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Testing migration summary 2014-04-30 (Wednesday)

On 2014-04-30 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                version                               previous
  appdirs                       1.3.0-1                               1.2.0+git20130326-1
  astroid                       1.0.1-2                               1.0.1-1
  asunder                       2.5-2                                 2.5-1
  at-spi2-core                  2.10.2-3                              2.10.2-2
  beignet                       0.8-1                                 0.3-1
  cpl-plugin-xshoo              2.4.0+dfsg-1                          (not in testing)
  d3                            3.4.6-1                               3.3.13-1
  enum34                        0.9.23-2                              0.9.23-1
  espeakedit                    1.46.02-4                             1.46.02-3
  germinate                     2.17                                  2.16
  get-iplayer                   2.86-1                                2.83-1
  gnucash-docs                  2.6.3-1                               2.6.2-1
  hidapi                        0.8.0~rc1+git20140201.3a66d4e+dfsg-3  0.8.0~rc1+git20140201.3a66d4e+dfsg-2
  libcarp-assert-perl           0.20-3                                0.20-2
  libcpanel-json-xs-perl        3.0103-1                              2.3404-1
  libdaemon                     0.14-6                                0.14-5
  libi18n-acceptlanguage-perl   1.04-3                                1.04-2
  libmarc-perl                  1.07-6                                1.07-5
  libtext-sass-perl             0.97-4                                0.97-3
  libwww-perl                   6.06-1                                6.05-3
  libxml-handler-composer-perl  0.01-8                                0.01-7
  logol                         1.7.0-1                               1.6.10-1
  medit                         1.2.0-1                               1.1.1-2
  meliae                        0.4.0-5                               0.4.0-4
  min12xxw                      0.0.9-9                               0.0.9-8
  nginx                         1.6.0-1                               1.4.7-2
  nilfs-tools                   2.2.0-2                               2.1.6-1
  node-debug                    0.8.1-1                               0.6.0-1
  notion                        3+2014010901-1                        3+2012042300-1
  pgpool2                       3.3.3-2                               3.3.2-1
  pptpd                         1.4.0-2                               1.4.0-1
  propellor                     0.5.1                                 (not in testing)
  py3dns                        3.1.0-1                               3.0.4-1
  rickshaw                      1.5.0.dfsg-1                          1.4.6-1
  ruby-introspection            0.0.3-1                               0.0.2-2
  ruby-oily-png                 1.1.0-4                               1.1.0-3
  ruby-sass                     3.3.4+really.3.2.19-1                 3.3.4-1
  ruby-shindo                   0.3.8-1                               0.3.5-1
  ruby2.1                       2.1.1-4                               2.1.1-2
  simplyhtml                    0.16.08-1                             0.16.07-1
  smalt                         0.7.6-2                               (not in testing)
  stealth                       2.11.04-1                             2.11.03-2
  strongswan                    5.1.3-2                               5.1.2-4
  swi-prolog                    6.6.4-2                               6.6.0-2
  taskcoach                     1.3.38+dfsg-1                         1.3.37+dfsg-1
  tdbc                          1.0.0-2                               1.0.0-1
  tryton-proteus                3.2.0-1                               3.0.0-3
  tweeper                       0.3-1                                 0.2-3
  uim                           1:1.8.6-6                             1:1.8.6-5
  unzip                         6.0-12                                6.0-11
  wesnoth-1.11                  1:1.11.13-1                           1:1.11.12-1
  wp2x                          2.5-mhi-12                            2.5-mhi-10.1
  yasr                          0.6.9-4                               0.6.9-3

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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