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Testing migration summary 2013-09-22 (Sunday)

On 2013-09-22 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                        version          previous
  bzr-dbus                              0.1~bzr55-2      0.1~bzr55-1
  bzr-explorer                          1.3.0-2          1.3.0-1
  ch5m3d                                1.2.4+dfsg-2     (not in testing)
  d2to1                                 0.2.11-1         0.2.10-1
  dgit                                  0.15             (not in testing)
  dizzy                                 0.3-1            (not in testing)
  engine-pkcs11                         0.1.8-3          0.1.8-2
  filezilla                             3.7.3-1
  freetds                               0.91-5           0.91-4
  frozen-bubble                         2.212-3          (not in testing)
  ganglia-nagios-bridge                 1.0.1-1          (not in testing)
  how-can-i-help                        0.6              (not in testing)
  iml                                   1.0.3-5          1.0.3-4.2
  ip4r                                  2.0-2            2.0-1
  jabref                                2.10~beta2+ds-2  2.10~beta2+ds-1
  jcsp                                  1.1-rc4-2        1.1-rc4-1
  kernel-wedge                          2.88             2.87
  libcommon-sense-perl                  3.72-2           3.72-1
  libcurses-widgets-perl                1.997-6          1.997-5
  libdaemon-control-perl                0.001004-1       0.001003-1
  libfile-write-rotate-perl             0.14-1           (not in testing)
  libgeotiff-dfsg                       1.3.0+dfsg-3.2   1.3.0+dfsg-3.1
  liblog-dispatch-filewriterotate-perl  0.01-1           (not in testing)
  libmodule-metadata-perl               1.000018-1       1.000015-1
  libnet-ssh2-perl                      0.53-1           0.52-1
  libouch-perl                          0.0405-1         0.0401-1
  libsdl-perl                           2.540-3          (not in testing)
  libtaint-runtime-perl                 0.3-1            (not in testing)
  libtainting-perl                      0.1-1            (not in testing)
  libterralib                           4.0.0-5          4.0.0-4
  libtest-pod-coverage-perl             1.08-4           1.08-3
  libtokyocabinet-perl                  1.34-2           1.34-1
  ocsync                                0.90.0-1         0.80.0-1
  oslo-config                           1:1.2.0a4-2      1:1.1.0-3
  owncloud                              5.0.11+dfsg-1    5.0.10+dfsg-1
  packaging-tutorial                    0.10             0.9
  pangzero                              1.4-1            (not in testing)
  perl                                  5.18.1-4         5.18.1-3
  postgresql-pgmp                       1.0.1-3          1.0.1-2
  pyparsing                             2.0.1+dfsg1-1    1.5.7+dfsg1-2
  python-jsonschema                     2.0.0-1          1.1.0-2
  python-neutronclient                  2.3.0-1          2.2.4-2
  python-swiftclient                    1:1.6.0-2        1:1.4.0-2
  r-cran-maldiquant                     1.8-1            1.7-1
  red5                                  1.0~svn4374-3    1.0~svn4374-2
  rtkit                                 0.10-3           0.10-2
  ruby-safe-yaml                        0.9.5-1          0.9.3-1
  ruby-snmp                             1.1.1-2          (not in testing)
  sgabios                               0.0~svn8-2       0.0~svn8-1
  yafaray                               0.1.5-3          0.1.2+really0.1.2~beta5-6

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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