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Testing migration summary 2014-08-23 (Saturday)

On 2014-08-23 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package             version                previous
  aiccu                      20070115-15.2          20070115-15.1
  binutils-msp430            2.22~msp20120406-5     (not in testing)
  blist                      1.3.6-3                1.3.6-1
  cl-interpol                0.2.1-1                (not in testing)
  coq-doc                    8.4pl4-1               8.4pl2-1
  debfoster                  2.7-2                  2.7-1.2
  debhelper                  9.20140817             9.20140809
  erlang                     1:17.1-dfsg-7          1:17.1-dfsg-4
  fdroidserver               0.2.1-1                0.2-1
  forked-daapd               21.0-2                 21.0-1
  gcc-mingw-w64              14.2                   14.1
  gcovr                      3.2-1                  3.1-1
  ghp-import                 0.4.1-1                (not in testing)
  gmp                        2:6.0.0+dfsg-6         2:6.0.0+dfsg-4
  gprbuild                   2014-1                 2011-4
  gtk+3.0                    3.12.2-3               3.12.2-2
  hgsubversion               1.6.3-1                1.6-0.3
  hiera-eyaml                2.0.3-1                (not in testing)
  ipv6calc                   0.97.4-1               0.97.2-1
  ipython                    2.2.0-1                2.1.0-2
  jpnevulator                2.1.3-1                2.1.1-1
  keepass2                   2.27+dfsg-1            2.26+dfsg-2
  kombu                      3.0.21-2               3.0.19-2
  lava-dispatcher            2014.07.1-1            2014.07-1
  lava-server                2014.07.1-1            2014.07-1
  libarchive                 3.1.2-9                3.1.2-8
  libav                      6:10.4-1               6:10.3-1
  libconfig-model-dpkg-perl  2.052                  2.051
  libcroco                   0.6.8-3                0.6.8-2
  libdebian-installer        0.95                   0.94
  libstring-flogger-perl     1.101245-1             1.101243-1
  libtest-mocktime-perl      0.13-1                 0.09-1
  libvirt                    1.2.7-10               1.2.4-3.2
  libvirt-python             1.2.6-2                1.2.4-1
  libx11                     2:1.6.2-3              2:1.6.2-2
  lighttpd                   1.4.35-3               1.4.35-2
  liquidsoap                 1.1.1-7                1.1.1-6
  node-ws                    0.4.32-1               0.4.30-1
  nvidia-graphics-drivers    340.32-1               340.24-2
  ocaml-shine                0.2.0-1                0.1.1-1
  openal-soft                1:1.15.1-5             1:1.15.1-3
  os-prober                  1.64                   1.63
  osm2pgsql                  0.84.0-3               0.84.0-2
  pango1.0                   1.36.6-1               1.36.3-1
  partman-partitioning       103                    102
  pgrouting                  2.0.0-3                2.0.0-2
  php-doctrine-dbal          2.4.2-4                2.4.2-3
  php-horde-imap-client      2.24.2-1               2.24.0-1
  php-horde-util             2.5.1-1                2.4.0-1
  php-proxy-manager          0.3.6-1                (not in testing)
  polyorb                    2.11~20140418-2        (not in testing)
  postgis                    2.1.3+dfsg-4           2.1.3+dfsg-3
  pyevolve                   0.6~rc1+svn398+dfsg-6  0.6~rc1+svn398+dfsg-3
  python-dbusmock            0.11.1-2               0.11.1-1
  python-django              1.6.6-1                1.6.5-3
  r-cran-g.data              2.4-1                  2.3-1
  r-cran-randomforest        4.6-10-1               4.6-7-1
  ruby-activeldap            4.0.3-1                4.0.2-2
  ruby-entypo-rails          2.2.1-1                (not in testing)
  ruby-font-awesome-rails              (not in testing)
  ruby-hoe                   3.12.0+dfsg-1          3.8.0-2
  ruby-rspec-rails           2.14.2-1               (not in testing)
  ruby-twitter               5.11.0-1               5.8.0-1
  scite                      3.5.0-1                3.4.2-1
  streamtuner2               2.1.3-1                2.1.2-1
  suck                       4.3.2-14               4.3.2-13
  u-boot                     2014.04+dfsg1-3        2014.04+dfsg1-1
  wine-development           1.7.24-5               (not in testing)
  xen                        4.4.0-2                4.3.0-3
  yrmcds                     1.0.4-5                1.0.4-4

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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