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Testing migration summary 2015-06-21 (Sunday)

On 2015-06-21 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                                   version                                 previous
  abcmidi                                          20150608-1                              20150429-1
  acorn                                            0.12.0-1                                (not in testing)
  anjuta                                           2:3.16.0-1                              2:3.14.0-2
  anjuta-extras                                    3.10.0-4                                3.10.0-3
  anna                                             1.53                                    1.52
  apt-setup                                        1:0.100                                 1:0.99
  arcboot-installer                                1.26                                    1.25
  argyll                                           1.7.0+repack-3                          1.7.0+repack-2
  armadillo                                        1:5.200.1+dfsg-1                        1:5.100.2+dfsg-5
  arriero                                          0.6-1                                   (not in testing)
  avrdude                                          6.1-4                                   6.1-3
  aws-sdk-for-php                                  2.8.10-1                                2.8.9-1
  barbican                                         2015.1.0-5                              2015.1.0-3
  base-installer                                   1.156                                   1.154
  bibtool                                          2.60+ds-1                               2.59+ds-2
  bijiben                                          3.16.2-2                                3.14.2-1
  bobcat                                           3.25.02-2                               3.25.01-2
  browser-history                                  2.8-19                                  2.8-18
  bundler                                          1.10.3-1                                1.9.9-1
  cabal-debian                                     4.29-1                                  4.17.4-1
  cairo-dock                                       3.4.0-2                                 3.4.0-1
  cdebconf                                         0.194                                   0.193
  cdebconf-entropy                                 0.29                                    0.28
  cinder                                           2015.1.0+2015.06.16.git26.9634b76ba5-1  2015.1.0+2015.06.06.git24.493b6c7f12-1
  clamav                                           0.98.7+dfsg-2                           0.98.7+dfsg-1
  clamtk                                           5.18-1                                  5.17-1
  clusterssh                                       4.03.06-2                               4.03.06-1
  clutter-gst-3.0                                  3.0.4-1                                 (not in testing)
  cppdb                                            0.3.1+dfsg-3                            0.3.1+dfsg-1
  cputool                                          0.0.8-2                                 0.0.7-1
  d-shlibs                                         0.59                                    0.58
  debmake-doc                                      1.0-1                                   (not in testing)
  devscripts                                       2.15.5                                  2.15.4
  direvent                                         5.0.90-1                                (not in testing)
  direwolf                                         1.2-1                                   1.1-2
  dnscrypt-proxy                                   1.5.0-1                                 (not in testing)
  dockerpty                                        0.3.4-1                                 0.3.3-1
  dwdiff                                           2.1.0-1                                 2.0.9-1
  edbrowse                                         3.5.3-2                                 3.5.3-1
  ent                                              1.2debian-1                             1.1debian-4
  erlsvc                                           1.02-1                                  (not in testing)
  eso-midas                                        15.02pl1.3-1                            13.09pl1.4-1
  evolution                                        3.16.3-1                                3.12.11-1
  evolution-data-server                            3.16.3-1                                3.12.11-1
  evolution-ews                                    3.16.3-1                                3.12.11-1
  evolution-mapi                                   3.16.3-1                                3.12.7-2
  evolution-rss                                    0.3.95-2                                0.3.95~20140414-2
  file-roller                                      3.16.2-2                                3.16.2-1
  fmit                                             1.0.0-1                                 0.99.2-1
  folks                                            0.11.1-2                                0.10.0-1
  fonttools                                        2.4-2                                   2.4-1
  form-history-control                                                  (not in testing)
  fortune-zh                                       1.11                                    1.10
  gedit                                            3.16.2-1                                3.14.0-3
  gedit-plugins                                    3.16.0-1                                3.14.0-2
  genometools                                      1.5.5-2                                 1.5.3-2
  giggle                                           0.7-3                                   0.7-2
  git-hub                                          0.9.0-1                                 (not in testing)
