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Testing migration summary 2014-05-03 (Saturday)

On 2014-05-03 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                      version              previous
  3dchess                             0.8.1-18             0.8.1-17
  alt-ergo                            0.95.2-3             0.95.2-2
  aolserver4-nsopenssl                3.0beta26-5          3.0beta26-4
  aolserver4-nspostgres               4.5+20110709-2       4.5+20110709-1
  autopkgtest                         2.16                 2.15
  baobab                              3.12.1-1             3.12.0-1
  binutils-z80                        4                    3
  blktap-dkms                         2.0.93-0.2           2.0.93-0.1
  debconf                             1.5.53               1.5.52
  dh-php5                             0.2                  0.1
  dictionaries-common                 1.23.2               1.23.1
  dogtail                             0.9.0-1              0.8.2-2
  eglibc                              2.18-5               2.18-4
  erlang-ibrowse                      4.1.0-1              (not in testing)
  erlang-lager                        2.0.3-1              (not in testing)
  erlang-p1-cache-tab                 0.2013.05.15-1       (not in testing)
  erlang-p1-iconv                     0.2013.12.09-1       (not in testing)
  erlang-p1-logger                    0.2013.06.27-1       (not in testing)
  erlang-p1-mysql                     0.2014.03.10-1       (not in testing)
  erlang-p1-pam                       0.2013.05.15-1       (not in testing)
  erlang-p1-pgsql                     0.2013.05.15-1       (not in testing)
  erlang-p1-stringprep                0.2013.12.09-1       (not in testing)
  erlang-p1-tls                       0.2014.04.15-1       (not in testing)
  erlang-p1-xml                       0.2014.02.28-1       (not in testing)
  erlang-p1-yaml                      0.2013.12.09-1       (not in testing)
  erlang-p1-zlib                      0.2013.12.09-1       (not in testing)
  evemu                               1.2.0-2              (not in testing)
  flex                                2.5.39-5             2.5.35-10.1
  fonts-senamirmir-washra             4.1-9                4.1-6
  freedombox-setup                    0.0.44               (not in testing)
  gcc-4.8                             4.8.2-21             4.8.2-16
  gcc-4.9                             4.9.0-1              (not in testing)
  gcompris                            14.03-2              13.11-1
  gedit                               3.12.1-1             3.10.4-1
  gedit-plugins                       3.12.1-1             3.10.1-1
  glib2.0                             2.40.0-3             2.40.0-2
  glpk-java                           1.0.34-1             1.0.31-2
  gnat-4.9                            4.9.0-1              (not in testing)
  gnome-calculator                    3.12.1-1             3.12.0-2
  gnutls26                            2.12.23-15           2.12.23-14
  gpg-remailer                        3.00.02-1            3.00.01-1
  hugin                               2014.0.0~rc2+dfsg-1  2014.0.0~rc1+dfsg-2
  hwinfo                              21.3-1               (not in testing)
  ibus-array                          0.0.2-9              0.0.2-8
  ioapps                              1.4r2-3              (not in testing)
  kamailio                            4.1.3-1              (not in testing)
  keepass2                            2.26+dfsg-1          2.25+dfsg-1
  libdrm                              2.4.53-1             2.4.52-1
  libgrip                             0.3.7-2              (not in testing)
  libntlm                             1.4-2                1.4-1
  librg-blast-parser-perl             0.03-2               0.03-1
  libuniversal-require-perl           0.17-1               0.14-1
  lua-xmlrpc                          1.2.1-7              1.2.1-6
  macopix                             1.7.4-5              1.7.4-4.1
  marco                               1.8.0+dfsg1-3        1.8.0+dfsg1-2
  menhir                              20140422.dfsg-1      20130911.dfsg-2
  mingw-ocaml                         4.01.0~20140328-1    3.12.1+debian3
  nagios-plugins-contrib              10.20140427          9.20140106
  octave-ocs                          0.1.3-1              (not in testing)
  openslide-python                    1.0.1-2              1.0.1-1
  perlbrew                            0.67-1               0.66-1
  php-guzzle                          3.8.1-2              3.7.0-1
  plainbox-provider-resource-generic  0.3-1                0.2-2
  plasma-widget-cwp                   1.11.0-1             1.10.2-1
  pygresql                            1:4.0-3.1            1:4.0-3
  python3.4                           3.4.0+20140427-1     3.4.0-1
  ruby-em-mongo                       0.5.1-1              (not in testing)
  ruby-erubis                         2.7.0-3              2.7.0-2
  ruby-faraday                        0.9.0-1              0.8.7-1
  ruby-fog-json                       1.0.0-1              (not in testing)
  ruby-kpeg                           1.0.0-1              (not in testing)
  ruby-memoizable                     0.4.2-1              (not in testing)
  scons-doc                           2.3.1-1              2.3.0-2
  ssh-import-id                       3.21-1               3.19-1
  transfig                            1:3.2.5.e-2          1:3.2.5.e-1
  tree                                1.7.0-1              1.6.0-1
  uhd                                 3.7.1-1              3.5.5-1
  urfkill                             0.5.0-1              0.4.0-4
  vowpal-wabbit                       7.3-1.1              (not in testing)
  xfburn                              0.5.2-1              0.4.3-6
  xmonad                              0.11-7               0.11-6
  xmotd                               1.17.3b-7            1.17.3b-5
  zsh-antigen                         1-2                  1-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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