debian-testing-changes Dec 2014 by thread
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Testing migration summary 2014-12-01 (Monday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-01 (Monday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-02 (Tuesday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-03 (Wednesday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-03 (Wednesday)
Debian testing watch
Accepted openturns 1.3-3 (source amd64 all) into testing-proposed-updates
Denis Barbier
Accepted routino 2.7-1.2 (source all) into testing-proposed-updates
Andreas Beckmann
Accepted d3 3.4.11-2 (source all) into testing-proposed-updates
Testing migration summary 2014-12-04 (Thursday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-04 (Thursday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-05 (Friday)
Debian testing watch
Accepted routino 2.7.2-2 (source amd64 all) into testing-proposed-updates
Uwe Steinmann
Testing removal summary 2014-12-06 (Saturday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-06 (Saturday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-07 (Sunday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-07 (Sunday)
Debian testing watch
Accepted vdr 2.0.3-3 (source amd64 all) into testing-proposed-updates
Tobias Grimm
Testing removal summary 2014-12-08 (Monday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-08 (Monday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-09 (Tuesday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-09 (Tuesday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-10 (Wednesday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-10 (Wednesday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-11 (Thursday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-11 (Thursday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-12 (Friday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-12 (Friday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-13 (Saturday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-14 (Sunday)
Debian testing watch
Accepted monodevelop 4.0.12+dfsg-6 (source all) into testing-proposed-updates
Jo Shields
Testing migration summary 2014-12-15 (Monday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-16 (Tuesday)
Debian testing watch
Accepted rabbitmq-server 3.3.5-1.1 (source all) into testing-proposed-updates
Matt Kraai
Testing migration summary 2014-12-17 (Wednesday)
Debian testing watch
Accepted db5.3 5.3.28-7~deb8u1 (source all) into testing-proposed-updates
Ondřej Surý
Testing migration summary 2014-12-18 (Thursday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-18 (Thursday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-19 (Friday)
Debian testing watch
Accepted debdelta 0.50+3 (source all amd64) into testing-proposed-updates
A Mennucc1
Accepted gcc-mingw-w64 14.3 (source all amd64) into testing-proposed-updates
Stephen Kitt
Testing removal summary 2014-12-20 (Saturday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-20 (Saturday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-21 (Sunday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-21 (Sunday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-22 (Monday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-23 (Tuesday)
Debian testing watch
Accepted python-greenlet 0.4.2-2 (source amd64 all) into testing-proposed-updates
Testing migration summary 2014-12-24 (Wednesday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-24 (Wednesday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-25 (Thursday)
Debian testing watch
Accepted pioneers 14.1-3 (source amd64 all) into testing-proposed-updates
Bas Wijnen
Testing migration summary 2014-12-26 (Friday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-26 (Friday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-27 (Saturday)
Debian testing watch
Testing removal summary 2014-12-28 (Sunday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-28 (Sunday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-29 (Monday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-30 (Tuesday)
Debian testing watch
Testing migration summary 2014-12-31 (Wednesday)
Debian testing watch
The last update was on 09:48 GMT Mon Jun 03. There are 59 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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