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Testing migration summary 2013-09-23 (Monday)

On 2013-09-23 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                  version                previous
  alien-hunter                    1.7-2                  1.7-1
  cgminer                         3.4.2-2                3.3.1-1
  check-mk                        1.2.2p2-1              1.1.12p7-1
  consolekit                      0.4.6-3                0.4.5-3.1
  darktable                       1.2.3-1                1.2.2-2
  debian-edu-config               1.716                  1.715
  dovecot                         1:2.1.17-2             1:2.1.7-7
  dovecot-antispam                2.0+20130822-2         2.0+20120225-3
  dssp                            2.2.1-1                2.1.0-1
  dwdiff                          2.0.7-1                2.0.5-1
  euler                           1.61.0-10              1.61.0-9
  fonts-linuxlibertine            5.3.0-2                5.3.0-1
  gnutls28                        3.2.4-4                3.2.3-1
  gourmet                         0.16.1-1               0.16.0-5
  grinder                         0.5.3-3                0.5.3-2
  gtkwave                         3.3.49-1               3.3.47-1
  ibus-qt                         1.3.1-4                1.3.1-2.1
  libconfig-std-perl              0.901-1                0.900-1
  libusbx                         2:1.0.17-1             2:1.0.16-3
  linux                           3.10.11-1              3.10.7-1
  linux-latest                    52                     51
  lshell                          0.9.16-1     
  ntop                            3:5.0.1+dfsg1-1        3:4.99.3+ndpi5517+dfsg3-1
  nvidia-graphics-modules         304.108+2              304.88+22
  partman-ext3                    79                     78
  pjproject               (not in testing)
  plexus-containers               1.0~beta3.0.7-6        1.0~beta3.0.7-5
  plm                             2.2.3+repack-1         (not in testing)
  postfix                         2.10.2-1               2.10.1-2
  python-drizzle                  1.0-3.2                1.0-3.1
  python-whoosh                   2.5.3-1                2.5.2-1
  pywapi                          0.3.6-1                0.3.3~svn147-1
  qtscrob                         0.11+git-2             0.10-4
  rake-compiler                   0.9.1-2                0.9.1-1
  sbcl                            2:1.1.11-1             2:
  skycat                          3.1.2+starlink1~b-3    (not in testing)
  srf                             0.1+dfsg-2             0.1+dfsg-1
  stylish                         1.3.3-1                1.3.1+git20130116-1
  systemd                         204-4                  44-12
  systemd-cron                    1.1.1-1                (not in testing)
  websockify                      0.5.1+dfsg1-1          0.3.0+dfsg1-6
  xserver-xorg-input-evdev        1:2.8.1-1              1:2.7.0-1
  xserver-xorg-video-dummy        1:0.3.7-1              1:0.3.5-2
  xserver-xorg-video-modesetting  0.8.0-1                0.3.0-1
  xserver-xorg-video-vesa         1:2.3.3-1              1:2.3.1-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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