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Testing migration summary 2013-09-25 (Wednesday)

On 2013-09-25 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                                version                         previous
  anomaly                                       1.1.0-1                         (not in testing)
  asis                                          2010-6                          2010-5
  base-installer                                1.136                           1.134
  biber                                         1.7-2                           1.7-1
  blogofile                                     0.8b1-1                         (not in testing)
  boolstuff                                     0.1.14-1                        0.1.13-1
  cdrom-retriever                               1.32                            1.30
  ctpp2                                         2.8.3-7                         2.8.3-5
  davfs2                                        1.4.7-3                         1.4.7-2
  dh-lua                                        19                              18
  docopt                                        0.6.1-1                         (not in testing)
  donkey                                        0.5-20                          0.5-19
  dx                                            1:4.4.4-6                       1:4.4.4-4
  dzen2                                         0.9.5~svn271-4                  0.9.5~svn271-3
  emboss-explorer                               2.2.0-8                         2.2.0-7
  freespace2-launcher-wxlauncher                0.9.4-1                         0.9.1-1
  gmp                                           2:5.1.2+dfsg-3                  2:5.1.2+dfsg-2
  gnubg                                         1.02.000-1                      1.01.003-1
  google-api-php-client                         0.6.2-1                         (not in testing)
  hunspell-fr                                   1:4.12-1                        1:4.11-1
  hw-detect                                     1.98                            1.95
  ibus-table-chinese                            1.4.6-Source-1                  1.3.5-2
  imlib2                                        1.4.5-3                         1.4.5-1
  iozone3                                       420-3                           420-1
  libastro-fits-cfitsio-perl                    1.10-1                          1.09-1
  libautodie-perl                               2.21-1                          2.20-1
  libautovivification-perl                      0.12-1                          0.11-1
  libconfig-model-tkui-perl                     1.340-1                         1.339-1
  libdist-zilla-plugin-test-reportprereqs-perl  0.006-1                         (not in testing)
  libindirect-perl                              0.31-1                          0.30-1
  libio-socket-ip-perl                          0.23-1                          0.21-1
  libitext5-java                                5.4.4-1                         5.4.3-2
  libmoox-types-mooselike-perl                  0.25-2                          0.25-1
  libnews-article-perl                          1.27-8                          1.27-7
  libsys-syslog-perl                            0.33-1                          (not in testing)
  libtext-csv-perl                              1.32-1                          1.21-1
  libucimf                                      2.3.8-5                         2.3.8-4
  lifeograph                                    1.0.0~rc2-1                     0.11.1.dfsg-3
  localechooser                                 2.58                            2.57
  media-retriever                               1.32                            1.30
  mediathekview                                 3.3.0-1                         3.2.1+git20130327-2
  mock                                          1.1.33-1                        (not in testing)
  movabletype-opensource                        5.2.7+dfsg-1                    5.1.4+dfsg-5
  mpfr4                                         3.1.1-2                         3.1.1-1
  ncbi-tools6                                   6.1.20120620-6                  6.1.20120620-5
  net-retriever                                 1.36                            1.34
  nvidia-settings                               304.108-2                       304.108-1
  nvidia-settings-legacy-173xx                  173.14.38-1                     173.14.37-1
  nvidia-settings-legacy-96xx                   96.43.20-2                      96.43.20-1
  opensesame                                    0.27.4-2                        0.27.2-4
  owncloud-client                               1.4.0+dfsg-1                    (not in testing)
  partman-basicfilesystems                      83                              81
  pgpool2                                       3.3.1-1                         3.3.0-1
  pink-pony                                     1.3.1-2                         (not in testing)
  pkcs11-helper                                 1.10-2                          1.10-1
  plv8                                          1.4.0.ds-2                      1.4.0.ds-1
  postgresql-plproxy                            2.5-2                           2.4-1
  prosody                                       0.9.1-1                         0.8.2-4
  pyopenssl                                     0.13-2.1                        0.13-2
  python-icalendar                              3.5-1                           (not in testing)
  python-networkmanager                         0.9.10-1                        (not in testing)
  python3.3                                     3.3.2-7                         3.3.2-5
  qt4-x11                                       4:4.8.5+git121-g2a9ea11+dfsg-1  4:4.8.5+dfsg-4
  qtquick1-opensource-src                       5.1.1-2                         5.1.1-1
  realmd                                        0.14.6-2                        (not in testing)
  ruby-mime-types                               1.25-1                          1.23-1
  scite                                         3.3.5-1                         3.3.1-1
  slony1-2                                      2.1.4-1                         2.1.3-1
  starpu-contrib                                1.0.5-3                         1.0.5-1
  talloc                                        2.1.0-1                         2.0.8-1
  tzsetup                                       1:0.47                          1:0.45
  uim                                           1:1.8.6-3                       1:1.8.6-2
  wesnoth-1.11                                  1:1.11.6-1                      1:1.11.5-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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