve-plugin                        1.1.0-1                      1.0.1-1
  xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin                  1.5.1-1                      1.5.0-2
  xinit                                     1.3.4-3                      1.3.4-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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