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Testing migration summary 2013-09-30 (Monday)

On 2013-09-30 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package               version                previous
  afterstep                    2.2.12-2               2.2.11-7
  alacarte                     3.9.91-1               3.7.90-1
  automake1.10                 1:1.10.3-3.1           1:1.10.3-3
  carton                       1.0.11-1               1.0.10-1
  cjk                          4.8.3+git20120914-2    4.8.3+git20120621-1
  ckport                       0.1~rc1-4              0.1~rc1-3
  context                      2013.05.28.20130704-3  2012.05.30.20120611-1
  debian-edu-doc               1.5~20130920~7.1       1.5~20130727~7.1
  devscripts                   2.13.4                 2.13.3
  embassy-domainatrix          0.1.650-1              0.1.0+20110714-1
  embassy-domalign             0.1.650-1              0.1.0+20110714-1
  embassy-domsearch            1:0.1.650-1            1:0.1.0+20110714-1
  embassy-phylip               3.69.650-2             3.69+20110714-1
  emboss                       6.6.0-1                6.4.0-4
  erlang                       1:16.b.2-dfsg-1        1:16.b.1-dfsg-4
  fonts-ebgaramond             0.015+git20130628-3    0.015+git20130522-1
  fonts-sipa-arundina          0.2.0-7                0.2.0-6
  fonts-tlwg                   1:0.5.1-3              1:0.5.1-2
  gap                          4r6p5-3                4r4p12-2
  gnome-online-accounts        3.8.3-2                3.8.2-1
  gradm2                       2.9.1~201309161709-1   2.9.1~201301041755-1
  gucharmap                    1:3.8.2-3              1:3.8.2-2
  libcommons-launcher-java     1.1-8                  1.1-6
  libdrm                       2.4.46-3               2.4.46-2
  libglu                       9.0.0-2                9.0.0-1
  libmail-box-perl             2.109-1                2.108-1
  libmodule-util-perl          1.09-1                 1.08-1
  libspiro                     20071029-8             20071029-6
  libspring-security-2.0-java  2.0.7.RELEASE-2        2.0.7.RELEASE-1
  libsys-filesystem-perl       1.401-1                1.400-1
  libterm-shell-perl           0.04-1                 0.02-3
  libterm-sk-perl              0.14-1                 0.13-1
  libterm-twiddle-perl         2.73-1                 2.71-1
  libtest-fatal-perl           0.012-1                0.010-1
  libtext-quoted-perl          2.08-1                 2.06-1
  libtext-template-perl        1.46-1                 1.45-2
  libtie-dbi-perl              1.06-1                 1.04-1
  libuniversal-require-perl    0.14-1                 0.13-1
  libuuid-tiny-perl            1.0400-1               1.0300-2
  libvalidation-class-perl     7.900052-1             7.900051-1
  libwww-mechanize-perl        1.73-1                 1.71-1
  live-debconfig               4.0~alpha28-1          4.0~a27-1
  lua-cosmo                    13.01.30-2             13.01.30-1
  luakit                       2012.09.13-r1-3        2012.09.13-r1-2
  luatex                       0.76.0-3     
  memtest86                    4.3.3-1                4.3.2-1
  muroar                       0.1.12-3               0.1.12-2
  node-gyp                     0.10.10-2              0.10.9-2
  obexd                        0.48-2                 0.48-1
  php-imagick                  3.1.0-1                3.1.0~rc2-1
  pyro4                        4.22-1                 4.20-1
  pyside                       1.2.1-1                1.1.2-4
  qtwebkit                     2.2.1-6                2.2.1-5
  roarplaylistd                0.1.7-3                0.1.7-2
  shiboken                     1.2.1-2                1.1.2-4
  telepathy-farstream          0.6.0-2                0.4.0-3
  tex-common                   4.04                   4.03
  texlive-base                 2013.20130918-1        2012.20120611-5
  texlive-bin                  2013.20130729.30972-2  2012.20120628-4
  texlive-extra                2013.20130918-1        2012.20120611-2
  texlive-lang                 2013.20130918-1        2012.20120611-2
  ttf-cjk-compact              1.21                   1.20
  typo3-src                    4.5.30+dfsg1-2         4.5.29+dfsg1-1
  unbound                      1.4.21-1               1.4.20-1
  vte3                         1:0.34.8-1             1:0.34.6-1
  webdeveloper                 1.2.5+repack-1         1.2.5-1
  withsqlite                   0.0.0~git.20130915-2   (not in testing)
  xgraph                       12.1-17                12.1-16
  xphoon                       20000613+0-2           20000613+0-1
  xul-ext-monkeysphere         0.8-1                  0.7-1
  zsh                          5.0.2-4                5.0.2-3
  zurl                         1.0.0-1                1.0~20130704-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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