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Testing migration summary 2015-12-14 (Monday)

On 2015-12-14 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package              version          previous
  apt-cacher-ng               0.8.7-1          0.8.6-1
  bit-babbler                 0.3              (not in testing)
  borgbackup                  0.28.2-2         0.28.2-1
  camorama                    0.19-3           (not in testing)
  codonw                      1.4.4-2          (not in testing)
  cross-gcc                   66               63
  djagios                     0.1.3+dfsg-3     0.1.3+dfsg-2
  django-compat               1.0.8-1          1.0.7-2
  django-hijack               2.0.0-1          1.0.10-1
  dsyslog                     0.6.0+nmu2       (not in testing)
  elektra                     0.8.14-4         0.8.12-2
  figtree                     1.4.2+dfsg-2     1.4.2+dfsg-1
  flamingo                    5.0-1            (not in testing)
  flightcrew                  0.7.2+dfsg-6     0.7.2+dfsg-2
  gammu                       1.36.8-1         1.36.7-1
  gniall                      0.7.1-7          (not in testing)
  guvcview                    2.0.2+debian-2   2.0.2+debian-1
  gxmessage                   2.20.0-1.1       (not in testing)
  horst                       4.2-1            3.0-2
  ironic                      1:4.2.2-1        1:4.2.1-4
  isomd5sum                   1:1.1.0-1        1:1.0.11-1
  libapache-gallery-perl      1.0.2-4.1        1.0.2-4
  libass                      0.13.1-1         0.13.0-1
  libfile-fu-perl             0.0.8-3          0.0.8-2
  libguestfs                  1:1.30.4-1       1:1.28.12-1
  libosmocore                 0.9.0-3          (not in testing)
  libtime-progress-perl       2.11-1           2.0-1
  mercator                    0.3.3-1          0.3.2-2
  netbeans                    8.0.2+dfsg1-5    (not in testing)
  nvidia-texture-tools        2.0.8-1+dfsg-8   2.0.8-1+dfsg-6
  openstereogram              0.1+20080921-2   (not in testing)
  php-apcu                    4.0.10-1         4.0.7-1
  phpunit-diff                1.4.1-1          1.3.0-2
  phpunit-recursion-context   1.0.2-1          1.0.1-1
  polymake                    2.14r1-2         2.14r1-1
  prottest                    3.4.1+dfsg-2     (not in testing)
  pybluez                     0.22-1           0.20-1
  python-dbusmock             0.16.2-1         0.16.1-1
  python-jsonpath-rw          1.4.0-1          1.2.0-1
  python-jsonpath-rw-ext      0.1.9-1          0.1.7-1
  python-restless             2.0.1-4          2.0.1-3
  python2.7                   2.7.11-2         2.7.10-5
  qgis                        2.8.4+dfsg-1     2.8.3+dfsg-5
  restricted-ssh-commands     0.3-1            0.2-2
  ros-rosinstall-generator    0.1.11-1         (not in testing)
  rpm2html                    1.11.2-8         1.11.2-7
  rquantlib                   0.4.2-1          0.4.1-2
  ruby-fakeredis              0.5.0-1          (not in testing)
  ruby-gemojione              2.1.0-2          (not in testing)
  ruby-gollum-rugged-adapter  0.4.1-1          (not in testing)
  ruby-letter-opener          1.4.1-1          (not in testing)
  ruby-paranoia               2.1.3-1          (not in testing)
  ruby-simplecov-html         0.10.0-1         (not in testing)
  ruby-tinder                 1.10.1-1         (not in testing)
  saint                       2.5.0+dfsg-2     2.5.0+dfsg-1
  simple-tpm-pk11             0.04-1           0.03-1
  siril                       0.9.1-2          0.9.0-1
  statsvn                     0.7.0.dfsg-7     (not in testing)
  stunnel4                    3:5.28-1         3:5.27-1
  svnkit                      1.8.11-1         (not in testing)
  trac-announcer              0.12.1+r14934-2  0.12.1+r14934-1
  u-boot                      2015.10+dfsg1-4  2015.10+dfsg1-3
  virtualbox                  5.0.10-dfsg-7    5.0.10-dfsg-4
  xaos                        3.5+ds1-3        3.5+ds1-2
  xdot                        0.6-3            0.6-2
  zsh                         5.2-2            5.1.1-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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