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Testing migration summary 2015-06-28 (Sunday)

On 2015-06-28 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package           version              previous
  apt-cacher               1.7.11               1.7.10
  aspcud                   1:1.9.1-2            1:1.9.1-1
  aspell-pl                20150428-3           20150428-1
  binutils                 2.25-9               2.25-8
  bzrtp                    1.0.2-1              (not in testing)
  cucumber                 2.0.0-2              1.3.17-1
  debian-keyring           2015.06.19           2015.05.17
  dmaths                   3.5.4+dfsg1-1
  ecasound                 2.9.1-5              2.9.1-4
  ejabberd                 15.03-1              14.07-5
  elasticsearch-curator    2.1.2-1              (not in testing)
  evolution-mapi           3.16.3-2             3.16.3-1
  fasm                     1.71.22-1            (not in testing)
  ferret-vis               6.9.3-1              6.9-2
  gcc-5                    5.1.1-12             5.1.1-9
  gnome-themes-standard    3.16.2-2   
  golang-go.crypto         1:0.0~git20150608-1  0.0~hg190-1
  golang-golang-x-sys      0.0~git20150612-1    (not in testing)
  haskell-cryptonite       0.5-1                (not in testing)
  iprutils                 2.4.8-1              2.4.7-1
  ispell-fo                0.4.2-8              0.4.2-7
  ispell-gl                0.5-42               0.5-41
  ispell.pt                20150418-1           20140704-1
  jnr-netdb                1.1.4-2              1.1.4-1
  libboulder-perl          1.30-5               1.30-4
  libbusiness-edi-perl     0.05-2               0.05-1
  libcarp-datum-perl       1:0.1.3-7            1:0.1.3-6
  libevdev                 1.4.3+dfsg-1         1.4.2+dfsg-1
  libnative-platform-java  0.10+dfsg-1          0.3~rc2-3
  libphp-adodb             5.18a-1              5.15-1
  libsms-aql-perl          1.02-1               (not in testing)
  libsms-send-aql-perl     0.03-1               (not in testing)
  libstdc++-arm-none-eabi  7                    6
  libxml-atom-perl         0.41-2               0.41-1
  liggghts                 3.2.0+repack1-2      3.1.0+repack1-1
  lime-forensics           1.5-1                1.4-2
  mate-accountsdialog      1.8.1-1              (not in testing)
  maven                    3.0.5-6              3.0.5-5
  metacity                 1:3.17.2-3           1:3.14.3-1
  mistune                  0.6-2                (not in testing)
  mitmproxy                0.11.3-3             0.10.1-2
  mpd                      0.19.10-1            0.19.9-2
  mpfr4                    3.1.3-1              3.1.2-3
  mustache-java            0.8.17-4             0.8.17-2
  myspell-pt-br            20131030-6           20131030-5
  myspell.pt               20091013-9           20091013-8
  ne                       3.0.1-1              2.6-1
  normaliz                 2.12.2+ds-1          (not in testing)
  openjdk-8                8u45-b14-4           8u45-b14-2
  pep257                   0.5.0-1              (not in testing)
  php-timer                1.0.6-1              1.0.5-1
  polari                   3.16.1-2             3.14.1-1
  psycopg2                 2.6.1-1              2.6-2
  python-django-braces     1.8.0-1              1.4.0-1
  python-tornado           4.2.0-1              3.2.2-1.1
  ruby-cleanroom           1.0.0-1              (not in testing)
  ruby-model-tokenizer     1.0.1-1              (not in testing)
  ruby-redis-rack          1.5.0-6              1.5.0-5
  sass-spec                0~20150516-2         (not in testing)
  scala-xml                1.0.3-3              (not in testing)
  sleuthkit                4.1.3-8              4.1.3-7
  soci                     3.2.3-1              (not in testing)
  softcatala-spell         0.20111230b-9        0.20111230b-8
  synapse                   (not in testing)
  typescript               1.4-1                (not in testing)
  umlet                    13.3-1               12.1-1
  w3c-linkchecker          4.81-9               4.81-8
  w3m                      0.5.3-22             0.5.3-21
  wfrog                    0.8.2+svn973-1       (not in testing)
  wxwidgets3.0             3.0.2-2              3.0.2-1
  xuxen-eu-spell           0.4.20081029-11      0.4.20081029-10
  zope.testing             4.2.0-2              4.2.0-1
  zulucrypt                4.7.5-2              (not in testing)

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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