  git-review                                       1.25.0-2                                1.24-2
  gnome-calculator                                 3.16.2-1                                3.14.1-1
  gnome-chess                                      1:3.16.2-1                              1:3.14.0-1
  gnome-contacts                                   3.16.2-1                                3.14.2-1
  gnome-control-center                             1:3.16.2-2                              1:3.14.4-1
  gnome-documents                                  3.16.2-1                                3.14.2-1
  gnome-klotski                                    1:3.16.1-1                              1:3.14.1-1
  gnome-logs                                       3.16.2-1                                3.14.2-1
  gnome-online-accounts                            3.16.3-1                                3.16.2-1
  gnome-settings-daemon                            3.16.2-3                                3.14.2-3
  gnome-shell-extension-autohidetopbar             20150613-2                              20141025-2
  gnome-shell-extension-suspend-button             0~git20150615-1                         0~git20141024-1
  gnome-shell-extension-weather                    0~20150615.git0162cf7-1                 0~20140924.git7e28508-1
  gnome-sudoku                                     1:3.16.0-1                              1:3.14.1-1
  gnome-user-share                                 3.14.2-1                                3.14.0-2
  golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql                1.2-1                                   (not in testing)
  golang-github-jacobsa-oglematchers               0.0~git20150320-1                       (not in testing)
  golang-github-jacobsa-oglemock                   0.0~git20150428-2                       (not in testing)
  golang-github-jacobsa-ogletest                   0.0~git20150610-2                       (not in testing)
  golang-github-jacobsa-reqtrace                   0.0~git20150505-2                       (not in testing)
  golang-go.net-dev                                0.0+git20150226.3d87fd6-1               0.0~hg20131201-1
  golang-google-cloud                              0.0~git20150613-1                       (not in testing)
  gozerbot                                         0.99.1-4                                0.99.1-3
  grub2                                            2.02~beta2-26                           2.02~beta2-23
  gtk+3.0                                          3.16.4-2                                3.14.13-1
  gtk3-engines-unico                               1.0.3+bzr152-1                          (not in testing)
  gtkmm3.0                                         3.16.0-1                                3.14.0-1
  gtksourceview3                                   3.16.1-1                                3.14.4-2
  guake                                            0.7.2-1                                 (not in testing)
  guake-indicator                                  1.1-2                                   (not in testing)
  guzzle-sphinx-theme                              0.7.8-1                                 0.7.7-1
  gwyddion                                         2.41-1                                  2.40-1
  help2man                                         1.47.1                                  1.46.6
  hugin                                            2015.0.0~rc1+dfsg-1                     2015.0.0~beta2+dfsg-1
  iagno                                            1:3.16.1-1                              1:3.14.1-2
  ibus                                             1.5.10-1                                1.5.9-1
  ikiwiki                                          3.20150614                              3.20150610
  ikiwiki-hosting                                  0.20150614                              0.20140613
  intel-gpu-tools                                  1.11-1                                  1.10-2
  ir.lv2                                           1.3.2~dfsg0-2                           1.3.2~dfsg0-1
  ironic                                           2015.1.0-4                              2015.1.0-3
  jblas                                            1.2.3-6                                 1.2.3-5
  jnr-posix                                        3.0.10-2                                (not in testing)
  jsch                                             0.1.53-1                                0.1.52-1
  jsch-agent-proxy                                 0.0.8-1                                 0.0.7-1
  libattean-perl                                   0.005-1                                 0.003-1
  libautodie-perl                                  2.27-2                                  2.25-1
  libcal-dav-perl                                  0.6-3                                   0.6-2
  libcgi-application-perl                          4.50-4                                  4.50-3
  libcgi-application-plugin-actiondispatch-perl    0.99-2                                  0.99-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-authorization-perl     0.07-4                                  0.07-2
  libcgi-application-plugin-captcha-perl           0.04-2                                  0.04-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-config-simple-perl     1.01-2                                  1.01-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-configauto-perl        1.33-2                                  1.33-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-dbiprofile-perl        0.07-2                                  0.07-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-fillinform-perl        1.15-2                                  1.15-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-formstate-perl         0.12-2                                  0.12-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-forward-perl           1.06-2                                  1.06-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-json-perl              1.02-3                                  1.02-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-linkintegrity-perl     0.06-3                                  0.06-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-logdispatch-perl       1.02-2                                  1.02-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-messagestack-perl      0.34-3                                  0.34-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-protectcsrf-perl       1.01-2                                  1.01-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-session-perl           1.05-2                                  1.05-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-tt-perl                1.05-4                                  1.05-2
