Testing migration summary 2015-06-24 (Wednesday)
On 2015-06-24 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:
source package version previous
apt-dpkg-ref 5.3.1+nmu1 (not in testing)
arpwatch 2.1a15-2 2.1a15-1.3
effects 3.0.4-1 3.0.3-1
eztrace 1.0.6-5 1.0.6-4
gcc-4.4 4.4.7-8 (not in testing)
golang-google-appengine 0.0~git20150606-2 (not in testing)
golang-goprotobuf 0.0~git20150526-1 0.0~git20130901-1
jackrabbit 2.10.1-1 2.3.6-1
langford 0.0.20130228-4 0.0.20130228-3
libanydata-perl 0.11-2 0.11-1
libapache-asp-perl 2.62-2 2.62-1
libcgi-application-plugin-autorunmode-perl 0.18-2 0.18-1
libcgi-application-plugin-devpopup-perl 1.08-1 1.07-2
libcgi-application-plugin-ratelimit-perl 1.0-3 1.0-2
libcgi-application-plugin-requiressl-perl 0.04-2 0.04-1
libcgi-untaint-date-perl 1.00-3 1.00-2
libcgi-untaint-email-perl 0.03-3 0.03-2
libcgi-validop-perl 0.56-2 0.56-1
libdist-zilla-plugin-test-podspelling-perl 2.006009-1 (not in testing)
libformvalidator-simple-perl 0.29-2 0.29-1
libhttp-request-ascgi-perl 1.2-3 1.2-2
libpandoc-elements-perl 0.06-1 (not in testing)
libsys-meminfo-perl 0.98-1 (not in testing)
libtest-memory-cycle-perl 1.04-2 1.04-1
libwww-mechanize-shell-perl 0.55-1 0.52-1
pcre3 2:8.35-6 2:8.35-5
python-configargparse 0.9.3-1 (not in testing)
python-daemon 2.0.5-1 1.5.5-1
python-mnemonic 0.12-1 (not in testing)
python-pampy 1.8.2-1 0.1.4-1
python-psycogreen 1.0-1 (not in testing)
robustbase 0.92-4-1 0.92-3-1
survival 2.38-2-1 2.38-1-1
trocla 0.1.2-1 (not in testing)
wcstools 3.9.2-4 3.9.2-3
zsh 5.0.8-1 5.0.7-6
zzzeeksphinx 1.0.17-1 (not in testing)
This email is automatically generated once a day. As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.
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