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Testing migration summary 2013-11-01 (Friday)

On 2013-11-01 (Friday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                     version              previous
  daisy-player                       8.4.1-1              8.3.5-1
  dh-python                          1.20131021-1         1.20131003-1
  ebook-speaker                      2.5.3-1              2.5.1-1
  flask                              0.10.1-2             0.9-2
  flask-principal                    0.4.0-1              (not in testing)
  fonts-khmeros                      5.0-7                5.0-6
  fookebox                           0.6.1-2              (not in testing)
  gcc-4.7                            4.7.3-8              4.7.3-4
  goto-common                        3.1-1.1              3.1-1
  gpa                                0.9.4-1              (not in testing)
  https-everywhere                   3.4.2-1              3.4.1-1
  https-finder                       089-1                087-2
  libapache-session-browseable-perl  1.0.2-1              1.0.1-1
  libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl       2.040-1              2.039-2
  libcpan-perl-releases-perl         1.46-1               1.44-1
  libdata-show-perl                  0.002002-1           0.002001-1
  libdatetime-event-sunrise-perl     0.0503-1             0.0502-1
  libdatrie                            0.2.6-2
  libdevel-patchperl-perl            1.14-1               1.12-1
  libdevel-pragma-perl               0.60-1               0.54-1
  libev-perl                         4.15-1               4.11-4
  libindicator                       0.5.0-1.1            0.5.0-1
  libmath-mpfr-perl                  3.18-1               3.17-1
  libmialm                           1.0.7-2              1.0.7-1
  libpam-ldap                        184-8.6              (not in testing)
  libregexp-debugger-perl            0.001016-1           0.001015-1
  libreoffice                        1:4.1.2-2            1:4.1.1-1
  mpfr4                              3.1.2-1              3.1.1-2
  nfoview                            1.13.1-1             1.9.2-1
  nvidia-graphics-modules            319.60+1             304.108+2
  nvidia-xconfig                     319.60-1             304.108-1
  oss4                               4.2-build2007-2      4.2-build2006-2+deb7u1
  percona-toolkit                    2.2.5-1              2.2.4-1
  php-mysqlnd-ms                     1.5.2-3              1.5.2-1
  pkg-php-tools                      1.9                  1.8
  plr                                1:         1:
  pmtools                            1.54-1               1.51-1
  postgresql-common                  150                  149
  ppp                                2.4.5+git20130610-1  2.4.5-5.2
  python-stem                        1.1.0-1              1.0.1-3
  qimhangul                          0.2.0-3              (not in testing)
  rel2gpx                            0.27-1               0.26-1
  reminiscence                       0.2.1-2              0.2.1-1
  requests                           2.0.0-1              1.2.3-1
  sugar-browse-activity              137-1                (not in testing)
  tasksel                            3.18                 3.17
  testng                             6.8.7-2              5.11+dfsg-3
  thaixfonts                         1:1.2.6-1            1:1.2.5-11
  ttt                                1.7-3.4              1.7-3.3
  wreport                            2.9-1                2.8-1
  xcircuit                           3.7.54.dfsg-1        3.7.51.dfsg-1
  xloadimage                         4.1-22               4.1-21
  xserver-xorg-input-evdev           1:2.8.2-1            1:2.8.1-1
  zeitgeist                          0.9.14-2   

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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