  libcgi-application-plugin-validaterm-perl        2.5-3                                   2.5-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-viewcode-perl          1.02-4                                  1.02-2
  libcgi-compile-perl                              0.19-1                                  0.17-1
  libcgi-expand-perl                               2.05-3                                  2.05-2
  libcgi-formbuilder-perl                          3.09-3                                  3.09-2
  libcgi-session-serialize-yaml-perl               4.26-2                                  4.26-1
  libcgi-struct-xs-perl                            1.04-2                                  1.04-1
  libcgi-untaint-perl                              1.26-6                                  1.26-5
  libcgi-uploader-perl                             2.18-2                                  2.18-1
  libcgi-xml-perl                                  0.1-15                                  0.1-14
  libcgi-xmlapplication-perl                       1.1.3-8                                 1.1.3-7
  libcgi-xmlform-perl                              0.10-15                                 0.10-14
  libclass-accessor-classy-perl                    0.9.1-2                                 0.9.1-1
  libclass-container-perl                          0.12-4                                  0.12-3
  libclass-dbi-pg-perl                             0.09-5                                  0.09-4
  libclass-dbi-sweet-perl                          0.11-1                                  0.10-1
  libclass-mix-perl                                0.005-2                                 0.005-1
  libclass-std-fast-perl                           0.0.8-2                                 0.0.8-1
  libclass-std-utils-perl                          0.0.3-2                                 0.0.3-1
  libconfig-model-tkui-perl                        1.347-1                                 1.346-2
  libconvert-binary-c-perl                         0.76-4                                  0.76-3
  libcpan-changes-perl                             0.400001-2                              0.400001-1
  libdata-dump-perl                                1.23-1                                  1.22-1
  libdata-formvalidator-constraints-datetime-perl  1.11-3                                  1.11-1
  libdevel-backtrace-perl                          0.12-2                                  0.12-1
  libdevel-symdump-perl                            2.15-1                                  2.14-1
  libdmapsharing                                   2.9.31-1                                2.9.30-1
  libenv-ps1-perl                                  0.06-2                                  0.06-1
  libevhtp                                         1.2.10-2                                1.2.10-1
  libexception-class-dbi-perl                      1.01-1                                  1.00-1
  libextutils-cbuilder-perl                        0.280223-1                              0.280220-1
  libfile-basedir-perl                             0.07-1                                  0.03-1
  libfile-countlines-perl                          0.0.3-2                                 0.0.3-1
  libfile-type-webimages-perl                      1.01-2                                  1.01-1
  libfreehand                                      0.1.1-1                                 0.1.0-2
  libfurl-perl                                     3.06-2                                  3.06-1
  libgee-0.8                                       0.16.1-2                                0.16.1-1
  libgeo-coordinates-itm-perl                      0.02-2                                  0.02-1
  libgraphics-gnuplotif-perl                       1.7-1                                   1.6-1
  libgtop2                                         2.30.0-3                                2.28.5-2
  libhtml-display-perl                             0.40-2                                  0.40-1
  libhtml-formatexternal-perl                      24-1                                    22-1
  libhtml-microformats-perl                        0.105-4                                 0.105-3
  libhttp-lite-perl                                2.43-2                                  2.43-1
  libhttp-tiny-perl                                0.056-1                                 0.050-1
  libical-parser-sax-perl                          1.09-3                                  1.09-2
  libinput                                         0.17.0-1                                0.15.0-2
  libio-async-loop-epoll-perl                      0.16-2                                  0.16-1
  libio-socket-ip-perl                             0.37-1                                  0.32-1
  libio-socket-multicast6-perl                     0.03-3                                  0.03-2
  libjson-rpc-perl                                 1.06-2                                  1.06-1
  libmaxminddb                                     1.0.4-1                                 (not in testing)
  libmeta-builder-perl                             0.3-2                                   0.3-1
  libmodule-load-conditional-perl                  0.64-1                                  0.62-1
