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Testing migration summary 2014-04-20 (Sunday)

On 2014-04-20 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package           version              previous
  abi-dumper               0.99.8-1             0.99.7-1
  args4j                   2.0.27-1             2.0.26-1
  boinc-app-seti           7.28~svn2203-1       7.19~svn2051-2
  brebis                   0.9-2                (not in testing)
  ceph                     0.72.2-3             0.72.2-2
  cloud-initramfs-tools    0.18.debian5         0.18.debian4
  clutter-gst-2.0          2.0.10-1             2.0.8-1
  convoy                   0.2.1+bzr20-1        (not in testing)
  core-network             4.6-5                4.6-3
  deal.ii                  8.1.0-3              (not in testing)
  dh-ada-library           6.0                  5.9
  diction                  1.11-1               1.10~rc4-1
  dillo                    3.0.4-1              3.0.3-6
  discosnp                 1.2.1-1              1.0.1-3
  djview4                  4.9-6                4.9-5
  dnsmasq                  2.69-1               2.68-1
  etm-qt                   2.3.27-1             2.3.26-1
  git                      1:1.9.2-1            1:1.9.1-1
  gnote                    3.12.0-1             3.10.3-1
  iproute2                 3.14.0-1             3.12.0-2
  japi-compliance-checker  1.3.6-1              1.3.5-1
  json-c                   0.11-4               0.11-3
  lcd4linux                0.11.0~svn1200-2     0.11.0~svn1200-1
  libgenome                1.3.1-6              1.3.1-5
  libhac-java              0.20110510-1         (not in testing)
  libinklevel              0.8.0-2              0.8.0-1.1
  libmikmod                3.3.6-2              3.3.5-3
  libnet-snpp-perl         1.17-4               1.17-3
  libsereal-decoder-perl   2.11-1               2.06-1
  libxmp                   4.2.7-1              4.2.5-1
  luasseq                  2.1-6                2.1-5
  mapsembler2              2.1.2+dfsg-1         2.0.31-1
  mapserver                6.4.1-3              6.4.1-2
  modestmaps-js            3.3.6+ds1-1.1        0.21.0+ds1-2
  needrestart              0.7-1                0.6-1
  opensc                   0.13.0-5             0.13.0-4
  openssh                  1:6.6p1-3            1:6.6p1-2
  parted                   2.3-20               2.3-19
  password-store           1.5-1                1.4.2-3
  pdns                     3.3.1-1              3.3-2
  php-getid3               1.9.7-2              1.9.7-1
  phpdocx                  3.0+dfsg-2           3.0+dfsg-1
  pixelmed                 20140326-1           20131018-1
  plainbox                 0.5.4-1              0.5.3-2
  pygobject                3.12.1-1             3.10.2-2
  python-sure              1.2.5-1              1.2.2-2
  rapidsvn                 0.12.1dfsg-2         0.12.1dfsg-1
  refdb                    1.0.2-2              1.0.2-1
  rss2irc                  1.0.6-1              1.0.5-1
  ruby-cri                 2.6.0-1              2.4.1-1
  ruby-em-hiredis          0.2.1-2              0.2.1-1
  ruby-expression-parser   0.9.1-2              0.9.1-1
  ruby-oj                  2.7.3-1              2.5.5-1
  ruby-prawn               1.0.0+dfsg-1         1.0.0~rc2+really0.14.0+dfsg-1
  ruby-rdiscount             1.6.8-3
  ruby-slim                2.0.2-2              2.0.1-1
  soundkonverter           2.1.1-1              2.0.5-1
  transmageddon            1.0-1                0.25-2
  trilead-ssh2             6401+svn158-0.1      6401-1
  uim-chewing              0.1.0-4              0.1.0-3
  wdiff                    1.2.1-3              1.2.1-2
  x11proto-core            7.0.26-1             7.0.24-1
  x11proto-fonts           2.1.3-1              2.1.2-1
  xpra                     0.12.3+dfsg-1        0.11.6+dfsg-1
  yrmcds                   1.0.4-2              1.0.4-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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