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Testing migration summary 2013-09-28 (Saturday)

On 2013-09-28 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                   version               previous
  acpid                            1:2.0.20-1            1:2.0.18-1
  bitlbee                          3.2-1.2               3.2-1.1
  cairo                            1.12.16-2             1.12.14-4
  clipit                           1.4.2-1               1.4.1-1.1
  cpanminus                        1.7001-1              1.6940-1
  dclock                           2.2.2-7               2.2.2-6
  debian-edu-install               1.720                 1.719
  dh-python                        1.20130917-1          1.20130819-1
  dicom3tools                      1.00~20130914-1       1.00~20130623-2
  dotclear                         2.5.3+dfsg-1          2.5.2+dfsg-1
  fldigi                           3.21.76-1             3.21.73-1
  fotowall                         0.9-11                0.9-10
  geoip-database                   20130917-1            20130813-1
  grilo                            0.2.7-1               0.2.6-2
  hdate-applet                     0.15.11-2             0.15.11-1.1
  hp48cc                           1.3-5                 1.3-4
  irssi-plugin-otr                 1.0.0~alpha2-1        0.3-2
  jcal                             0.4.1-2               0.4.1-1
  lensfun                          0.2.7-3               0.2.7-2
  libb-compiling-perl              0.04-1                0.2-1
  libbio-asn1-entrezgene-perl      1.700-1               1.100-1
  libcatalyst-action-rest-perl     1.12-1                1.11-1
  libcpan-meta-perl                2.132510-1            2.132140-1
  libcpan-meta-requirements-perl   2.123-1               2.122-1
  libdata-stag-perl                0.13-1                0.11-2
  libgetopt-long-descriptive-perl  0.094-1               0.093-1
  libgpewidget                     0.118-2               0.118-1
  liblingua-identify-perl          0.56-1                0.55-1
  liblog-handler-perl              0.79-1                0.78-1
  libmodule-cpanfile-perl          1.0002-1              1.0001-1
  libnet-server-mail-perl          0.21-1                0.20-1
  libotr                           4.0.0-2.2             3.2.1-1
  libparse-cpan-meta-perl          1.4407-1              1.4405-1
  libsdl1.2                        1.2.15-7              1.2.15-6
  libtree-dagnode-perl             1.17-1                1.12-1
  libxml-bare-perl                 0.53-1                0.47-1
  mc                               3:4.8.10-4            3:4.8.5-1
  mcabber                          0.10.2-1              0.10.1-4
  mkvtoolnix                       6.4.1-1               6.3.0-1
  needrestart                      0.3-1                 0.2-1
  oneko                            1.2.sakura.6-9        1.2.sakura.6-8
  php-apcu                         4.0.2-1               4.0.1-4
  php-horde                        5.1.4+debian0-1       5.1.2+debian0-1
  php-horde-activesync             2.7.3-1               2.6.2-1
  php-horde-auth                   2.1.0-1               2.0.6-1
  php-horde-groupware              5.1.2-1               5.1.1-1
  php-horde-imap-client            2.15.3-1              2.14.0-1
  php-horde-kolab-format           2.0.4-1               2.0.3-2
  php-horde-queue                  1.1.1-1               1.1.0-1
  php-horde-stream-filter          2.0.2-1               2.0.1-3
  php-horde-support                2.1.1-1               2.1.0-2
  php-horde-trean                  1.0.3-2               1.0.3-1
  php-horde-webmail                5.1.2-1               5.1.1-1
  php-horde-wicked                 2.0.0-1               2.0.0~beta1-1
  pidgin-otr                       4.0.0-1               3.2.1-3+deb7u1
  psi-plus                         0.16.132-1            0.16.117-1
  pyopencl                         2013.1+git20130916-1  2013.1-1
  qviaggiatreno                    2013.7.3-1            2010.11.1-1
  shutdown-qapps                   1.6.7-1               1.6.6-1
  telepathy-haze                   0.7.1-1               0.6.0-1
  tumbler                          0.1.29-2              0.1.29-1
  vim                              2:7.4.027-1           2:7.4.000-1
  wand                             0.3.5-1               0.3.3-1
  xfce4-session                    4.10.1-2              4.10.1-1
  xjokes                           1.0-14                1.0-13

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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