  libmodule-starter-pbp-perl                       0.0.3-2                                 0.0.3-1
  libmoosex-param-perl                             0.02-2                                  0.02-1
  libmoox-cmd-perl                                 0.013-2                                 0.013-1
  libmtp                                           1.1.9-3                                 1.1.9-2
  libmysql-diff-perl                               0.43-3                                  0.43-2
  libnet-dpap-client-perl                          0.26-3                                  0.26-2
  libnet-facebook-oauth2-perl                      0.09-1                                  0.08-1
  libnet-google-authsub-perl                       0.5-2                                   0.5-1
  libnet-oauth-perl                                0.28-2                                  0.28-1
  libnet-twitter-lite-perl                         0.12006-4                               0.12006-2
  libnetsds-util-perl                              1.044-4                                 1.044-3
  libobject-id-perl                                0.1.2-2                                 0.1.2-1
  libpadre-plugin-datawalker-perl                  0.04-3                                  0.04-2
  libpadre-plugin-perlcritic-perl                  0.12-3                                  0.12-2
  libparallel-iterator-perl                        1.00-2                                  1.00-1
  libparanamer-java                                2.7+repack-1                            (not in testing)
  libparse-debianchangelog-perl                    1.2.0-4                                 1.2.0-3
  libparse-dmidecode-perl                          0.03-2                                  0.03-1
  libpetal-perl                                    2.23-2                                  2.23-1
  libpicocontainer-java                            2.15-1                                  (not in testing)
  libpod-2-docbook-perl                            0.03-3                                  0.03-2
  libpod-simple-perl                               3.30-1                                  3.28-1
  libpod-strip-perl                                1.02-2                                  1.02-1
  libpoe-component-server-soap-perl                1.14-2                                  1.14-1
  librpc-xml-perl                                  0.79-1                                  0.78-3
  libsdl-perl                                      2.546-2                                 2.546-1
  libsoap-wsdl-perl                                3.003-1                                 2.00.10-2
  libsocket-perl                                   2.019-1                                 2.016-1
  libsql-translator-perl                           0.11021-1                               0.11020-1
  libsru-perl                                      1.01-2                                  1.01-1
  libstatistics-online-perl                        0.02-2                                  0.02-1
  libstring-dirify-perl                            1.02-2                                  1.02-1
  libsuper-perl                                    1.20120705-2                            1.20120705-1
  libsvg-perl                                      2.64-1                                  2.59-1
  libtemplate-plugin-class-perl                    0.14-1                                  0.13-3
  libtest-harness-perl                             3.35-1                                  3.33-1
  libtest-kwalitee-perl                            1.22-3                                  1.22-2
  libtest-simple-perl                              1.001014-2                              1.001008-1
  libtest-warnings-perl                            0.021-1                                 0.016-1
  libtext-autoformat-perl                          1.720000-1                              1.710000-1
  libtext-format-perl                              0.59-3                                  0.59-2
  libtext-sass-perl                                0.97-6                                  0.97-5
  libticket-simple-perl                            0.0.2-4                                 0.0.2-2
  libunicode-collate-perl                          1.12-1                                  1.07-1
  libunicode-escape-perl                           0.0.2-4                                 0.0.2-3
  libur-perl                                       0.430-3                                 0.430-2
  libutempter                                      1.1.6-1                                 1.1.5-4
  libwww-search-perl                               2.51.30-2                               2.51.30-1
  libxml++2.6                                      2.38.1-1                                2.38.0-1
  lightbeam                                        1.2.1+dfsg-1                            (not in testing)
  link-grammar                                     4.7.4-3                                 4.7.4-2
  linux-ftpd-ssl                                   0.17.35+0.3-2                           0.17.35+0.3-1
  liquidprompt                                     1.9-2                                   (not in testing)
  log4cxx                                          0.10.0-7                                0.10.0-4
  lv2core                                          6.0+dfsg0-3                             6.0+dfsg0-2
  lziprecover                                      1.17-1                                  1.16-2
  mcp-plugins                                      0.4.0-3                                 0.4.0-2
  mikutter                                         3.2.4+dfsg-1                            3.2.3+dfsg-1
  mingw-w64                                        4.0.2-5                                 4.0.2-4
  mininet                                          2.2.0-1                                 (not in testing)
  mnemosyne-blog                                   0.12-3                                  0.12-2
  morse                                            2.5-1                                   2.4-3
  mosh                                                              1.2.4a-1
  mozilla-devscripts                               0.42                                    0.40
  mps-youtube                                      0.2.5-3                                 0.01.46-3
  murano-agent                                     2015.1.0-3                              2015.1.0-1
  murrine-themes                                   0.98.10                                 0.98.9
  nautilus-hide                                    0.1.2-1                                 (not in testing)
  nco                                              4.5.0-1                                 4.4.9-1
  neutron                                          2015.1.0-4                              2015.1.0-3
  nginx                                            1.9.1-1                                 1.6.2-5
  nltk                                             3.0.3-1                                 3.0.2-1
  node-iconv                                       2.1.8-1                                 2.1.4-1
  nvidia-persistenced                              343.13-1                                (not in testing)
  nzbget                                           15.0+dfsg-1                             14.2+dfsg-2
  obconf                                           1:2.0.4-3                               1:2.0.4-2
  oldsys-preseed                                   3.17                                    3.16
  openclonk                                        6.1-1                                   6.0-1
  openstack-trove                                  2015.1.0-3                              2015.1.0-1
  origami-pdf                                      1.2.7-2                                 (not in testing)
  oslo-config                                      1:1.9.3-2                               1:1.9.3-1
  p7zip                                            9.20.1~dfsg.1-4.2                       9.20.1~dfsg.1-4.1
  pafy                                             0.3.74-1                                0.3.62-1
  pdns-recursor                                    3.7.3-1                                 3.7.2-1
  pelican                                          3.6.0-1                                 3.5.0-1
  phabricator                                      0~git20150613-1                         0~git20150525-1
  php-analog                                       1.0.7-1                                 1.0.6-2
  php-codecoverage                                 2.1.5+dfsg-1                            2.1.4+dfsg-1
  php-msgpack                                      0.5.6-1                                 0.5.5-2
  php-net-dns2                                     1.4.1-1                                 1.3.2-2
  php-token-stream                                 1.4.2-1                                 1.4.1-1
  phpunit-dbunit                                   1.4.0-1                                 1.3.2-2
  phpunit-mock-object                              2.3.4-1                                 2.3.3-1
  pick                                             1.1.1-1                                 (not in testing)
  piuparts                                         0.64                                    0.63
  postgis                                          2.1.7+dfsg-2                            2.1.7+dfsg-1
  postgresql-9.4                                   9.4.4-1                                 9.4.3-1
  proxytunnel                                      1.9.0+svn250-6                          1.9.0+svn250-5
  purl                                             1.1-1                                   (not in testing)
  putty                                            0.64-1                                  0.63-10
  pylint-django                                    0.6-1                                   (not in testing)
  pylint-plugin-utils                              0.2.3-1                                 (not in testing)
  python-bashate                                   0.3.1-1                                 0.2.0-1
  python-boto                                      2.38.0-1                                2.34.0-2
  python-ceilometermiddleware                      0.1.0-1                                 (not in testing)
  python-cligj                                     0.2.0-1                                 0.1.0-1
  python-cpl                                       0.7-4                                   0.7-3
  python-glance-store                              0.4.0-3                                 0.4.0-1
  python-keystoneclient                            1:1.3.0-2                               1:1.3.0-1
  python-keystonemiddleware                        1.5.0-2                                 1.5.0-1
  python-matplotlib-venn                           0.11-1                                  (not in testing)
  python-meld3                                     1.0.2-1                                 1.0.0-1
  python-netfilter                                 0.6.1-1                                 0.5.9-1
  python-osprofiler                                0.3.0-2                                 0.3.0-1
  python-qt4                                       4.11.4+dfsg-1                           4.11.3+dfsg-2
  python-vertica                                   0.4.6-1                                 0.2.3-1
  python-wget                                      2.2-1                                   (not in testing)
  python-zeroconf                                  0.17.1-1                                (not in testing)
  qemu                                             1:2.3+dfsg-6a                           1:2.3+dfsg-5
  qmidiroute                                       0.3.0-2                                 0.3.0-1
  rbdoom3bfg                                       1.0.3+repack1-4                         1.0.3+repack1-1
  relational                                       2.0-1                                   1.2-2
  rhc                                              1.35.4-1                                1.30.3-1
  robocode                                                              1.6.2+dfsg2-1
  rpy2                                             2.6.0-1                                 2.5.6-2
  ruby-defaults                                    1:                               1:2.1.5+z
  ruby-delayed-job                                 4.0.6-1                                 (not in testing)
  ruby-encryptor                                   1.3.0-1                                 (not in testing)
  ruby-ffi-yajl                                    2.2.0-1                                 (not in testing)
  ruby-mime-types                                  2.6.1-1                                 1.25-2
  ruby-mixlib-authentication                       1.3.0-2                                 1.3.0-1
  ruby-mixlib-cli                                  1.5.0-1                                 1.4.0-1
  ruby-mixlib-config                               2.2.1-1                                 2.1.0-1
  ruby-mixlib-log                                  1.6.0-1                                 1.4.1-1
  ruby-mixlib-shellout                             2.1.0-1                                 1.3.0-1
  ruby-thread-order                                1.1.0-1                                 (not in testing)
  ruby-unf-ext                                                          0.0.6-2
  s3cmd                                            1.5.2-3                                 1.5.2-2
  sahara                                           2015.1.0-6                              2015.1.0-4
  sip4                                             4.16.8+dfsg-1                           4.16.7+dfsg-2
  slack                                            0.15.2-7                                0.15.2-6
  sqitch                                           0.9992-1                                0.9991-1
  sslsplit                                         0.4.11+dfsg-1                           (not in testing)
  sssd                                             1.12.5-1                                1.11.7-3
  strongswan                                       5.3.2-1                                 5.3.1-1
  stunnel4                                         3:5.18-1                                3:5.06-2
  stunserver                                       1.2.7-1                                 (not in testing)
  sugar-artwork-0.104                              0.104.1-5                               0.104.1-4
  sugar-base-0.98                                  0.98.0-3                                0.98.0-2
  sugar-datastore-0.104                            0.104.1-4                               0.104.1-3
  sugar-toolkit-gtk3                               0.104.1-8                               0.104.1-7
  surefire                                         2.17-2                                  2.17-1
  symfony                                          2.7.1+dfsg-1                            2.7.0+dfsg-1
  tali                                             1:3.16.1-1                              1:3.14.0-1
  tcl-fitstcl                                      2.4-1                                   2.3-6
  thuban                                           1.2.2-7                                 1.2.2-6
  totem                                            3.16.1-2                                3.14.0-2
  trafficserver                                    5.3.0-2                                 (not in testing)
  tucnak                                           4.03-2                                  4.03-1
  turbogears2-doc                                  2.1.5-1                                 (not in testing)
  tzsetup                                          1:0.70                                  1:0.69
  vagrant-lxc                                      1.1.0-1                                 (not in testing)
  vala-0.28                                        0.28.0-2                                (not in testing)
  vanessa-socket                                   0.0.13-1                                0.0.12-2
  vco-plugins                                      0.3.0-3                                 0.3.0-2
  view3dscene                                      3.15.0-1                                3.14.0-1
  vim                                              2:7.4.712-3                             2:7.4.712-2
  voms-clients-java                                3.0.6-1                                 3.0.5-1
  wayland                                          1.8.1-1                                 1.7.0-2
  weston                                           1.8.0-2                                 1.7.0-1
  wheel                                            0.24.0-2                                0.24.0-1
  wine-development                                 1.7.45-1                                1.7.29-4
  wmfire                                           1.2.4-1                                 (not in testing)
  wmppp.app                                        1.3.1-2                                 1.3.0+20140915-1
  wmshutdown                                       1.4-1                                   1.3-2
  wmstickynotes                                    0.7-1                                   0.6-1
  xbuilder                                         1.0                                     (not in testing)
  xfonts-nexus                                     0.0.2-17                                0.0.2-16
  yasnippet                                        0.9.0~beta1-4                           0.9.0~beta1-3
  yorick                                           2.2.04+dfsg1-3                          2.2.04+dfsg1-2
  youtube-dl                                       2015.06.04.1-1                          2015.02.28-1
  zoneminder                                       1.28.1-6                                1.28.1-5
  zope.security                                    4.0.3-1                                 4.0.1-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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